Display MoreCan I take a moment to laugh at the forced shock and disgust people seem to have towards the presence of privilege in a giant company?
I guess I should be on the chopping block next, because I sure as hell have gotten a TON of privilege for being the highest rated member of my department year-end multiple times.
I get paid more, I get way more autonomy than people even in my same position, and I usually get anything I ask for within reason and without question because of my reputation
I'm too lazy to figure out the context of this (I'm sure it's in the last 8 pages), but this made me chuckle because it's the realest take. Privilege exists in every industry, and if you think otherwise you're in for a rude awakening when you join the workforce.
I'm one of the top performers in my department at my firm and I'm good at networking (a skill I had to bust my ass off to develop as I hate networking). As a result, I get to charge higher rates, work from home most days, and have more freedom in general regarding my tasks.
And tbh, having privilege doesn't mean it wasn't earned and it often comes from hard work. I used to bill 80 hours a week for the first few years and was doing a lot of the busy work that got thrown to me by people higher up.