Someone Plzzz tell me pdogg isn't the one involved in like crazy

  • plzzzz give me a little bit of hope.

    Jimin has always been one of my favourite voices in kpop but literally I don't think even ON made me this much disappointed which used to be the only bts song I hated.

    He has such a beautiful voice. I don't know why pdogg feels the need to put the horrendous autotune upon it. :waterr::sadr:

  • it's hard to believe but Pdogg has regained my trust this year with Set me Free pt.2 and Lonely (Indigo)

    idc what everyone else says about SMF2, this song is a masterpiece, the autotune is used very cleverly here too, unlike PTD or MIR.

    That Like Crazy teaser sounds very promising too so I hope he delivers :eyes:

  • Sorry the auto tune just enhances the beautiful vibe and lyrics of the song. Loving Jimin’s choices to distort his vocals to create the mood he wanted to set

    i just love when people get it. like the song would sound less epic if there wasn't those cool vocal effects. it really added stories and depth to the song so it's killing me people are too quick to dismiss it ;(

  • Say what? I'm a Jimin shooter - I say let him make his own choices

    Never said you were Ves. But the Pdogg shooters know who they are. And will recount his former glory days as if this man isn't drenched balls deep with an autotune/overprocessing fetish after 2020. Jimin can choose whoever the hell he wants to work with but that does not mean I have to like or support them (ex. Vibe never streamed or heard it in full)

  • i just love when people get it. like the song would sound less epic if there wasn't those cool vocal effects. it really added stories and depth to the song so it's killing me people are too quick to dismiss it ;(

    So agree. I love stanning groups that aren’t afraid to experiment and break from the norm. Hell how much vocal distortion did the Beatles do from Sgt Pepper and beyond. They played their vocal track backwards, even shouting lyrics into a megaphone to get a desired effect.

  • i'm fine with his involvement as long as he doesn't do what he's done to set me free. i listened to the song 3 times and that's it from me. it's unlistenable. excited about the live version tho

  • So agree. I love stanning groups that aren’t afraid to experiment and break from the norm. Hell how much vocal distortion did the Beatles do from Sgt Pepper and beyond. They played their vocal track backwards, even shouting lyrics into a megaphone to get a desired effect.

    At this point, I think Armys just have certain expectations on each BTS member and want to box them up to those expectations, especially Jimin because this is something he hasn't done ever.

    I mean rap line are notorious for using autotune all over their solo releases but there were little to none backlash for them because that's supposedly their 'stylistic choice'. Now Jimin does it too and all hell break loose as if he has no input in his music. I just don't get it.

  • At the end of the day, I want each BTS member to say that they are happy with their solos. People shit bricks when JHope released More. I can say nothing has disappointed me. Them diving into whatever sound and concept has made me focus and appreciate them as individuals and as artists who want to tell their own stories

  • i just love when people get it. like the song would sound less epic if there wasn't those cool vocal effects. it really added stories and depth to the song so it's killing me people are too quick to dismiss it ;(

    it makes me mad that armys who didn't like the stylistic choice are called stupid. "you don't get it", like it's there something to not get. or "some of you weren't ready for jimin chapter 2". how dare you.

    i've read it all. you can talk about the song and disagree with our opinion without making us feel like idiots.

  • it makes me mad that armys who didn't like the stylistic choice are called stupid. "you don't get it", like it's there something to not get. or "some of you weren't ready for jimin chapter 2". how dare you. i've read it all. you can talk about the song and disagree with our opinion without making us feel like idiots.

    saying 'i love how people get it' doesn't mean i called people who don't get it stupid. wth is wrong with you?

    so i can't say i love it when there's people sharing the same opinions as me?

  • saying 'i love how people get it' doesn't mean i called people who don't get it stupid. wth is wrong with you?

    so i can't say i love it when there's people sharing the same opinions as me?

    you say we "didn't get it", which means we were unable to get which means we are stupid. i hope i'll be able "to get" the title track, i hope i'll stop being stupid

  • i'm fine with his involvement as long as he doesn't do what he's done to set me free. i listened to the song 3 times and that's it from me. it's unlistenable. excited about the live version tho

    See with the rap line, they have nothing to prove rap-wise and so autotuning their voices is not an issue for me. It brings the best out of them actually as I listen to UGH for the 954030th time but when a vocal line member, who is constantly used as a punching bag and people think he's hiding behind the autotune because he can't sing, I take great offense to that. Because Jimin is the one getting dragged not Pdogg. But to his shooters, they are fine with the *debatable* bangers because bops. :eyeroll-pepe:

    I'm not getting hyped about Like Crazy until I hear it in full when it's dropped. Praying for a universal banger that both fans and non-fans can't drag for any perceived weakness.

  • you say we "didn't get it", which means we were unable to get which means we are stupid. i hope i'll be able "to get" the title track, i hope i'll stop being stupid

    There's a lot of BTS' songs that i don't get why people are crazy about too, i guess that makes me 'stupid' too if that makes you feel better. :annoyedk:

  • it makes me mad that armys who didn't like the stylistic choice are called stupid. "you don't get it", like it's there something to not get. or "some of you weren't ready for jimin chapter 2". how dare you. i've read it all. you can talk about the song and disagree with our opinion without making us feel like idiots.

    Say they were calling you stupid is kind of a reach hun. Onewbias didn't say you didn't get it. They replied to a post saying how they felt and said they loved that merribelle got it - it is the the same point that made them love the use of autotune and why it was used in the fashion it was.

    I also agree too and i'm not calling you stupid. It's perfectly fine if you don't like the song. You can get why it was used and still not like it. I don't think anyone is saying that's not possible.

  • Why do autotune shooters exist? Gross. I don't care if it was Pdogg. JIMIN, or Ghostloop, the autotune in SMFpt2 was jarring and unpleasant to listen too. The only thing that saved that song was Jimin's un-autotuned vocals and the beat. I hope Like Crazy actually let's Jimin's vocals shine as it deserves because a lot of people love his voice.

  • See with the rap line, they have nothing to prove rap-wise and so autotuning their voices is not an issue for me. It brings the best out of them actually as I listen to UGH for the 954030th time but when a vocal line member, who is constantly used as a punching bag and people think he's hiding behind the autotune because he can't sing, I take great offense to that. Because Jimin is the one getting dragged not Pdogg. And he's been doing this to vocal line vocals since Dynamite and then we act surprised when they sound so jarring performing it live. But to his shooters, they are fine with the *debatable* bangers because bops. :eyeroll-pepe:

    I'm not getting hyped about Like Crazy until I hear it in full when it's dropped. Praying for a universal banger that both fans and non-fans can't drag for any perceived weakness.

    i don't have an issue with autotune. i understand its purpose and why it was used here. my issue is that it sounds horrible. out of all stylistic choices pdogg chose that. someone here said that it triggers their anxiety. due to epilepsy, i'm sensitive to sounds and this is really unpleasant to my ears. i'm not stupid, i just hate how it sounds.

    also, i don't get why is jimin being dragged for his singing skills. i'd get it if that horrible autotune was used throughout the entire song but it was only used in some parts. i guess he sometimes knows how to sing and sometimes doesn't :sweat:

    i'm excited about tt. i'm also excited to hear SMF live because i like the song. i just wish different autotune was used so i can play it on music platforms; something that is pleasing to everyone's ears.

  • Say they were calling you stupid is kind of a reach hun. Onewbias didn't say you didn't get it. They replied to a post saying how they felt and said they loved that merribelle got it - it is the the same point that made them love the use of autotune and why it was used in the fashion it was.

    I also agree too and i'm not calling you stupid. It's perfectly fine if you don't like the song. You can get why it was used and still not like it. I don't think anyone is saying that's not possible.

    Thanks for explaining my pov.

    It's really funny how I'm being called out for sharing positive opinions about the song while during these few days people deadass called the song trash and worse names despite knowing how much effort Jimin has put into this song. I mean even you hate the song, you still need to respect the hard work in making this. I don't know why it's so hard to say it's not my taste and move on without trashing it.

    In all those behinds and weverse live, Jimin was so happy sharing how much he enjoyed working on the album and he even 'hope people will like it' in his recent weverse post. So I feel a little sad there's this much backlash and he definitely read these seeing how Bighit producers even replied to a hater post...

    Anyway, it's ok to not like every song your favs releases because of different taste, just move on to the next songs you might like. Don't be demanding your favs to do what you want because it's not your place. They're artists, not your puppets.

  • Say they were calling you stupid is kind of a reach hun. Onewbias didn't say you didn't get it. They replied to a post saying how they felt and said they loved that merribelle got it - it is the the same point that made them love the use of autotune and why it was used in the fashion it was.

    I also agree too and i'm not calling you stupid. It's perfectly fine if you don't like the song. You can get why it was used and still not like it. I don't think anyone is saying that's not possible.

    this is not math, physics, or chemistry. there's nothing complicated about the song to be able to get, it's clear as day why the choice was made.

    i've been on social media. i've read that "only intellectuals get it". the audacity to call people stupid for not liking autotune. perhaps to you not "get it" sounds fine but to me it's another way to be called stupid.

  • this is not math, physics, or chemistry. there's nothing complicated about the song to be able to get, it's clear as day why the choice was made.

    i've been on social media. i've read that "only intellectuals get it". the audacity to call people stupid for not liking autotune. perhaps to you not "get it" sounds fine but to me it's another way to be called stupid.

    Well, I like it and I also appreciate the way autotune was used. If you want to believe that's me calling you stupid, that's your prerogative to believe, but I said nothing of the sort and am sad anyone wants to put words in my mouth. I think we can agree to disagree without insulting each other, but that's jsut me I guess.

  • Well, I like it and I also appreciate the way autotune was used. If you want to believe that's me calling you stupid, that's your prerogative to believe, but I said nothing of the sort and am sad anyone wants to put words in my mouth. I think we can agree to disagree without insulting each other, but that's jsut me I guess.

    whenever that reason was used i definitely felt like i was being insulted and i'm not happy about that. armys on twitter and youtube felt like they were being insulted as well.

    is it so hard to praise the song without dragging armys who don't like it? it seems that it is

    i'm aware that some armys didn't mean that but that's how it sounds. people should choose their words carefully

  • is it so hard to praise the song without dragging armys who don't like it? it seems that it is

    And conversely in this thread: is it so hard to praise the song without getting dragged for being excited that other people see it like you do? I dunno what those army you are referring to said, but they aren't here - no one called you stupid in this thread.

  • And conversely in this thread: is it so hard to praise the song without getting dragged for being excited that other people see it like you do? I dunno what those army you are referring to said, but they aren't here - no one called you stupid in this thread.


    i just love when people get it.

    and i'll leave it there

  • and i'll leave it there

    and this is you


    this is not math, physics, or chemistry. there's nothing complicated about the song to be able to get, it's clear as day why the choice was made.

    by your logic, i should feel insulted too because you indirectly said we're too stupid for not getting why the choice was made.

    but ofc that's a reach just like how you feel about my take

  • and this is you

    by your logic, i should feel insulted too because you indirectly said we're too stupid for not getting why the choice was made.

    but ofc that's a reach just like how you feel about my take

    i have no idea what you said. you clearly said you get it, why would you feel stupid.

    i mentioned those subjects because you have to be talented and have a certain way of thinking to get them. i sadly, don't have such talent. but there's absolutely nothing complicated about this song to be able to get. everyone can get it because it couldn't be more obvious.

  • i have no idea what you said. you clearly said you get it, why would you feel stupid.

    i mentioned those subjects because you have to be talented and have a certain way of thinking to get them. i sadly, don't have such talent. but there's absolutely nothing complicated about this song to be able to get. everyone can get it because it couldn't be more obvious.

    you said "it's clear as day why the choice was made" while it takes me several listens to get it so i'm 'stupid' too right?

    for your other point, music is art and art is subjective. it's about taste and it's fine to have different opinions. you can think another song is an absolute masterpiece while i might feel there's nothing special about it. autotune is just one of the tools to enhance the 'artwork' which is a song. for your information, i don't worship autotune as it's the reason i don't like some of BTS songs like MIR or PTD, I just like how it is used on SMF2. it's not even about Pdogg, it's about the song SMF2, you might not like the choice but it's so wrong to say 'it's nothing complicated' when you are not the creator of it. you never know what went through the artists' mind until they explain it to you.

  • Anyway, I just wanna share this video explaining the musical choices in SMF2. I find it very informative and educating. I hope y'all can keep an open mind while watching.

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  • Idc if auto tune is used bcos it’s an artistic choice, it’s not 2000s where people who can’t sing use auto tune. Unfortunately kpop fans haven’t grown out of that mentality when esp their motive is to drag Jimin’s vocals.

    Although I understand its purpose in SMF pt.2 it was jarring for me on the first listen bcos jimin didn’t sound like himself at all. SMF has great production, it’s the auto tune part that is off putting for some. I think it’s okay to say this and not be bombarded by “pdogg makes bangers so I trust him blah blah blah”.

    As for me it took few listens to get use to the auto tune and since I already loved the hard beats and song in general , it was alright.

    Like crazy sounds sexy and alluring from the teaser and RM has credits on the writing, that’s an additional excitement for me soooo LETSSSS GOOOOOOO

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