Between the dreaded company stans and the rejected manager antis who do you think would sabotage the artist more?

  • There are fans who listen to the artist and fans who listen to that little tiny voice in their head :skull:

    and people have been segregating themselves for a while

    At this point in time, I don't see how it's going to get better :skull:

    So I've decided to create this thread to speed things up,

    and ask you guys to collectively choose the greater evil :evil:

    Because why not ;judgingpepe:

  • both are idiots especially the ones who have problem with multistans. Like are you being serious. It's not a relationship where you can like only one group/artist. Its music in which you could like many artists and liking other artists should not mean that I have lesser love for one specific artist.

    During Last some days I have seen lots of nasty threads/comments made by a specific army, which made me write this comment.

    Came to think of it, my boy yoongi is on a mission to end fanwars and he is going to invite every artist that armys have beef with so such stans could give it a rest. :zipr::sweatr1:

  • Idk what to say about this. I got told to "move on to my new faves" who coincidently are from same parent company which could imply that I'm a company stan even though i never defended any of actions of company and myself don't like the way they are managing my OG faves. That's just how i feel but idk the inside story. So, i shouldn't jump to conclusion immediately.

    That being said, i find the manager ones more annoying, especially after the initial contract period. Because, my faves aren't kids, if they renewed their contract that means they are happy with their current arrangements. And in many cases, the manager ones turn out to be akages who create further dividence in the fandom. That's what I think.

    Edit: if it isn't clear, i also don't like the company stans who try to justify all of the company's actions.

  • I just smile and nod and think ok they may be still immature and hope that as they grew older they will realise that kpop is certainly not a great thing to be so angry about all the time.

    I’m not even affected by their wrapped way of thinking at this point. Everything fandom related (mantis, akgaes, fandom wars etc) just amuse me now. Some people can’t help but thrive on drama and I’m here for it


  • Company stans only exists in kpop. Only in kpop are fans who advocate for artists called manager antis. Only in kpop are there fans who throw the artists they “Stan” under the bus to make an industry/ company look good. Only in kpop do Kpop fans routinely drop an “older” group for the newer younger group. So yes, in kpop it willl always be company stan > manager anti but artists will always prefer the opposite because company stans would’ve already dropped them while only manager antis are still supporting them. Complaining about how a company treats their artists is not being a manager by the way. Complaining does not equate with any direct communication with the artists or the company, it’s just fan interactions. Company Stans recruit other fans to stan their new groups which causes more fans to leave the “older” group. Company Stans cause way more harm to artists by making them lose support and fans.

  • Both are annoying.

    Just like the world isn't just black and white, i could hate some of Hybe's wrong tactics but also compliment the right things they do. Hybe is a big corporation which has many labels which operate differently. I don't view them as one entirety and project my dislike for certain labels on others.

    I also have different views on each of their ceos and board directors. Everyone isn't the same.

    So i'm not sure which category i belong to lol but i hope none. I find both sides to be the extreme cases and there should be a balance between both.

  • I found manager antis especially solo ones are most infuriating, like they can twist everything feels good told by artist into something weird and sad.

    Like last night’s jk live, there are people protesting who think his words “i have no schedule” means bighit don’t manage jk properly and he should have done his album by now if only bighit know how to push their artist, like hello? Do they understand anything about burn out?? aging?? resting??

    I bet many group, especially the one establishing solo releases from early on, have this type of fans and they’re always as fun as wet socks on the puddle. with army the number is frustrating because even toxic 0.1% of fandom in one platform means there are 10-40 thousand people.

  • Neither because at this stage in the kpop landscape, neither group has the kind of influence to actually do anything other than be a loud nuisance on the internet. Manager antis are the most infuriating though because they'll talk right over the artist if the artist isn't doing what *they* think is correct. Also, mantis infantalize the artists and act as though these aren't grown ass adults who can and do make their own decisions and they don't need 17 year old Becky from Iowa to save the day.

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