As long as it's not J Hope
Posts by SerendipitousYun
They're just getting an increased influx of hate b/c of Coachella and their refusal to make some "sorry we can't sing live, we'll work better to improve!" statement (and tbh, idk why they'd expect any admittance of that, it's not like their other encores have stopped them from winning before). One good comeback and they'll be fine, imo. Online hate typically doesn't impact the group's overall success at a proportional rate unless the hate is the result of a big scandal or something that completely alienates their fans (like completely changing the concept to the point that their core fanbase no longer enjoys it).
edit: MHJ's presscon also took the hate they were already receiving and gave those people even more ammo along with new parties joining the hate, so it's just much larger compared to other groups
Someone on pan said she looks like the perfect Chaebol daughter-in-law and I agree. She looks so luxe, I love it!
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The fact that it's just one fan reminds me of the 3 Chen stans protesting his marriage lmao.
it makes me wonder why they haven't fired their PR team (or done a heavy revamp). I don't necessarily like MHJ, but if I was in her place, of course I'm going to hold some kind of conference about the allegations. It doesn't take a PR genius to realize that the CEO you're trying to upsurp who's notoriously outspoken and protective of her brand and group is going to make a statement. It also doesn't take a genius to realize a population that can't afford a house isn't always going to side with the mega company over the crying individual that's allegedly being forced into a corner
Honestly, if my recent rants and responses in this thread haven't indicated an obvious shift in my overall stance on this real life corporate soap opera, I think I'll just say that I'm leaning in a direction now. That doesn't mean I believe everything that particular party has said, or that there's a right or wrong/good vs. evil dichotomy at play here, but..come on
Everytime we talk about what Hybe DID do, it gets diluted and deflected into hypotheticals about what MHJ WOULD do. And I personally doubt MHJ would have made ANY of this public right in the middle of a NewJeans comeback that she and her team have been spending months preparing for, if not over a year.
I think MHJ is guilty of being extremely proud and defiant against anyone who would infringe upon her creative liberties and decision making, but she has provided enough valid receipts on Hybe to make me, at the very list, look at Hybe's claims very dubiously.
I'm also confused why Army are still defending Hybe, when all this heat BTS is getting can be traced right back to Hybe trying to use their name and fandom to bury MHJ, who never publicly said a word about BTS other than to refute the hit pieces Hybe pushed out.
Maybe things will completely reverse in court, but so far only one party looks competent and decisive.
Honestly unless Hybe has the most foolproof evidence I really don't understand why this was ever made public.
And I agree, I'm annoyed at MHJ for name dropping Illit but I'm more annoyed at Hybe for making this public b/c they never would've been drawn into this in the first place otherwise
Not to be a chismosa, but when is the drug scandal part of this drama dropping?
It really depends on what the clause would exactly specificy. So far the only information I could find from articles was that the clause prohibited her from "competitive activities such as getting a job at a competing company or establishing and operating a competitor for a certain period of time after leaving the company".
Ador's last statement mentioned that they did receive a revised proposal about the clause in mid-March but they don't expand further upon it.
I can't speak to the validity of the translation, but this one seems to suggest that she'd have to sell the contract states that the non-compete is indefinite unless she sells her shares (this is the Naver article it's citing)
"the irrationality of the current shareholder contract lies, above all, in the fact that CEO Min Hee Jin can be free from the non-competition clause that requires her to no longer hold stocks, and it would be natural for anyone to seek to resolve this unfairness. In a rebuttal, HYBE said that in December of last year, they sent a response saying, “There was a difference in interpretation of the sale-related provisions in the contract, and we will resolve the ambiguous interpretation.” The interpretation of the content is not ambiguous to any legal professional, and CEO Min Hee Jin must continue to be subject to the non-competition obligation until all stocks are disposed of with the consent of HYBE."
still not entirely sure if that's what is being implied though ngl.
If she gets kakao on her side and to invest in them, NJ will do fine. It's okay if they don’t go on one or two tv channels. At last NJ will remain NJ and im sure their music and concepts will be BOMB.
What im really scared about is if mhj will be tied in a non compete and for how long.
If its just 2 years, well i guess she could delegate and give the project to direct to one of her co ador ceos while drafting the business plan before the non compete takes place.
But i hope there will be no non compete at all for her
. Or if there is one, not too long.
Korean law stipulates that non-competes are not legally enforceable after 12 months (and she has to be paid for the time she does not work) so she can sue if they try and enforce it after that. However, the problem is not the law, it's being blacklisted.
Even if Kakao invests in her if she were to leave (which is still up in the air), Hybe is a bad company to make an enemy out of (but whether or not that's her fault is up in the air as well as we don't know how far she got on planning to leave if their accusations are true). I think of it as Walmart vs Amazon, different large conglomerates with large influence across the industry. So it won't be without some blockage if she leaves b/c public opinion only does so much if you've got a conglomerate foot on your neck (and this depends on Kakao's willingness to go up to bat for MHJ and whether or not they would even give her a fairer contract as I don't view them in a much better light than Hybe as they are also a giant conglomerate).
They might change the date if the fans kick up enough of a stink tbh. Though if they really want to guarantee they get the date and venue changed, they'd need to take a page out of Shawols' book as they dealt with a bad venue before and got it fixed. I do have to wonder why booking improper venues seems to be a consistent issue with SM.
All the hate you guys are perpetuating against JYP-Oppar is ageist and offensive. You say you want no minors in kpop, but when we get a real ADULT who serves CUNT, you imply that he's old and go stan the 5-year-olds in micro skirts and crop tops instead. Fun Fact JYP Oppar is an ace capable of handling all concepts thrown at him and has had no fewer than 200 idols cover his challenges. He's had billboard write articles about his songs
(I hate myself for looking this up)due to how amazingly badthey are and he's way more loved than any of you realize(not by me though). Just look at Kyungsoo and Krystal's reaction when he performed at the blue dragon's award:they're literally speechless
(from pure disgust). When has your fav ever made idols speechless? exactly. You just can't handle that he's the idol of idols.I'll end this by blessing your eyes with JYP senpai's versatility among concepts
cute, edgy, and sexy concepts? Easy for him like the ace he is. Your faves could never
This was the most painful thing to write. If i had to see that picture of him in bed than so do you guys.