These two groups sit at the same table (appreciation thread)

  • LEENALCHI, Musician of the Year winner at KMAs, mixes pansori with modern pop music

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    BTS, Musician of the Year winner at KMAs, mixes pansori with modern pop music

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    Its wonderful to see actual talented musicians digging into their own heritage and promote their traditional culture!

    PS. This thread is not meant to downplay your group, no matter how delusional you are.

  • Some more MVS

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  • I'm gonna check these out!!! Thanks!!!

  • I'm gonna check these out!!! Thanks!!!

    Theyre also still on Spotify! Thankfully theyre not distributed by Kakao.

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  • So let me get this straight

    You say your post isn’t meant to downplay any group, but you go as far as to say: “Its wonderful to see actual talented musicians”

    What was the need to phrase it like that? When you say actual talented musicians, are you not implying other groups are not talented or as talented? That seems like belittling to me.

    If this was an appreciation post like you claim, you would’ve just said “it’s wonderful to see talented musicians” ... right?

    Please stop acting like everyone is obtuse.

  • You're just over thinking.

  • OP fan club entered.

    • Official Post

    If she thinks they're talented, then that's her opinion. If she doesn't believe anyone else is talented, that's her opinion. You can't force her to admit anyone else is talented.

    Same thing will happen if you believe they're not talented, no one would bat an eye and come after you to convince you otherwise.

    It's simple.

  • The fact you cant imagine anyone actually liking the music and appreciating the artistry in the OP says a lot about your taste.

    I have been shady towards kpop as a whole ever since I signed up here, I dont hide Im a kpop (as in Korean flavour of idol pop) anti. I dont know why you and your buddies take it so personally. I wonder if Disney stars stans are as disturbed by Pitchfork end of year lists, its quite an interesting phenomenon how pressed some kpop stans are about music critics taste.

  • The fact that you have to make a thread to shade under the guise of appreciating other artists is pathetic but go off

    how insecure must you be to think it’s about your faves lmao.

    OP I checked both out. It’s good not as good as BTS I hope you are ok with this differing opinion :pepe-smug:

  • The pressed one!!!

    Now, people can't praise legends without provoking some dullheaded gangs.

  • how insecure must you be to think it’s about your faves lmao.

    OP I checked both out. It’s good not as good as BTS I hope you are ok with this differing opinion :pepe-smug:

    Of course everyone has their own taste! I can handle different opinions :-)

    Thanks for checking them out!

  • i love the post note. Kpoppies are a special breed of delusional. If the shoe fits i guess. Their insecurity about their faves talent reeks.

    Anyway like last time, i would check this artist and get back to you . Maybe you should make these type of threads more often . I am learning a lot and broadening my veryyyy smalllllllll korean music culture.

  • I generally stay out of drama; but it is beginning to really get on my wick that people keep coming for OP personally on every occasion possible for stating their opinion... which is what every single other user does on this forum every single bloody day! I mean for Christ’s sake!

    It’s nasty bullying behaviour, and it only makes people look petty and childish.

    Anyway, Myaza, I will look forward to checking this out after hubs stops blasting the telly. I really enjoy learning about artists I didn’t know before! I know it appears to be an unusual mindset around here, but discovering interesting acts that I might have otherwise missed is one of the reasons I signed up to a MUSIC FORUM. 🙄

  • OP, what music do you recommend for paranoid people?

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    Perfect choice! Hope this help all the paranoid people around the world. :claps:

    "Overspending on my pens, that are more in number... than your fans" - Suga.

  • Why do you think only groups are implied?

    (S)he might be talking about lil pump or 6ixnine or Exp?

    You know "Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang"??? :angryr::angryr:

  • Why do you think only groups are implied?

    (S)he might be talking about lil pump or 6ixnine or Exp?

    You know "Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang"??? :angryr::angryr:

    6ixnine paved the way for Hot100 predictions by leaking the formula and has epic drops on charts, thats all I know and want to know about them. Is this a shade? :eyes:

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