I really think the prechorus move in woo!ah! Bad Girl is intentionally sexual

  • The part where Wooyeon shakes her hand in a fist. I would like to share this because the only reason I figured this out is because of someone commenting saying "I HATE this part" under either a stage video or dance practice on YT. At first I thought, oh, well that's one way to see it. Only later, I realized they were doing it intentionally because the lyrics are "Pretending to be pretty or innocent, it's not fun at all, I hate obvious things". Just watch the timing of the moves and the lyrics. I think it is on purpose.

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    0:43 and 2:01

    The part in the MV

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    The only reason this might not be on purpose is Wooyeon was 17 at the time but the choreographer may have intended the dance sexual regardless. I can't find who did the choreography, I could only find Purple was choreographed by Silvergun (YGX) so I assume they use outside people.

    Here are all the comments under dance practice/choreography/stage videos I found that are related to this. Unfortunately I can't find the original comment that brought this to my awareness, but I remember the banana milkshake one.

    Wa bg.png

    (All the timestamps are referring to the same move)

    Idk the hunter x hunter reference but I think it's talking about the same thing.

    And by the way please do not delete this thread if it is too much and just alter the wording into something lighter like idk "inappropriate" or "weird" instead of sexual

  • the only song i like from them so far

    Can't they release another song like this again

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  • how the actual fuck do you find that sexual? What on God's green earth is wrong with you?

    Not at first, I only realized that due to a few comments on youtube, and at first I thought they must be seeing things wrong. But only later I realized that that interpretation actually might be completely right, because it actually makes sense with the lyrics saying the girl doesn't like to be innocent, obvious, and pandering.

  • Not at first, I only realized that due to a few comments on youtube, and at first I thought they must be seeing things wrong. But only later I realized that that interpretation actually might be completely right, because it actually makes sense with the lyrics saying the girl doesn't like to be innocent, obvious, and pandering.

    Its not even funny to me. This is like degrading. There is nothing sexual about that movement. Seriously I think u need to get off the internet sometimes.

  • I thought the lyrics that accompanied that move was about rolling the dice. pepe-ooh

    I guess that would make sense too cause the dice's result is the opposite of something "obvious". You roll the dice or shake some thing and it turns out bad or mischievous instead of what is expected (thumbs down move, finger shot move).

  • Its not even funny to me. This is like degrading. There is nothing sexual about that movement. Seriously I think u need to get off the internet sometimes.

    I am not saying it's funny, I am saying I think it is sexual and idk mischievous on purpose even though most people would think it is a mistake or a misinterpretation to call that sexual. Just like how like some people would say "this dance move is obviously just an expression of a person's freedom and instinctive nature", but in actuality it could have just been intended as an obvious butt emphasizing move by whoever came up with it.

    Ok I guess I will log off after this.

  • I am not saying it's funny, I am saying I think it is sexual and idk mischievous on purpose even though most people would think it is a mistake or a misinterpretation to call that sexual. Just like how like some people would say "this dance move is obviously just an expression of a person's freedom and instinctive nature", but in actuality it could have just been intended as an obvious butt emphasizing move by whoever came up with it.

    Ok I guess I will log off after this.

    Its not sexual. There is nothing in the lyrics or with that move that is sexual in nature. Its your weird brain reading dumb comments and trying to see something that isnt there. Gross..

  • I can kinda see what you mean.

    it reminds me of a Shake Weight. A Shake Weight was an As Seen on TV bogus workout machine that was immediately mocked because of how unintentionally sexual the work out came across as

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    I don't think the choreography was sexual or even with the context of the lyrics came off that way either. Not wanting to be perceived as innocent is a pretty common theme in kpop nowadays and it rarely has to do with sexual innocence. The move itself can be seen as rolling the dice (of life) or just pumping her fist, rather than what you're thinking. The move is executed a bit weirdly tbf



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • What the heck (Shake Weight). Well to go off topic, I think that is cause the weight has a certain shape to be able to be gripped. If it was like stick straight I feel like it would be seen less weird. (but then it wouldn't be easy to use as it would keep slipping around)

    I was thinking more about it, that the core of the motion is shaking your fist, so maybe it could be like shaking a soda (a prank). But I don't think it looks that much like shaking a soda (or dice). It matches with the line "I hate obvious things". What I thought at first watch, was that move expresses in an abstract gesture something cliché/typical (then - thumbs down to that. Or I will shoot that stuff away.) But it just looks so random and when I think to myself that it's an "abstract gesture meaning cliché", I feel like that is much more forced and unnatural than the suggestive explanation. Which I don't think is beyond dancers to imagine and sneak in a girl group dance.

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