Kim Saeron's mother was born in 1980

  • Kim Saeron's mother was born in 1980. Kim Saeron was born in 2000.

    I think having a child at a young age is not a good thing after all.



    1. [+554][-24] I'm not saying that Kim Saeron's family is like this but, kids from poor families usually are not being taken care of by their parents, that's how they end up getting married and becoming parents at a young age. They don't know any knowledge of parenting, because they did not receive that from their families. They have no idea about the responsibility of marriage, childbirth, and parenting. Just watch Highschool Parents, do you think their family is intact and they'll be able to maintain that for the rest of their life? They'll last for 5 years, at maximum. Normal families would not send off their kids to marriage at such young age.

    2. [+498][-13] That's right. Parents should be prepared before having kids.

    3. [+468][-428] Don't you think this post has crossed the lines? Do you have to bring up her parents to this matter? There are people in our countries who are in their mid-20s and their parents were born in the 1980s like her. As if bringing up her family is not enough, now you're looking down on people born in the 1980s whose kids now are adults? There are a lot of this type of families that are living their life just fine out there. Why are you making it sound like their families are abnormal and wrong?

    4. [+203][-0] Regardless of their age, I think mothers should educate their kids properly. I think Kim Saeron has had a lot of controversies because her process of growing up is watched by a lot of people. I always wonder how her mother educates her that she grew up that way. I mean, just look at her, don't tell me you don't think the same way. There are people who judge her even worse than I do, they question it in front of their faces, 'Do your parents raise you that way'. I'm not an oldie by the way, I'm still young.

    5. [+178][-2] I think it's a reach to judge them based on their ages. But I have to admit that Kim Saeron's mother is a little bit strange. She posted on her Instagram that she did a suicide attempt with her kid.

    6. [+156][-13] I'll make sure I'm fully prepared to be a parent before having a kid.

    7. [+132][-7] I was born in 1984 and my kid goes to daycareㅋㅋㅋ I'm very jealous of Saeron's mother because she got to raise her own kid by herself, even though in the end she became a criminal.

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  • While I agree that 20 is very young to have a kid and it’s better to wait until you’ve finished your education and/or have finical stability but some of these comments are out of line and it was not necessary to bring her family into it, especially since they clearly don’t know any specifics about their situation.

  • bye this is so close-minded saying being poor means you can't take care of how your child makes decisions

  • also my mom had me in her early twenties and im absolutely fine?? she was like 21 when she was pregnant with me

  • My parents had me in their late 20's and I still feel like I was raised by wolves.

    I'm sorry I laughed so loud

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  • Is 20 not a good enough age to have a child? Like I'm not sure about some of the comments talking about her mom because I don't know her that well, but why is having a child at 20 weird?

    I suppose it depends on what country you live in if it stands out to you or not. In my country the average age for woman to have their first child is 28 and I think it's ca 31 or 32 for woman with a higher education. At 20 you're barely out of HS and still considered very young.

    My mom did have her first child at 21 while she and my dad were still studying and two more kids within five years. And honestly, while my mom made it work, taking care of a toddler and a baby on the income of a student was not easy, or three kids on a starting salary for that matter. Especially comparing her parenting experience with my uncle's and aunt's who both waited til they were older and already had stable jobs before having kids. My mom has confessed that while she wouldn't change anything in hindsight a lot of things would have been easier if she waited with having kids.

  • Wow this people are mean so means and so judgment and for what i swear I've never seen people being this judgemental and wtf has age anything to do with being a good parents the hell and generalizing people like that is so wrong and the comment is completely right

    3. [+468][-428] Don't you think this post has crossed the lines? Do you have to bring up her parents to this matter? There are people in our countries who are in their mid-20s and their parents were born in the 1980s like her. As if bringing up her family is not enough, now you're looking down on people born in the 1980s whose kids now are adults? There are a lot of this type of families that are living their life just fine out there. Why are you making it sound like their families are abnormal and wrong?

  • 20 is a bit young to have a child, but most people have the capacity to mature and grow once having children. Even teen moms. It is definitely harder and more difficult at that age, but let's not act like all children born to teen or young adult parents turn out to be dysfunctional.

    It is only recently that 20 was deemed young for a family. Back even in the 70s and further, 20 would have been a perfectly normal age. And, the further you go back in history, the younger. We know better now, but it's not like everyone born back then grew up to be a bunch of heathens. I have known plenty of teen moms and children of teen moms as well and vice versa, and a person who has the qualities of being a good parent does not necessarily change with age.

    Some people aren't built for it no matter how old they get, and some people excel at it even if they start younger than usual.



    Edited once, last by keyboardwarrior7 ().

  • The mother is 12 years younger than me. Yes, 20 might seem young to have a child, but at least she wasn't a teen mum. My mother was married at 20 and had my sister at 21 but that was back in the 60's when you were expected to settle down at a young age. She had me at 28 and had been a wonderful mother. I said HAD as she is gone now. Sometimes age doesn't always have anything to do with how well a parent raised a child, it's the maturity level of the parent. I didn't have my daughter until 34 but at least was in a committed relationship. Every child deserves two parents, even if one can't always take part in the raising. I have been the best mother I can be for my daughter and gave her the best life despite not being the most confident out there.

  • I'm really sorry that you had to leave thorough horrible parents

    They weren't horrible. They just didn't know what they were doing.

    Edit: Decent people can lack as parents. Maybe I have unrealistic standards.


    "And they escorted her to a prison cell..."


    Edited once, last by Poetry ().

  • They weren't horrible. They just didn't know what they were doing.

    I feel like most people dont know what they are doing when parenting

    Its literally one major decision in life that no one requires you to have any education or qualification for

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  • There are points being made but it’s done so not respectfully…

    Imo as far as you clearly understand the implications of raising another human being you’re ready. And yeah as you get older you tend to understand it more but it’s not a given, older people can still be as immature as a teenager and younger ones can be more responsible.

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