ENFJ here and how different we are though bossiness in common CHECK!

A prevalent issue about MBTI In K-pop
Thank you SO much for saying this
Actually I believe that the accurate tests are supposed to be this way: each question is categorised, and depending on how you answer that certain question you get a higher or lower percentage score on the letter category that question fits into. In the end it shows the percentages of each letter. Then it arranges your function stack based on what is the highest percentage of each section. it lists your likelihoods for every type, which is the strongest and which is the weakest. It essentially narrows down through the the types based on your answers, not a set pathway. On those proper tests, it’s possible for everybody to get a different answer.
That's exactly what those other tests do, take you down a pathway based on your answers to narrow down your results...
Maybe comparing it to those women's magazine tests was closer. You got mostly A's so you're a blahdiblah etc.
Kinda sounds similar. I guess the real question is, how accurate can MBTI be if humans are constantly changing.
Our personalities are not static things, they are constantly changing and evolving as we grow/change/evolve (or devolve lol) and the way we would answer the questions would change depending on our mood/day/environment etc. Humans are fluid so our MBTI would have to be fluid and changing to keep up with that. Someone who is an extrovert as a teenager may become an introvert into their adult years etc.
So something that is static can never really be an accurate representation of our personalities. I know there have been a lot of scientific studies on it and it fulfils the human need to categorise things to seem in control but if people aren't static, neither is our MBTI.
can't be bothered besides I'd probably answer in the middle for all the questions anyway I'm very much a fence sitter
fence sitting sounds uncomfortable...
Kinda sounds similar. I guess the real question is, how accurate can MBTI be if humans are constantly changing.
Our personalities are not static things, they are constantly changing and evolving as we grow/change/evolve (or devolve lol) and the way we would answer the questions would change depending on our mood/day/environment etc. Humans are fluid so our MBTI would have to be fluid and changing to keep up with that. Someone who is an extrovert as a teenager may become an introvert into their adult years etc.
So something that is static can never really be an accurate representation of our personalities. I know there have been a lot of scientific studies on it and it fulfils the human need to categorise things to seem in control but if people aren't static, neither is our MBTI.
Those are some very good points there, and I like your stance. There are some parts in your post I would like to debate on a little more, but I don’t want to keep this conversation back and forth too long since I’m quite tired.
It was nice discussing this topic with you.
Maybe I’ll pick it back up again another time.
fence sitting sounds uncomfortable...
flat brick fencing lol
flat brick fencing lol
Fair 'nuff.
Think about the concepts of introvert and extrovert—it’s not what forms your personality, it simply categorises what recharges your batteries (alone time or social time).
I'm mainly going to use introverts as an example but know extroverts are not safe from this. The fact that 'introverts' use that word to shield them from criticism of not going out and socially interacting is like baffling and kind of worrying.
Ohhh what’s an accurate way to get MBTI online? Do you have any resource rec?
I personally really love Sakinorva (or however you spell it). First of all, there’s a bunch of questions you answer on a scale, and when it gives you your results, it tells you which cognitive functions you have the highest results in and which ones you have the lowest results in. It also then tells you how likely you are to be any of the given types, based on the order of how strong each of your cognitive functions is, and because each type has a different order they use the functions in. It’s very far from perfect, and you should never trust any MBTI test completely and fully, but it’s a good place to start, and from there, you can do more research into it (if you want), just to double and triple check that your result makes sense.
Tangentially related:
16 personalities isn't regarded as a good MBTI questionnaire among Personality enthusiasts.
r/mbti on reddit has some posts explaining why.
Yep, this is 100% true. Yet many people go to it first due to it’s popularity, which leads to so, so many false misconceptions about it.
taehyung said his mbti is capricorn
taehyung said his mbti is capricorn
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