Edit: So after talking to everyone who commented (they were lovely) I've kind of changed my mind and come to a conclusion about this whole thing.
- All Chinese celebrities have to be openly pro CCP, cuz if they're not they are seen as "traitors". It goes beyond money, it's about safety. The same thing applies to all Chinese citizens in China. So I don't really consider Yuqi pro-CCP anymore, I consider her pro not wanting to be targeted. I put myself in her shoes. If I were her would I be brave enough to risk my career and be blacklisted to speak out against China? I think not.
- She and Shuha are friends.
But if you have anything to say please still feel free to comment just know my opinion has changed.
I've always wondered this cuz Yuqi is pro-CCP (to my knowledge, if I am wrong on this, and I hope I am, do let me know).
But from what I've seen she is pretty vocal about supporting the one china policy and such stuff. But Shuhua is Taiwanese so....I mean...if I was her I wouldn't be a big fan of Yuqi, and I haven't seen Shuhua post and pro-CCP stuff nor promote in China so.....
Like, wouldn't there naturally be tension? Cuz like Yuqi support views that directly oppose Shuhuas identity/country. Cube is pro china too. (so is most of the world tbh, they've sold their souls for the Chinese yen).
So I always wondered. Now I'm not the morality police, even though I don't agree with Yuqis's views, I'm not here to cancel her or anything. I've outgrown that childish mentality cuz it never actually improves anything. At 24 I realized a lot of my friends would be canceled on the internet, and so would most people. Canceling people on the internet doesn't contribute anything positive to the world nor does it change anything for the better.
So it's not about that. I've just always wondered if they get along or not. If I am wrong please feel free to tell me Neverlands.