Do you think if 2ne1 is pretty group they could dominate?
They would have gotten a contract extension if they were pretty.
I think the word should to be modded to "[S.Korean] pretty".
OP took this from my pending threads because I was planning on making the same thing. It was more a BP vs 2ne1 thread though.
I think 2ne1 members are attractive in their own ways but they are not universally pretty. If we look at BP members and how they are modeling for major luxury brands, in a way, YG was right that they are the ‘prettier’ version of 2ne1.
But i think YG kinda set up 2ne1 by saying they are ‘ugly’ or not the attractive group but they are more talented. So people kinda ran with it calling 2ne1 members unattractive, which was false.
so are you implying they are not pretty?
they’re pretty but in korea they are not
I do believe they would've been bigger but not bigger than snsd.
2ne1 had a badass concept (not just girl crush), they had an in-your-face image, which isn't always appreciated by everyone.
Snsd had a variety of concepts (from girl crush to cute), they had a very feminine image, which is more liked by the gp and helps building a bigger fandom.
They ARE very pretty and they DID dominate alongside SNSD but in different ways.
The BP thing is a whole other matter—their looks, despite what some say, did not carry them to the top. I would credit their fame to a combination of their very catchy, digestible music, great performances, and individually crafted brand power (that includes visuals but does not focus on them entirely).
2ne1 are pretty and if you say koreans would have liked them more if they fit conventional kbs, maybe but they were still top 2 gg of their gen, so how come other ggs who fit more into kbs, didn't outrank them. Not only this post feels backhanded towards 2ne1 but you are also discrediting snsd in the process by simply summing their success upto only visuals.
2NE1 did dominate in their hay day, it's just that SNSD was more popular, honestly looks did play a role but I think SNSD "beat" 2NE1 because their concept and songs were more public friendly, not just because of looks
It's the other way round. 2ne1 outdid SNSD digitally after Gee , every comeback including the Come Back Home vs Mr Mr.
2ne1 has more GP friendly sound, but they dont have the look Korean GPs are looking for. SNSD was already too big to be taken over by the time 2ne1 debut. If kpop were as popular internationally that time, 2ne1 easily would have more popularity in the west and could dominate SNSD on WW
Lets not be silly. AIIYL and FY were demo fr 2ne1 and could easily fit into 2ne1 discography
2ne1 music could sound more dated now thata because they were release so long ago. Had teddy given DDDD and HYLT to 2ne1, they would have similarly slayed with the songs
if two heads are better than one and three > two!!!
you've heard of two birds one stone
this is the next level - one dodrio with only a single pokeball!!!
2ne1 got ph imagine if they’re pretty like snsd they can dominate the other sea countries he’ll even china too
They would have gotten a contract extension if they were pretty.
I think that had more to do with BOM scandal + age
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