Posts by David33

    It's a ramen day!

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    Yes David many kpop fans do this, but honestly I'm not sure what I've done in my time here to lead you to believe I'm one of those people. I often think that fandoms, even the ones I'm part of, overreact to every little negative thing said about their faves and write it off as haters. It's so annoying. I just don't feel this is one of those cases, just feels like my man is hating for clicks. Feels disingenuous.

    Where did I say that you're like them?

    Hate generate more clicks than anything else, so that's not surprising. When I criticized Lisa's Rockstar, I had more than 1M views on Twitter and hundreds of hate comments. When I praised her for new song Born Again, no one give a damn.🤣

    well just choose any other group with a 3 good vocalist like Nmixx or SNSD etc... choose a rapper in one of these group

    and Mamamoo songs aren't impossible to sing

    I don't think their song itself have an identity to the point of thinking " only Mamamoo is doing this type of song so i can't imagine how any other groups would do covering one one their songs"

    Okay, please watch these videos. Vocal wise, only Btob is on their level, basically, and maybe NMIXX, but neither of them are even close to sound like Mamamoo! I'm not saying all of them sound bad, some are obviously good singers, but Mamamoo songs doesn't suit them at all, even if they rearranged the songs for their style.

    Only other RBW artists came close, btw!

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    Lastly, here's a cover from Sohyang and An Shinae with Hwasa. This is probably the best cover, I've ever heard, but even the best Korean female vocalist can't do justice to a Mamamoo song. You know why? Because Mamamoo has a distinct style that only they can do. You either try to sing like them, or rearrange their songs to do it in your own style, but ultimately you're not gonna reach their level in terms of overall performance.

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    to me that is what makes it harsh. Call it whatever you want, harsh or lazy, it's still not fair. He could've followed up all the trashing with at least some of positives, which do exist, but never does. One might come away from this review thinking the album is not even worth checking out but that's not really the case.

    Honestly just read Yama's last 2 replies cus that's more or less how I feel and he summed it well, man was reading my mind lol

    Kpop fans care too much about opinions! Let's be it positive or negative. Most Kpop fans are hypocrite as well.

    If someone's fave is praised by a big media outlet, they say, their faves are the best, if it's the opposite, they say that person is a hater.

    I don't want to argue, I'm just interested why did you pick Aespa, that's all.

    Mamamoo doesn't have a concept, they're the concept, that's why they're unique. They do whatever they want! No other group does that! They have zero limitation, unlike other groups. The fact that they did almost everything and can't be put in one simple box or genre, makes them more unique than any other group.


    their songs are great but most of them can be sing by any other group

    Now, this is 100% bs! Many people tried to cover a Mamamoo song, and pretty much all of them failed, except maybe other RBW artists like Purple Kiss, but no one came close to the original. Also, it's pretty easy to know if you hear a Mamamoo song, because they have a unique style, jazzy, blues and RnB type of feel in almost every song, and you can't hear that in any other group. At least, not combined together.


    and the group overall just have no aesthetic that looking at it makes me scream MMM

    their MV looks like a lot of MV that we saw in kpop during their time etc...

    Again, there's a reason why the Kpop industry say: "MAMAMOO did MAMAMOO" or "BeLisMamamoo" after every performance they did. Like I said above, THEY ARE THE CONCEPT! They don't need cute, badass, or cool "aesthetics". That's why they're unique, they don't do what other groups already done or doing!


    First of all like you said aespa have a UNIQUE concept so just this makes them unique considering that even yourself consider their concept unique

    Never said, Aespa is not unique, but the thread is about the most unique groups! Aespa only stands out concept wise, but that's all.


    even you if you are honest and i show you this pic without knowing that you are a kpop fans, it would be impossible for you or any other kpop fans to not think of Aespa

    Yes, and I said this already, they have a unique concept, but that's all. If you remove their concept, ask them to sing any other SM group song and wear the same clothes, they won't stand out, so technically the only thing that makes them different is the futuristic concept, or whatever we should call it.

    That's why I said, most groups can be replaced, even Aespa.

    And you can see that I said both that it felt overly harsh and did not even give Lisa ANY credit, so I don't think the review was FAIR to just rip into her for the entire thing, given the context. I'm not even trying to make excuses but I even see people who largely agree with the article saying it was too harsh. If you think it's fair, that's fine, but we just have to agree to disagree. Like, even you give her some credit, this review did not at all it seems.

    I also don't like how this review, and many online, are trying to paint Lisa as some industry plant or plastic doll being forced on the industry to milk us for money, when those of us who have followed her know that's not true, mona alluded to this in an earlier reply. That's really my biggest issue with it.

    I don't think the review was that harsh, it just lacked details. He only mentioned the negatives. So, if anything, it was lazy, not harsh.

    I didn't say his review was fair, btw. I don't like reviews that only mentions one side. Even if I really hate something, like I think my lowest rated movie of all-time is the Twilight saga, but I mentioned some positives about that too. Don't remember what, thankfully I erased that mess from my brain.🤣

    1. Of course, we can. For example, Lisa's new album is 90% about bragging. They can say whatever they want, what they're saying doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what emotion their art conveys. If they care about their art, anyone can feel it, without hearing them say some random explanation.

    2. That's not true. Charts and other stats don't represent what people actually feel about the song, how a song, a movie, or a book can change a person's entire life! Charts doesn't mean anything.


    Why bother about feelings when assessing art which reaches large number of people.

    This is the problem with new so called "artists" nowadays. They want to be popular! You can be popular, but people will forget you after a week. If you create real art, people will care about you even after you died.

    I'm talking about ART, you're talking about CHARTS. It's not the same thing. It's not about what I think or what I like. This was said about real artists! I only repeat what they said! If you disagree with them, go argue with them.


    Mate, when was I biased towards any of my faves? My ratings are there, you can see it! Here, my ratings for Solar's COLOURS EP! If I'm biased, I wouldn't give 7/10, let alone 6/10 to any of her songs.🤣


    Hwasa - O album


    First you ARE biased, but that's not the point here.

    And second these same armys always love to say how they don't like BP, etc so why are they wasting their *precious* time listening every song the girls drop? Watching every interview? Literally keeping up with them? It's giving obsession and an ugly one.

    As I said I understand fair criticism, but I'm not dumb and by my time here I know who says it just to be hateful.

    So, I hate Solar and Hwasa as well? Look at my ratings! How can you call this being biased? I've NEVER seen any Kpop fan here giving less than 7/10 score to their faves.

    I mean... It is pitchfork, they are VERY pretentious. I as a teen took their reviews as gospel, then they gave Kylie Minogue a less than 1 score for Fever and I was like :exit-pepe: Yeah y'all just hate fun shit

    There's no platform on this planet that people can trust 100%. After all, these reviews written by people, not robots! It doesn't matter if it's Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, Billboard or my cute little puppy. It's just their personal opinion.

    The funny thing is, when someone writes a nice review about any artist, their fans posting that articles 10 times in every second to prove a point, but if they see a negative review, it's just a "hater". So, fans are not better either.

    I think the review is way too harsh and really doesn't give Lisa enough credit. Given that this her first solo album in a new market, I think she did well. Overall I really love the album and I actually do think it shows that Lisa is multi-faceted as we see a variety of different songs from her on here (at least it feels that way to me). My only complaint is lyrics in her raps are getting a bit stale tbh, but it doesn't really turn me off from the songs.

    I don't agree about this new sensation that Kpop fans tend to do. Just because someone released their first solo album, it doesn't mean they don't deserve FAIR criticism. Especially if the album contains 15 songs!

    I said this in my review, her album was kinda versatile in a way, not all of her songs sound the same, and the biggest problem is the Wattpad lyrics, and the fact that her so called Alter ego concept is not apparent in her album, like, at all. Maybe it's just me and a couple of other people, but I can't see that in her songs. I said this in another thread, this concept was made for Comic Book, not for her album.

    The funny thing is, I like her singing more than her rap, even tho she's not a good singer. If her next album will be about bragging again, she's finished, basically.

    I'm not being sarcastic, the change is obvious, but you don't see armys energy towards their own faves.

    And idc about RM or Suga music career tbh neither does majority of their fandom hence why the superficial boys are the ones getting the streams, records etc.

    To be fair, we can say the same about every fandom, even Moomoos! I'd say at least 90% of Kpop fandoms are biased and always give 10/10 to every song their faves release.

    That's why so many people don't like me, because I'm not biases, even with my own faves. For example, I didn't like Solar's COLORS, or G-Dragon's POWER. I hate EDM, and Power was bland.

    They charted in the hot 100 bubble in 2017 way before they promoted there. Wtf do you mean? You already see the big potential that awaits them in their rookie year. :cursing:

    I just compared and presented their latest releases and IU not close in streamings :cursing:

    Are we really talking about acting here? Really? You just say whatever random things you wanna say :cursing:

    Mate, you literally ignore what I'm saying. Why are you comparing their latest releases when I said, IU was the most streamed female Idol in 2024? Not her latest album, OVERALL! Big difference.

    I mentioned acting as well, yes, but my main point was about music. The stats are there. You can ignore, I don't care anymore. BP ladies are not even close to IU. OVERALL, not just on streaming!

    I hope you know what overall means. BP may be more mainstream in the West, but IU is 10 times bigger in Asia, and she's not that far off from BP in the West either. So do the math.

    We are talking only music/idol-ing.

    You response peppered with "I, I think, for me" etc., itself is evidence that there is no objective standard for "real art" - just "real art for David33" which could be very different from "real art for bbgc or xyz"

    Art is not quantifiable to be objective. So only statistical assessment is possible.

    That's why I said: "FOR ME", but the 1st sentence is true in general.


    I think the definition of "real art" is pretty simple. It has to mean something to the artist and the one who receive it.

    If it doesn't mean anything to the artist, or the one who receive it, do you really think it's real art? I mean, the 2nd part of the sentence can be wrong, because artists like Van Gogh were hated by pretty much everyone back then. No one understood his art, but now, it's different.

    But I'm 1000% sure about the first part, if someone creating something without putting their own feelings to it, it means nothing! That's why in many cases when a song doesn't have massive numbers, or Chart, people still can feel that it was important to the singer. The same can be said about movies. It's so easy to tell if the writer of the movie actually loved the story, or it was made for the trends to make 1B in the box office.

    I mean sure, you have a point, but with SNSD is different, the others don't do anything in the music field, just Jess and Taeyeon, but Seohyun and Yoona are pretty big still. But okay, let's say they're not as big as the other members in those groups, I can agree.

    I think the definition of "real art" is pretty simple. It has to mean something to the artist and the one who receive it.

    If a song is only about bragging, without any real message, I won't count it as real art. If I don't feel anything listening to a song even if I don't understand the language, because music is not about that, or I don't feel anything watching a movie, because neither telling me a story, uplifting my mood nor encourages people, it's not art for me.

    Obviously, not every song need to have a deep meaning, but I expect at least a 1 or 2 songs like that on an album or follow the main concept like Moonbyul's 'Starlit of Muse' did for example.