Posts by SerendipitousYun

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    You know how sometimes people first hear a song through Glee? This is me realizing this is NOT an original song from the Trollz movie ;( (I had to watch it once a day when my baby sister was an infant).

    I am not into astrology. Obviously Moka would be more comfortable with Iroha since they speak Japanese, and cutting Youngseo really made Yunah awkward.

    I don't se a mention of Minju, but for all practical purposes she is now driving the group. Wonhee is not in a position to resist, so it would be probably MInju-Moka rivalry which will decide the group's future.

    Out of curiosity, what do you think the difference would be between Minju vs Moka would be for the group's future?

    But, Cupid success is not completely natural. At least, it was heavily bloated with playlisting.

    Neither the song being viral explains the astonishing physical sale.

    Do you seriously believe all articles about Moka so cute and Wonhee so pretty are organic?

    I never mentioned articles nor was Wonhee mentioned. I said, "outside of Moka going viral for being really cute, there hasn't been much about the members". That's on me for not clarifying, but if I had to be specific for discussion's sake, I suppose I was referring to fancams as Moka seems to have the most viewed fancams across platforms (and it's a pretty wide margin). That's not me saying she's a viral sensation, but rather that most of the interest I've observed from people who are not stans is typically in Moka due to her fitting the group's concept really well.

    You didn't refer to physical sales originally, just broad success, so I assumed you meant their digital achievements, my mistake. I'm not sure what a "normal" number is for physical sales, but I don't think 500k is really anything to balk at (I have also never, in my many years of being a K-pop fan, paid attention to physical sales outside of it being brought to my attention that someone sold 1 million copies, and even then it's in one ear out the other). What number do you think they're meant to have?

    I don't think illit's success(?) is organic and is largely effect of HYBE's payola. You have one chart-topping group whose members nobody cares. My theory is HYBE faking up illit's success to discredit Newjeans/Min Heejin.

    I think the sucess, payload aside, is just what happens when a song is viral. The song is simply more viral than the members, it's to a point where I've heard it while shopping and it's reminiscent of both Cupid and Any Song. The song is an earworm. However, outside of Moka going viral for being really cute, there hasn't been much about the members.

    Their first comeback will be more telling imo, as it seems that right now there's mostly casual listeners and a small fanbase from runext and their debut.

    It's funny you mentioned cohesiveness b/c as someone who's super into astrology their signs are not that cohesive either.

    We don't have birth times (for good reason), so I can't read their 11th house and see what their true cohesiveness in a group looks like but based on sun sign alone, Yunah has the highest compatibility with everyone across the board (if I had to put it into percentages, she's a 70% or higher match with all but Moka who I'd place closer to mid or low 60s), while Wonhee and Iroha are very incompatible astrological and Moka is kind of meh with everyone except Iroha. This isn't indicative of what they'll actually be like behind closed doors of course, but I did find the mix interesting when I looked it up back in September.

    I also think not having Youngseo does work against them at least little as far as cohesion in both visuals (she would've been a gap between the rest of the members and Yunah), personalities (they only have one extrovert now and it made the variety content a little painful at times), and astrology signs as Scorpio is another sign that gets on very well with the rest of the group (again except Moka, Libra signs, in general, tends to not bond as easily with earth and water which is a majority of the group).

    Again this is all pseudoscience, but it's still interesting to look at.

    Even the legal professionals are saying the management overtaking argument is absurd and makes no sense. Who does hybe think they are fooling really??

    Clealry only the unaware, unattentive public that they manipulated through dirty media play.

    What the legal professionals are saying is that the information Hybe has leaked to the media so far would likely not be enough to prove that MHJ tried to usurp management rights. That however doesn't mean Hybe cannot ultimately be succesful as they might have more evidence. Lawyers that the media approached can't afterall make hypothetical judgements. Like us, they're just spectators and not participants. It's the same thing with MHJ's injunction. Lawyers have said to the media that they don't believe the injunction will be succesful, however at the same time they also stress that MHJ's chances aren't 0% as surprises can always happen with law cases.

    I get though that everyone is projecting their own emotions when they discuss everything that's happening with this conflict. However it might be better for all of us personally if we at least try to be a bit critical of what happens on either side to prevent that we end up blindsides by a potential outcome that we didn't foresee because of our confirmation biases.

    Thank you, ItsActuallyMe . This has been bothering me for a bit (mainly b/c I'm a lawyer too lol), but you cannot take a lawyer's purposefully non-specific opinion as predictive of how anything will play out in court. What I would tell someone as a general observation vs what I'd tell a client who has given me all the information they have, and informed me of what they think the opposition knows are 2 different stories.

    Hybe has kept all documents they claim to have to themselves (for good reason, as I'd rip my hair out follicle by follicle if my client was releasing evidence to the public for something as volatile as public opinion), so we don't know what they have nor how damning it is for MHJ. As a result, any opinion from a lawyer is severely limited in scope. Also be take note that none of them have spoken in absolutes no one said "if they go to court the case will be dismissed." It's "based on what we know, if they go to court it's likely to be dismissed." B/c law is not always cut and dry in cases like this and none of them know enough to give you accurate predictions.

    Law is, ironically enough, not fair. This is the same legal system that halved Seungri's 3-year sentence to 18 months and gives people in power shorter sentences for crimes that others would get years for. MHJ could be innocent and still lose, and it's best to not set your sights on a verdict until we get one (and then if she wins you'll feel even better)

    Ateez were invited as headliners for Mawazine's international music festival in Morocco (article link). It's one of the bigger music festivals worldwide, and this is an amazing opportunity for them and a full-circle moment since Ateez filmed Pirate King in Morocco.


    I'm not surprised they accepted because in general, if there's a stage and invitation, Ateez is there lol. Anyways, Ateez are great live and they've got a pretty decent fanbase in Morocco, so I'm excited for them (and hopefully I can see them when I visit my family this summer).

    scandals and poor marketing. At one point they were known for their idols being caught in scandals more than anything else (typically drug scandals too), and they also don't promote groups that well. Luckily Baby Monster got some promotion, but I truly think YG expected them to blow up with no promotion whatsoever despite the competitive gg scene rn.

    Yes I just binge ate three bananas

    If it makes you feel better, I ate 20 mangoes in 2 days lol. Fruit is great though, good fiber, tons of nutrients and minerals, and bananas have a lot of fiber.

    Only this

    Min Heejin has filed an injunction to the Seoul Central District Court to stop HYBE from exercising it’s voting rights to dismiss her.

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    It seems her lawyers are finally earning their keep that's good for her. I'm wondering if it's a temporary, permanent, or preliminary injunction as all of those have different outcomes and possibilities. However, this makes an amicable outcome less and less likely. If she wins and stays she's Cersei from GOT, sitting on a throne on borrowed time with people waiting to take her down. If she loses they'll likely try to expedite her removal to prevent her from making any more moves. But I'm curious to see if it gets granted either way.

    MHJ still trying to delay her being fired by filling petitions. And Hybe/BTS antis in the thread now trying to use karmy protest for their arguments.

    This is a generalization, but kfans protest kind of like the French: at any opportunity and with relish. I'm not sure what point anyone in this thread is making that could be strengthened by using kfan protests (not that I believe haters of something are ever fully logical if I think about it), but in general, using emotionally charged fans as ammo for an argument against Hybe doesn't make sense.

    Fans protesting is expected in a way as BTS can't even say anything so from their mind, maybe they think this is them speaking up for the members. I don't care enough to do something like that, but I'm also aware that kfans have a completely different parasocial relationship with these groups b/c the way they advertise themselves to Koreans vs international fans is not the same.

    A surprising choice. Why not SinB?

    Irene definitely leans toward more of the pretty side. If we're talking sexy in Red Velvet, I think it has to be Joy.

    I think if it were purely from Gfriend I'd say SinB, but after redebuting in Viviz I think Umji has kind of developped a more sexy image. Sin B should definitely be on the list though. And yea Joy is probably the better option (or maybe even Seulgi).

    Lisa reminds me of a barbie doll with her proportions, can't lie.

    Anyways, I'm a little confused about the purpose of this thread but maaaybe lets consider that non-korean members might be held to higher standards b/c they'll often face more scrutiny from the gp for not being korean so you'll often find that they have "better" (relative) proportions or fit the kbs (if you prescribe to that) pretty well.

    But tbh, I don't think it actually matters in the grand scheme of things?

    Probably "got me comma commas, I'm addicted to you toxic" from No Manners

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    I just like how it sounds (and the song is catchy too)

    He should really get a hobby or something. I'm about to take up knitting. One of my clients has been working on knitting a sock during our sessions and it's got me wanting to try too. They got all excited because they want us to knit together while we talk. Then they sent me a simple pattern to start and a list of supplies to buy. So I guess I'll be (badly) knitting a scarf!

    knitting is really fun! It takes longer than crocheting b/c there's less space, but once you get good enough you can knit almost anything so long as you know the pattern.