blame anyone but hybe
mhj, the girls themselves, the parents
but not hybe, never hybe, never ever hybe
blame anyone but hybe
mhj, the girls themselves, the parents
but not hybe, never hybe, never ever hybe
Yes of course
when you really focus in the whole situation this has been something brewing since their debut when Hybe promised their debut first then blindsided them
i know it doesn’t really matter who debuted first but it sets the tone of respect Hybe shows them
these girls are fighting for their careers because without MHJ there they will be put on hiatus for who knows how long and the childish bullying going on bts
this detail is lost on a lot of people, or they simply don't care
This is fearmongering. Hybe will likely respond with comebacks, new teams, management and everything needed to keep things moving as to make money, and keep the business going. They decided that Hybe wouldn’t care and or would push for comebacks, but they themselves gotten too entrenched in MHJ’s hole. What did they expect? Hybe might not be able to work with them at all. It’s a tough situation; they’re not the only ones struggling to work together.
spoken like a true corporate bootlicker.
jfc, are there an endless supply of hybe bots?
Display MoreWell, if this is true, part 1 of my prediction will have come to pass. MHJ getting tossed out means that NJ needs a new manager.
NJ is extremely profitable and successful, even with the damage they took because of MHJ's disgusting narcissism, they are still clearly beloved. So Hybe will hopefully be smart and keep them together.
However, since there's so much bad blood between NJ families and Hybe, i dont think anyone within Hybe would be trusted by NJ families. And things will be MUCH BETTER for all involved if they were to buy in to MHJ's replacement.
Enter the Black Knight of Kpop.
It would be a LOT cleaner if Teddy could just sell Meow to another label. Then Teddy would be freed up to become NJ creative director along with Somi. (Rose probably only needs guidance/advice/connections from him not music). New Jeans and Somi would be manageable. But adding Meow to this will make things a lot more difficult.
Still, where there's a will there's a way. He already has the trust of everyone in the industry, nobody has a bad word to say about him and that's unbelievably rare, i mean just look at how much hate JYP, YG, Bang, LSM, etc gets. The worst criticism is just his musical style and inability to provide consistent comebacks.
Make it happen, Bang!!
you're very dedicated in your quest
Display MoreBehave ? Lol.
That Army that build petitions through to remove MHJ from hybe. that people used to bring issue of humanity and political matters, they manage to use it for stupid petitions. But zero for genocide issue, of course.
That sellulite army guy who made hate campaign in their x targeting MHJ everyday, even went so far to wish her s*****e, tweet shakthak pretends to be caring fans,then proceed harassing the girls.
That Army who falsely mistranslated mhj conference to instigate Army fans to hate more.
That Army that proudly bullying a journalist and her wife because he wrote about suga dui case.
they won't own up to their doings.
but they can sure gaslight you when you respond in kind
the irony...
exactly my top 2, in that order