Posts by Bot7654

    She was the first female Kpop artist to sell 500K. Da fuck?

    And I don't have time to find it. But there's a video of JYP doing a company presentation and explicitly stating he values album sales over charts.

    Uh, no she wasn't? Lisa, Jisoo and Rose (And Nayeon?) sold considerably more than that well before her. If you can get such a basic fact wrong....

    JYP only started saying that after all of his groups started charting like garbage, he never said it before. It's just saving face when he clearly craves public recognition that comes only from charting.


    Making note of this for future arguments with Blinks

    To correct that user's attempt at misinformation: Here are the most recent BP numbers using a non-biased source.

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    Since Ready to Be hasn't hit this milestone yet, Chartdata hasn't made a tweet about it. So, I'm using a Twice-biased source. The dates of the two tweets aren't far off.

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    As you can see, the first week does not paint the whole picture accurately.

    I don't see how that would even be a factor, unless you're too broke to attend more than one concert.

    They were "local" only if you're counting every country a member hails from. Twice were doing Tokyo Dome when BP were doing arenas.

    BP did their first dome concert in late 2018 while Twice didn't set foot in anything larger than an arena in Japan until 2019.

    Twice and Blackpink debate has not been concluded neatly. I think most grudgingly accepted that Twice were bigger than BP in Korea (looking at longevity, PAKs, daesangs etc), and BP is bigger than Twice internationally except Japan (charting, tours etc). So maybe the 4th gen GGs will have this results too? Who knows..

    Twice haven't had longevity in Korea. They haven't been relevant in Korea for more than half of their career at this point. Lol.

    Being this pressed because BP's numbers are embarrassing Twice's is a bad look, mate.

    There is no way for YG to manipulate the numbers the venues are reporting, which show everything as being sold out.

    IF you're worried about media play, you should investigate the Marvel Stadium for Twice if it ends up showed as sold out, despite the entire top section not being put up for sale due to lack of demand. JYP had to photoshop the entire top of the stadium to be darker to avoid an embarrassing photo.

    Twice are in the ideal spot. They were on the top and under the microscope for years. Now they're on their second contract, have a dedicated fanbase, and are still selling out stadiums. The GGs of today will be lucky as hell if they can be in Twice's spot in 5-6 years.

    I don't think making 0 noise for their songs in Korea (and most countries) is exactly an ideal spot.

    We've been through this many times. Ranking 10 positions higher when you're both at the bottom doesn't mean much.

    Kpop is not mainstream in any of these countries. Neither Twice nor BP are mainstream in any of these countries, they are just a niche. You know where Kpop IS more a less mainstream? Right, Japan. Japan is the biggest idol market, Twice's popularity there actually makes a difference. And it is is going to make even more difference long term, compare TVXQ who had Japan and Suju who had "Asia". Former having Dome Tours after 15 years and making bank while Suju are doing varieties and talk shows. Even BigBang and their supposed "global popularity" what remained is Japan, which was like 90% of their touring activity during final years.

    But back to the topic, Blackpink charting better, "better" being the key word, doesn't matter cause in the end both are niche. You mentioned South America and Australia, like bitch please, they pulled the same crowds there with their tours, what difference did streams and charts make? That is not the definition of a "home run".

    That's a lot of cope for the huge gaps between Twice and BP where it matters.

    Example? Thailand and maybe Indonesia, who else?

    Using charting positions and length of time on said charts as well as streaming platforms, since they are actual data points we can look at...

    As far as their songs on official charts and streaming platforms, literally every country sans Japan and to a lesser extent Korea there is a big gap.

    As far as their albums, every country in Europe (France being the biggest), Southeast Asia, Oceania, and to a lesser extent South and Central America. Outside of Japan and Korea, really the only areas Twice comes in striking distance, yet still a clear second, are the US and Canada.