1. you've heard good things about them but you're too lazy to check them out : Kiss of Life
2. you've heard good things about them, checked them out, was disappointed : Stayc
3. you've heard bad things about them, but you ended up really liking : Meovv
4. you've heard bad things about them, and they were right : Nmixx
5. genuinely too lazy to check out even though you really want to : Kiss of Life
6. you can't stand this certain member's (singing) voice : Yeji
7. you like everyone's (singing) voice : Aespa
8. you've been a fan for a long time and still can't tell their voices apart : -
9. you got into them after listening to one song and learning their names : Blackpink
10. your favorite song is a title track : BTS and many more
11. you only listen to this group's title tracks : Ive
12. you think this group's bsides are infinitely better than their title tracks : -
13. you were disappointed by their most recent release : Itzy
14. you like this group because your friends like them and you don't want to disappoint them : -
15. the fandom must make everything about them and their faves : -
16. you slowly lost interest in them over several comebacks, reached a breaking point, and unstanned them : BTS
17. there's one member that gives you bad vibes : -
18. you thought the fandom was funny until you left the fandom and realized it was cringe : BTS
19. the fandom's horny 24/7 : -
20. your ult group : Winner