Why I don't care for Giselle

  • I neither hate her, not do I particularly like her. To be honest, I just ignore her as a part of aespa most of the time-- outside of scandals.

    In my opinion, she is a mediocre idol. Now, there's nothing wrong with being a mediocre idol and it doesn't mean she has no talent. What is does mean is that she noticeably lags behind in her group. Man, when she executes of aespa's choreo it is more wrong than right, and she noticeably lacks in her angles and is often slower than the other members. It creates a terrible disjointedness between the group and highlights the awkwardness of their choreo. Her strength lies in her stage presence, interaction with the crowd, and facial expression-- which she often forgoes on stage to keep up with the choreo.

    Moving on the rap, she is certainly a decent idol rapper, but I much prefer aespa's songs without the raps. I don't think they require the raps, and most of the time I skip over it. Her flow and enunciation is decent, but its nothing interesting to listen to. Most kpop raps, tend to be this way, but I don't think her rap skills are good enough to balance for her other shortcomings.

    Her voice is nice, though we only hear very little of it. I'm not partial to it, and with vocalists like Winter and Ningning certainly, her vocals don't stand out.

    Overall, I find don't care for her too much. Don't dislike her, but I think she would be much better with more than 1 year of training.

  • I just think she's very behind when it comes to the group like you can clearly see she stands out for all the wrong reasons. She's also just not that interesting to me... like she doesn't make me excited, like at all. And I know ppl don't like her cause of the n word and the recent scandal she was in for that dance she did at a showcase but I really just focus on her being an obvious late add in to the group.


  • I just think she's very behind when it comes to the group like you can clearly see she stands out for all the wrong reasons. She's also just not that interesting to me... like she doesn't make me excited, like at all. And I know ppl don't like her cause of the n word and the recent scandal she was in for that dance she did at a showcase but I really just focus on her being an obvious late add in to the group.

    I've moved on from the scandals and tbh ppl like to latch on to stuff all the time. I just don't care for her as a performer.

  • she might just be one of those idols that debuted too soon and she'll improve a lot over the next few years. she's the weakest link now out of the group but that might not always be the case🤷🏻‍♀️

    tbh, if she improves I'll probably pay more attention. For now, I don't care for her performances.

  • Giselle's parts in illusion were quite good to me, I think she can improve over time. When I saw their GMA performance her stage presence stuck out the most like she improved that too

    her strength is her stage presence, and her weakness is her poor execution of the choreo imo.

  • I don’t hate her but yeah I really don’t care anymore, she doesn’t do a bad job but it’s hard to stand out since Aespa has two main vocalists and Karina is doing the rapping singing, and the dancing so Giselle doesn’t stand out.

    basically what I feel tbh. I prefer karina's rapping more than giselle eyy. Its not about the skill but more her delivry and tone which I prefer.

  • ultraaviolet

    Changed the title of the thread from “Why I'm indifferent towards Giselle” to “Why I don't care for Giselle”.
  • this is the curse of being on a small group. If she was on a group with 7, 9 or 11 (or whatever number over 7 you like), she would be ok, and even a good member. But if you are in a group with less than 5 members, someone will be the weaker link

    did blackpink release a new album today?'s tweet - "#LALISA ACAB, aquí solo  respetamos a la POLISA " - TrendsmapID BI****S


  • this is the curse of being on a small group. If she was on a group with 7, 9 or 11 (or whatever number over 7 you like), she would be ok, and even a good member. But if you are in a group with less than 5 members, someone will be the weaker link

    In a small group, mistakes tend to stick out much more.

  • I actually like Giselle's rap tone. I like it even more than Karina.

    But, rapping to me (unless you actually actively work on the craft) is not that big of a draw for me in terms of listening to a KPOP song, and most times it seems like rapper positions are given to the people who lack any other strength. Just my opinion.

    I do like her better as a rapper than Karina, but she definitely lacks in terms of her dance skills. And when I watched Aespa's Illusion dance practice, I found myself asking...why is she here?

    Giselle is pretty, but not the visual. She can rap, but so can Karina. She can sing, but Aespa has Ning/Winter and Karina who can also sing. And, she lacks in dance skills. What does she have that a 100 other SM trainees did not have? I'm still trying to see it.

    I'd like to see her improve though, and a part of me feels bad even writing this because I know she gets a lot of unnecessary hate. But, it is what is.



  • shes below average performance wise but her role outside of that is important when it comes to their global promotions so shes not a net negative for the group overall


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • users - i personally dont care for rap therefore its not important. As if there main hit song isnt 50% rap LOL

    Not about the rap for me. I just think you don't have to be a great rapper to rap in a KPOP group, so it doesn't add a lot if you lack in everything else.



  • users - i personally dont care for rap therefore its not important. As if there main hit song isnt 50% rap LOL

    I don't care for rap in aespa's songs. I like rap in general and listen to k-hiphop.

  • lets not ignore ops other points lol like how she ruins the balance of the group completely in performances because of how behind she is in her dance :pepe-shrug: i can even link the performances where she lags behind :pepe-puddle: tbf aespa as a group is very unbalanced and not cohesive in their performances but they are improving 2x

    users - i personally dont care for rap therefore its not important. As if there main hit song isnt 50% rap LOL


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Not about the rap for me. I just think you don't have to be a great rapper to rap in a KPOP group, so it doesn't add a lot if you lack in everything else.

    I don't like the rap in aespa songs, becuase they arent that good tbh. a good rap in kpop is hard to find. I'd say the same for my faves as well, often in twice songs I see no need for a rap lol

  • thats just silly, look at lisa and jennie, they're huge for their rap... thats very much a minority take

    they are better rappers than giselle technically in my book, yg knows who writes a catchy rap even if the lyrics are questionable. taste is taste, my opinions are my opinions :pepe-shrug:

  • fair enough but dismissing rap in kpop is just stupid, look at money by Lisa

    Where did I dismiss rap? I said I find her raps lackluster and mediocre.

  • fair enough but dismissing rap in kpop is just stupid, look at money by Lisa

    yes money by lisa is definitely the best example to use when talking about kpop rappers :pepe-just-smile:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • I think she still has unntapped potential. How much she actualizes, and in which areas, all depends on her own determination.

    She has talent ngl, but she falls behind her group and I won't really pay much attention till she improves more.

  • Yeah but they're bad takes..

    Without Giselle they would be less popular. Their songs absolutely need the rap otherwise they're just like rv.

    That's your opinion, tbh its strange to say something is a bad take just becuase you disagree. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I'm not upset if you like giselle and the raps -- that just your taste. :pepe-shrug:

  • @ripia giselle is the least popular member so i doubt she is contributing much to their popularity... she's also not that popular with i-fans because of her scandal whilst kfans hate her because of her nationality :pepe-shame:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Have you even heard aespas title tracks?? Her Rap parts are really catchy.

    I dislike them, and think they are meh. That's your opinon thats it's catchy lol

  • Have you even heard aespas title tracks?? Her Rap parts are really catchy.

    this is your opinion though.. but if you look at the data she really is not at all popular especially when comparing her with her group members :pepe-peek:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • you don't like Giselle it's pretty obvious.

    I'm indifferent to her. If I disliked her id be hating on her like the antis. Also, opinions are inherently subjective and biased, there's no such thing as an objective opinion.

    Besides you can't always look at things as your own personal opinion when the bigger picture is important for the group.

    this is a kpop forum lol, I doubt my opinions matter that much.

  • You're opinion is bias cause you don't like Giselle it's pretty obvious.

    Besides you can't always look at things as your own personal opinion when the bigger picture is important for the group.

    and your opinion is bias because you seem to like her :pepe-use-head:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Even aespa fans roasting her here, help :cryingr:

    look I like aespa and stream their songs, I just dont care for giselle. it is what it is. I wont claim to be a my becuase I'm not invested in all the members, but I do spend time ti the guild every now and then eyy.

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