Why did Seulgi’s solo flop?
I honestly have never understood the hype she gets. She's just another regular Kpop idol to me, she doesn't stand out at all
really offtrend imo, wasn't the right time to release this kind of music imo
According to Whi , being a boomer is relued to mental
The same reason Chaeyeon flopped imo.
They didn't give the people what they wanted.
The song did not highlight the things the GP love about Seulgi, but instead, she did what she wanted, which I commend her for.
Seulgi is an established artist with a cemented image, and she went against the grain on that with her release. I honestly can't remember if I even listened to it? I think I did, but the fact I can't remember if I did says a lot. Not only did she not highlight what the GP thinks her charms are, but she didn't do anything outstanding enough to really counteract the fact she gave something that people don't want from her. If you're not going to give the people what they want, you gotta make them want what you give, and she didn't do that unfortunately.
Another thing, Seulgi's buzz has pretty much dipped the last few years. I always remember her and Irene being the most loved and talked about members, but Seulgi to me seems to have fallen off in that aspect. I see people talk about Joy and Wendy WAY more than Seulgi these days. Irene, despite her fall from grace, will always be talked about as THE 3rd gen visual. So, maybe also, her solo came too late? Or SM should have done a better job of building a buzz around her name before her release.
Either way, I hope she keeps releasing music. I hope this isn't a SNSD type situation where she stops releasing because her solo didn't live up to some expectation. Seulgi by far was my most anticipated RV solo debut (and one of my top 3rd gen anticipated solo debuts period), and I think she could really do some interesting things with her talent. Something like Taemin if you will.
Then you are
I think Chaeyeon's song was one of my favorites from last year, but I have the same impression of Seulgi's solo I can't remember it. I went back and listened to it now, and really it's an ok song but I won't listen to it again probably ever. Wendy's solo was way better, even Joy's which was kinda throwaway but fun.
I think you are right she should have played to her strengths, something more upbeat a powerful dance.
I don't think Chaeyeon's was a bad song or Seulgi's.
I just think that what people wanted from both of them was a dance pop hit. There aren't many female solo singers in that lane (can't think of even 1 tbh, the closest is Sunmi, and even she is more avant garde than straight up dance pop), and Chaeyeon I know for sure is way more known for her dancing image than the image/concept she had for her debut.
I like Seulgi, but the song just wasn't it (for me).
That said, I really liked the songs of her sub-unit, Monster and Naughty, too and those didn't top the charts either (so undeserved).
So I guess she lacks the public's attention, and the song in itself wasn't strong enough to carry it to the top of the charts.
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