If it was me I'll take a hiatus and enjoying spending my money that I earned over the years

There are numerous kpop groups that have taken a break but when BTS wants it it is a farewell.
All the best to all of them! Will support them always.
I know some Armys must be really tired but I really wanted to say that.
I just find that really amusing that BTS is talking about a pause and the whole internet is saying BTS is breaking up or about to break up. And I'm not talking about Armys but more about the people who don't care about BTS and just hope for their disbandment. If BTS hadn't spoken so honestly and openly, we wouldn't even know about their plans and they would have just released solos for now. But instead they are brave enough to play with open cards.
From what has been published on Twitter and the members have said, the members have made it very clear that they will be back as a group one day. And probably stronger and better than ever because now they also have time to find themselves and do some solo projects, which I think is very important. The members have repeatedly emphasized that they just need a break from group activities and this isn't a group disbandment.
I know it doesn't sound great at first when members say they need a break from activities as a group, but basically it's something Blackpink does all the time and other successful group like BigBang did it too. Released some solo stuff and came back as a group stronger than ever. They dominated the whole kpop scene in 2012-2015 this way.
I think it's a great idea to recognize at the right moment that you just want to try something different. Especially musicians often have this wish. Putting your own desires aside is very selfless (I think Taehyung said it? I hope I am right) but not good in the long run.
And come on, it isn't like BTS is over. The member will release some own stuff, will carry on with their show, will do a tattoo together and come back with new ideas and new strength. They only talked about not releasing new music as a group and not seeing each other ever again.
In my opinion this is the best decision a group can make.
Yeah I agree. The dramatics I've seen here, LMOA! And yes Non-fans are MORE dramatic than fans. As a fans of western artist like Kendrick Lamar who took like 5 yrs off reading this site's drama is as foreign as watching animal planet. Anyway, they also talked about coming back to perform RUN BTS in concert during it. And if Suga says, "We are NOT disbanding." then trust it. Damn! LOL!
that was me and I said they've essentially disbanded not that they've disbanded
if you were talking about my post
I think it's because BTS has emphasised the OT7 or none route for so long even though its clear now that for the past 2-3 years that maybe wasn't something they all wanted but had to sacrifice for the group to stay strong
The dramatics of trolls, antis are to be expected. Remember when BTS said they want to take a break for a few months? The western media was all over that one and antis and trolls were rejoicing about hiatus means disbanding.. I think at least now the western media is not as crazy as before (from what I’ve seen), just the trolls and antis..
that was me and I said they've essentially disbanded not that they've disbanded
if you were talking about my post
no but that's the point... back at the end of 2019 EXO madethe same kind of announcement a group activity hiatus with a focus on solo activities (plus enlistments) but people treat that as a disbandment just like they're treating this BTS announcement as a disbandment.
this just isn't an experience unique to BTS. even people assume Blackpink is disbanding because of their hiatus.
Honestly the most annoying thing from today was seeing people spelling nonsense left and right about a group they don't stan and I'm not talking about sharing opinions. Some people really thinking they had their gotcha moment or thinking BTS "spilled the beans" when if you actually followed them you'd know they did nothing out of ordinary in being honest with their fans. They said TOO MANY TIMES that they have struggled with their success, especially after Dynamite, they even said they considered disbanding for fear of failing.
Personal rant incoming: I'm bummed but I just couldn't feel as devasted as many fans felt, it doesn't seem as disbandment at all and the fact that this happened when they're in good terms and respecting each other wishes just makes me relieved, really. I'll miss BTS performances dearly, but I'd rather see them happy doing things they're passionate about and just like Namjoon said, actually maturing as artists, and eventually coming back when they feel comfortable with. People expecting BTS (and anything tbh) to be frozen in time just for their happiness are delusional to me, just cherish the moment people. Ain't nothing coming back the way it once was.
For some reason, this all feels like Mediaplay....
Because HYBE has gained more from what BTS will be promoting with their Solo's and Sub Units than what they ever would if the Article would have been translated normally.
I say normally because even Google Translate would have probably got it closer to the intention
Looking forward their solo projects!
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