Which planets/moons do you think possibly hold life? What do you think they're like?

  • For me...

    Europa - This ones pretty cool since its within our solar system and when most people think of life outside of Earth, you'd expect a planet. It's one of Jupiter's moons. Apparently aquatic life is possible due to hydrothermal vents under the thick layers of ice. My guess is it's likely only smaller organisms, but I remember reading one scientist believes octopus-like creatures could also live on it. Surface life is impossible to my knowledge, at least by our standards of life

    Trappist-1e - If I remember correctly Trappist-1's solar system in general has a few candidates for life. Scientists believe this planet is the most likely to be similar to Earth. It's within a habitable zone, likely to have liquid water, similar size to Earth, and even has pretty close orbital period. I like to imagine that life there is similar to Earth, maybe even have a species similar to us (not necessarily physically but mentally). I wonder if they're also researching our solar system and wonder about us lmao

  • I think in our solar system, there maybe a tiny likelihood of single celled organisms. But "higher" forms of life would probably have to be other solar systems or galaxies.

    Yeah, outside of Europa I don't see much possibility of anything within our solar system either. Honestly, there could be something like a tardigrade though outside of single-celled organisms you mentioned? They're multicellular and can survive basically anything lmao even the vacuum of space apparently

  • There were tiny bacterial organisms found on a moon of some planet... I forgot which one. But I think there is definitely life out there.

    The bacteria on the moon was disproven unless if you're talking about another moon?

    Moon Microbe Mystery Finally Solved

    Maybe you're also thinking of the tardigrade case? Pretty sure they'd be in a dehydrated "living but not alive" state up there so I guess we can count that as we want lmao

  • Yeah, outside of Europa I don't see much possibility of anything within our solar system either. Honestly, there could be something like a tardigrade though outside of single-celled organisms you mentioned? They're multicellular and can survive basically anything lmao even the vacuum of space apparently

    My skepticism is actually not completely related to how resilient those organisms would be. It's more about the probability of having the right mix of chemical and physical reactions to create organisms and have them survive and reproduce AND evolve lol.

  • My skepticism is actually not completely related to how resilient those organisms would be. It's more about the probability of having the right mix of chemical and physical reactions to create organisms and have them survive and reproduce AND evolve lol.

    Fair enough, that probably is the biggest issue here lmao but I like to imagine that theres something else out there too much so I'll choose to ignore that fact :pepe-hehe:

  • So tired of these ridiculous conspiracy theories! There is no life on Earth! End of discussion!


    But seriously I think most scientists agree that the main components needed for life are liquid water, a planet in a habitable distance from its star, some kind of protection from solar radiation such as atmosphere and so on.

    There's not really a lot of candidates in our solar system. Europa is often mentioned because it's got liquid water under its ice sheets but even then it could be life completely different from as we know it or very basic life bacteria or protozoa.

    There's probably other solar in our own galaxy that are much more likely to have better conditions for life. Problem is we can't know because the distances are far too big. For all we know there could've been a race that is around the exact same moment as us right now but we'd never know because we never get to communicate with them due to the inconceivable distances that even light takes eons to travel.

    Or some super apex race had been going round killing everyone and they've yet to get to us...

  • Agreed, if there is other life out there it's very few and far between lmao

    Trappist-1e which I'm pretty sure is considered the closest likely planet to be habitable is still almost 40 fucking lightyears away :pepe-life-support: if there is anything out there we're probably not gonna know during our lifetimes or even the next one... unless this apex race you mentioned decides to visit us lmao

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