T/N: the post are just screenshots so we'll translate the text only
"I made a promise to stop responding to anonymous and malicious posts but I can't stand this anymore so I'm posting this. How can I prove that it wasn't me? How can I remember things that happened 11 and as long as 16 years ago and how am I supposed to prove it? That's right. I wasn't a person who lived without hurting anyone, nor was I a person who lived close to everyone like a saint while growing up. I have also been extorted for money for being "small/dwarf-sized", I have also been assaulted before. Then from now on, am I a victim too?
I think that the place called "school" is a place where people can become good adults and members of society through a lot of trial and error, conflicts, and learning before the self is completely formed. I also learned from the trial and error and conflicts like I mentioned before.
But within the legal, ethical and moral line.
I will not deny that.
Why do I have to apologize under the responsibility of an actor for my childhood, when I didn't have the dream to become an actor back then and which (the claims made about) were not true? If this part is a problem, I apologize.
I'm sorry. I've never close to all the people from all my schools and all my grades. I was close with a small number of people, and my friends were really nice people. It seems that my narrow relationships and indifference towards the ill-feelings of people I was unrelated to were the problem. The past 10 years of my career has already collapsed and all the work was in progress has been halted. This is the amount of loss. It's indescribable. Mental damage? After the expose posts went viral, I only looked at the ground even if I went out of my house and for a couple of weeks, I lived without knowing what sleep was anymore.
Is (what I'm saying) an emotional appeal while the posts made by anonymous people without a face the truth?
(My) lawyer and (my) company have never pressured you for money, and if it feels like a threat, then how can I send you the proof of the content and how can I communicate the situation with you, who is living in a foreign country?
You were the one who first contacted my lawyer through your acquaintance and you sought a favorable arrangement. Why are you sending the content of (the/your?) apology through an acquaintance to ask for a lawyer's opinion? Just like when you posted your anonymous post, you didn't do it according to anyone else's will but at your own will. I don't understand why you changed your opinion because the terms were not favorable enough. And don't blame others for getting laid off. That person knows very well that if this case becomes a gossip, it will be a big damage to me.
Conspirator. I think that you know best why I am talking like this.. All of this is meaningless now. Thank you for allowing me to respond to you empty-handed just like you. I don't want the people who are previous to me and my agency to suffer anymore. I tried to keep the minimum dignity but I'm a human too and I am hurt, so I will reveal everything and talk in order to protect myself. I start from the person who spread the false post about me up to the malicious commenters, I will go until the end."
original post: here
1. He's acting like a victim just like Park Hye Sooㅋㅋㅋㅋ You could've just apologized in the first place. Acting like things are so unfair for you when we all know you're threatening the victim behind the scenes... I'm vomitting
2. Byunggyu lied ever since the first exposer came out (The first exposer said that JBG was in New Zealand during a specific period, but people shut him down because they claimed that JBG wasn't there). So many accusations followed after that. The victim was able to prove with the same school emblem. The moment when that W account on IG who claimed to be a Byunggyu friend started to go around was the same time when JBG released his IG post about how unfair things were for him. So how are we supposed to trust him?
3. If you're gonna expose your own side, you should prepare to show us your immigration proofs Byunggyu-yah
4. If it was that easy for him to prove his side, why doesn't he give us the proofs? He could've easily done that by proving us the dates he left New Zealand so why isn't he doing it?
5. F*ck just retire already
6. The victim was already able to prove that everything he did actually happened with proofs of when it happened. He was the one who got caught lying about the dates of his boarding school. All he could've done was prove us when he left the country
7. Why doesn't he just show us the proof of when he left the country????
8. Sigh.... Until when is he going to bullsh*t like this...
9. If he's going to write a letter of plea like that, why doesn't he just show us the proofs of when he left the country? Wouldn't that make the entire situation different? That's the easiest way for him to prove that it didn't happen, it's because of this one thing that nobody is believing JBG
10. Byunggyu-yah remove your IG and give your phone back to your company. Just shut up already if you want to quench the fire
11. ?? Princess needs to get his phone confiscated..^^
12. If you think things are so unfair for you, should've just lived a clean life to start with
13. I can clearly tell the way this guy is living his life.... The moment things don't go his way in his life, he's acting up on his own and can't contain his anger. If you're not here to apologize, just shut up. He's always there making his case look worse for himself
14. Bad character once, still a bad character now. This guy is just evil
15. Wow...! A👏 MA👏 ZING👏

Why do I have to apologize under the responsibility of an actor for my childhood, when I didn't have the dream to become an actor back then and which (the claims made about) were not true? If this part is a problem, I apologize.
Since I burst out laughing at that part, this should belong to the humor category
original post: here
1. The way he only talks with money is giving me goosebumps
2. Childhood only applies to elementary schoolㅡㅡ Adolescence isn't called childhood you dumb
3. What the heck is he saying
4. Being an actor is just a job. He's just avoiding the way he led a wrong life
5. You've already made a mistake when you decided to become an actor when you have harassed people before. Should've just lived a quiet life hiding
6. F*ck is he saying that if he knew he would become an actor, he wouldn't have acted like this?
7. His reply is seriously the worst;; Do they not have a crisis management team?;;
8. Looks he doesn't consider the old him as himself
9. He wrote that by himself? Hul...
10. ㅋㅋㅋ Is he joking?