is hybe selling no CD version of hobi's album to show that they are less independent on bts to their investors?
maybe they feel like they will be able to make profits some other way through bts which they can show under indirect income so it won't show direct dependency towards bts
maybe they feel like they will be able to make profits some other way through bts which they can show under indirect income so it won't show direct dependency towards bts
Direct or indirect income- when it comes majorly from one group, that is still dependency. I think we misunderstand their terms of direct and indirect profit. It doesn’t mean there is any less dependency when it’s from indirect income. For example, BT21, Tinytan are indirect forms of income but they are based on BTS. So it’s dependency on BTS. I am pretty sure investors will be aware of this at their caliber of expertise
Since late 2020, they've been pulling up this shit. They even understocked the anthology recently. If this isn't more obvious for anyone, idk what to say.
exactly. I feel like the entire Proof rollout was essentially designed to make sure it DIDN'T do too well. Yet To Come too, like they were super scared of having another smash hit so close to enlistments.
Direct or indirect income- when it comes majorly from one group, that is still dependency. I think we misunderstand their terms of direct and indirect profit. It doesn’t mean there is any less dependency when it’s from indirect income. For example, BT21, Tinytan are indirect forms of income but they are based on BTS. So it’s dependency on BTS. I am pretty sure investors will be aware of this at their caliber of expertise
u r too sane and logical for this thread!!
u r too sane and logical for this thread!!
Hehehe lol ppl still accuse me of being a hypocrite when it comes to this company discussion cos apparently I only complain selectively… you are the only one to call me sane and logical
Direct or indirect income- when it comes majorly from one group, that is still dependency. I think we misunderstand their terms of direct and indirect profit. It doesn’t mean there is any less dependency when it’s from indirect income. For example, BT21, Tinytan are indirect forms of income but they are based on BTS. So it’s dependency on BTS. I am pretty sure investors will be aware of this at their caliber of expertise
They don't do it like that though. Last year they showed BTS online concert ticket sales under WeVerse revenue because the concerts happened on WeVerse. This way they could mediaplay that their BTS dependency is decreasing like they did last year saying they are only 60% dependent on BTS. When BTS directly and indirectly made more than 75% of HYBE. It is visible through the numbers.
This year as well you will see the same because BTS concerts happened online. While other HYBE groups are doing offline concerts. So they can and will show most of BTS concert revenue of $150m with Seoul and Vegas shows under WeVerse and other HYBE groups under their own to mediaplay that other HYBE groups are contributing more for revenue than reality.
They don't do it like that though. Last year they showed BTS online concert ticket sales under WeVerse revenue because the concerts happened on WeVerse. This way they can mediaplay that their BTS dependency is decreasing like they did last year saying they are only 60% dependent on BTS. When BTS directly and indirectly made more than 75% for them. It is visible through the numbers.
This year as well you will see the same because BTS concerts happened online. While other HYBE groups are doing offline concerts. So they can will show most of BTS concert revenue of $150m with Seoul and Vegas shows under WeVerse and other HYBE groups under their own to mediaplay that other HYBE groups are contributing more for revenue than reality.
Profits under weverse- still comes from BTS. I wonder if investors won’t look at the main source. For ex: if the a store is having the most profit, won’t they look at what is selling the most contributing to the sales?.
They can try to mediaplay however they want but wouldn’t investors who have hands on direct source of information know?
What a dumb idea that would be
Makes sense. Maybe they didn't want it to be too successful so it wouldn't overshadow the coming solo promotions and they can get to their hiatus in a relaxed manner.
Imagine if Hobi was debuting only some weeks after a dynamite level hit and an album that outsold mots7. I think such a successful rollout would make them feel pressured to actually promote it which would get in the way of all their plans.
Another group will be releasing a repackage with 14 versions so HYBE can fuck off.
14 versions for whom though???
I heard Seventeen did like 21, Fromis_9 11-12, TxT and Le Sserafim 8 each....
Gatekeeping solos so they'd renew in 2024 without any complications. I actually expected jype do to so, I'm suprised Hybe is following this strategy.
But there are some speculations that only rapline won't have physicals because rappers usually release merch instead of physical copies I heard it from from fellow armys.
Hehehe lol ppl still accuse me of being a hypocrite when it comes to this company discussion cos apparently I only complain selectively… you are the only one to call me sane and logical
I’m not acting jealous but I am
Seriously? Only ONE?!!7ED33A5D-C022-4BF4-9221-E88146F78AB9.jpeg
They don't do it like that though. Last year they showed BTS online concert ticket sales under WeVerse revenue because the concerts happened on WeVerse. This way they could mediaplay that their BTS dependency is decreasing like they did last year saying they are only 60% dependent on BTS. When BTS directly and indirectly made more than 75% of HYBE. It is visible through the numbers.
This year as well you will see the same because BTS concerts happened online. While other HYBE groups are doing offline concerts. So they can and will show most of BTS concert revenue of $150m with Seoul and Vegas shows under WeVerse and other HYBE groups under their own to mediaplay that other HYBE groups are contributing more for revenue than reality.
This. It was so obvious from their last year reports on how they framed it. They only reported on BTS direct income which was 60% but excluded how their game business, weverse, and all their side projects were still using BTS IP and it made it look like dependency on BTS is decreasing.
Like idc how they want to look to their investors but I don’t want BTS potential projects getting the short stick. I’m still not forgetting how Run BTS is the only show still stuck on weverse whiles other groups under Hybe have officially migrated to YouTube for easier access
I cannot imagine jk and V not getting one. They're obsessed with photography. And V was the visual director of BE I hope he fights for it.
What are about gatekeeping part?
Hi. I'm new here. Been listening to KPOP since BEG but came back because of BTS (been ARMY since MOTS although I've listened to them since Spring Day).
I watched HOBI's behind the scenes for MORE MV and it shows how involved he is in this album. I think that HOBI made this decision for less reliance on typical KPOP roll-out with HYBE. He wants to establish himself as a musician that is less KPOP idol like with multiple album format and HYBE wants to test their new Weverse Album app. They have to test the market and the demand and it makes sense with their most stable and biggest group. I saw they have this type of digital album with two of their other groups. I hope they will release the data for it later.
Now today, I read re the new Circle Chart and there's a new 'eco clean chart' that will track digital albums (w/o physicals). So I think it's a good industry trend to try to reduce the incredible waste from different version and mass-buying. If BTS can success with digital albums going forth, it can start a trend. Companies trying to be sustainable is often hit or miss and messy but I find it interesting how this will play out.
I think they were betting that the NFT would be the pull to the digital albums previously but due to the backlash, they need to re-strategize. I just pray that they don't tie their stupid NFT to future digital albums or all H will break lose.
Gatekeeping solos so they'd renew in 2024 without any complications. I actually expected jype do to so, I'm suprised Hybe is following this strategy.
But there are some speculations that only rapline won't have physicals because rappers usually release merch instead of physical copies I heard it from from fellow armys.
Huh? Armys really be saying anything to protect a company. Rappers release physicals. It’s just not sold well but they still release physicals and even vinyls
Huh? Armys really be saying anything to protect a company. Rappers release physicals. It’s just not sold well but they still release physicals and even vinyls
I heard it from irls they said western rappers are known for their merch and Hobi is following the same strategy. It was just a speculation. They don't like this move either.
hahahahahah babe
Nah rappers release physicals. Even recently Tyler The creator pulled 45k vinyls for his last album.
damn i want JITB vinyl, that would be dope
I really don't mind with the less CD version, but at least make it competitive, what I mean for the digital album to be in consumption, not just for the promotion of an app. There are several online digital streaming app available for free... so as a consumer, how will you sell this album with just a QR code and a PC (I don't collect for one)
, If this is really what they want to do, then smh make that app competitive first!
With regards to dependency, I am sure the investors will not be foolish enough to believe this data at face value, so HYBE can have all the insertions they want but anyone with an eye can see through it!
I cannot imagine jk and V not getting one. They're obsessed with photography. And V was the visual director of BE I hope he fights for it.
if it was about creativity, then hobi is also very creative
i have a hard time believing he wouldn't have had creative box set ideas for an album named jack in the box
to me, it feels like hybe are communicating something else to the bts members like maybe they did a ppt session with their new esg team to convince hobi this was a brilliant idea lol
What are about gatekeeping part?
i think this would give the opposite results of convincing them to renew lol
the gatekeeping part of your post doesn't make sense to me
Hi. I'm new here. Been listening to KPOP since BEG but came back because of BTS (been ARMY since MOTS although I've listened to them since Spring Day).
I watched HOBI's behind the scenes for MORE MV and it shows how involved he is in this album. I think that HOBI made this decision for less reliance on typical KPOP roll-out with HYBE. He wants to establish himself as a musician that is less KPOP idol like with multiple album format and HYBE wants to test their new Weverse Album app. They have to test the market and the demand and it makes sense with their most stable and biggest group. I saw they have this type of digital album with two of their other groups. I hope they will release the data for it later.
Now today, I read re the new Circle Chart and there's a new 'eco clean chart' that will track digital albums (w/o physicals). So I think it's a good industry trend to try to reduce the incredible waste from different version and mass-buying. If BTS can success with digital albums going forth, it can start a trend. Companies trying to be sustainable is often hit or miss and messy but I find it interesting how this will play out.
I think they were betting that the NFT would be the pull to the digital albums previously but due to the backlash, they need to re-strategize. I just pray that they don't tie their stupid NFT to future digital albums or all H will break lose.
Isnt this new digital album a part of their nft venture? Svt had digital photo book and pcs which are basically nfts. Lesserafim had nfts too but they called them "digital souvenirs" many Hybe stans aren't aware of it but they've already started doing nfts.
I really don't mind with the less CD version, but at least make it competitive, what I mean for the digital album to be in consumption, not just for the promotion of an app. There are several online digital streaming app available for free... so as a consumer, how will you sell this album with just a QR code and a PC (I don't collect for one)
, If this is really what they want to do, then smh make that app competitive first!
yeah this makes sense
they need to replace the cd with something else of value
nfts have unique identification codes
digital pc is not nft
digital pc with unique identification code which ensures that is one of a kind in the world and cannot be replicated is nft
if it was about creativity, then hobi is also very creative
i have a hard time believing he wouldn't have had creative box set ideas for an album named jack in the box
to me, it feels like hybe are communicating something else to the bts members like maybe they did a ppt session with their new esg team to convince hobi this was a brilliant idea lol
I agree with you, I think they convinced him to do this and he agreed because he trusts his team . But still Tae and jk are the last members I can imagine not having a physical album even if they release a statement I won't believe it.
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