Posts by Serala

    I have seen a lot of comments mainly expecting Somin because she was leader for her time in April, to take responsibility for the actions of everyone in her group even if it does turn out she was not directly attacking her. Which is a little ick as she does not control her members 1000%, now I do agree if she saw something and did not say anything, or was directly one of the ones who was the start of it, that is a huge problem.

    So far though the kpop census especially on Reddit and social media is that she may not have done the bullying herself but it was "her job" to stop it all, and if she did not successfully do so then it is her fault everyone else is falling apart now. Which I do not know if I completely agree with, yes as a leader she can disapprove of their behavior and ask them to stop but she does not get the final say so in what happens as repercussions etc. DSP does.

    Why do you think the company would remove one member who is the leader from an already debuted group just to debut her in another? Such a thing points often to them being a problem in the group. It is not always the case but removing the leader and placing them in another group is almost unheard of. There were also rumours a few years ago before the April scandal (I haven't kept up with Somin to be fair) that she is not getting along well with the other girl in Kard now but as I said I don't keep up with them and not getting along does not mean she is or was bullying the other girl.

    There still could be a chance she was removed because her image didn't fit with April but considering all the things happening in April I doubt she didn't knew about the bullying. She can't control everyone in the group but I doubt DSP would, after knowing the group has some problems, remove a person who (if she did nothing bad) is probably the only one being half-way nice to Hyunjoo or at least keeping things civil in the group just to debut her in another group, when they can find another trainee to debut instead. This would be DSP asking for more conflicts in the group, if Somin was a more neutral or mature force and she got removed.

    Here was an anonymous post being discussed here (but it is an anonymous account, which you can choose to ignore or not, I just link it here so you can see why people critized Somin): She's (Somin) the only one trying to get out of the April scandal

    I saw the translated article and I'm so surprised with how Naeun seems like a really bad person with how she is trying to change her image with just fake proofs, rumors and involving others like... Her agency is trash too for trying to make her a victim when it's clear how she isn't!

    Like I said before, if you see how Naeun's family behaved, ot shouldn't be a surprise she is like them too. But the agency is so shameless and hurting their previously good inage by signing and faking evidence for her

    :eewwcat: I have not been in the April fandom for a few years now since "Oh My Mistake" but WTF :angy5: Dude it seems these two just straight up do not like each other and are dragging everyone around them into this petty mess :plzprivacy:

    It wasn't only the two. From what I remember it started with Somin, when she was still in April and not Kard, and Naeun seems to have joined her in on it and after this the other members followed

    Funny enough, court records were leaked today and it shows that April sued her over 10 times, lost each one and texts implying April did know she'd made an attempt and still shit talked her.

    Naeun and her agency are getting dragged to filth for the mediaplay

    Just adding for everyone not clicking on the link (I read a translation of it): someone feeling sorry for Hyunjoo leaked it. April sued Hyunjoo up until last year

    I do believe there was bullying. Even Naeun's mother was mean to Hyunjoo on TV (!) and Naeun's sister got rumours too that she bullied others. From the way they treated and talked about her despite knowing that Hyunjoo attempted suicide it can be quite obvious imo that they bullied her. A normal human being wouldn't say that the person who tried to kill themselves is weak, especially not so openly, even if you dislike the person. A basic amount of empathy should make you at least second-guess if maybe yourself said or did something which wasn't nice (even if you did nothing wrong) and will make you shut up at least openly (to not harm the person further AND to protect one's own image by not being seen as the shameless cold person making fun of someone who tried to kill themselves).

    Naeun's family, the diary entry of Naeun and the way April reacted to knowing Hyunjoo tried to committed suicide don't make me doubt that they definitely tried to make her feel bad on purpose. If you add the tumbler and the shoes incidents and that Hyunjoo was really popular on the show The Unit and her group members of that project group all really like her even until now, I doubt Hyunjoo was the problem. I do think it escalated because they were jealous she was allowed to go home a lot and from then on one or two members started being mean and the other ones followed and they all bounded over having a common enemy they feel that doesn't deserve to have the "privileges".

    Naeun also profits a lot of a PR campaign right now. They try to get her back in the spotlight in a positive light since a year now. They even paid for her to attend a youtube show of a guy who (it seems like, I don't know him) was bullied and spoke up against bullying a lot and basically tried to make her seen like she wasn't a bully. Well, that guy lost his credibility and had to apologise for this. And all the things coming out in favour of April (and especially point out how good Naeun was to her members) suddenly and about for example staff members (I think it was a make up artist?) who shields April but at the same time talks like she was 24/7 there and knew what was going on even in their dorm etc. is just unbelievable. Naeun is under contract now of a famous actor agency and they try very hard to get her seen in a good light, so I wouldn't trust these random stories after all the things they literally showed themselves how they saw and treated Hyunjoo. April lost all 7 lawsuits and with every statement, where they wanted to defend themselves or get anyone else to defend them, they made themselves look even worse. I don't think I have ever seen a group looking worse each time they try to defend themselves as I saw with April

    I hope she exits his life completely.

    She joined the company he is under AFTER they broke up, so that will be impossible for a while. And she probably was already dating her new bf at the time she joined since she joined the company in November and revealed she is dating the trash in January. I don't know, either way it is weird of her to do this and let's not forget that they were rumours she was into him around the Change area and that Junhyung is also the ex boyfriend of Hara, who she knew for a while (whether they were friends or not, they did spend a while together on variety shows and considering Hara took her life over similar things her boyfriend admitted to watching, it feels icky)

    She is a soloist with (as someone said before) not a huge hardcore fandom protecting her and was one of the first ones the mob focused on, so they all have her in mind and see her as someone they have to destroy to be able to feel liek they have done something, while ignoring that others did such things too. Just like people remember that Chungha was the first kpop idol to get covid but can anyone remember who came after her (expect the like 3 friends she celebrated with)?

    It is just like in school that when the first victim is picked by the bullies others will join to be part of the "community" too and to feel better about themselves, while ignoring that for whatever undeserving reason they picked the victim for, it applies to other people as well. But either they are so focused on disliking the victim that they don't see anyone else or make excuses for their friends (or in kpop their groups) who share the same "trait".

    In a few months most will probably forget about it and she will gain followers again with a new comeback

    They are literally sabotaging themselves for the future with this. MHJ's contract goes until 2026 (if Hybe doesn't send her on forced paid vacation or she gets declared guilty at the criminal trial) and NJ's one goes until 2029. Even if MHJ stays until her contract end what do they think will happen after she has to leave? They will be completely at Hybe's mercy and after one alibi good comeback, they will probably get ignored and CF's will be canceled for them or even right now sabotaged by Hybe and given to other groups. How can they not see it? Within 3 years a group can lose a lot of Hybe, especially since they have a youth concept and will age out of it and without a good new concept they could be ignored

    fr...the people in this thread taking knet word as law are smtg else. they've gotten it wrong plenty of times before.

    The one with Tablo was so insane because they brought so much EVIDENCE and he was still being dragged with upwards to 40K upvotes saying he didn't attend and graduate Stanford with high honors. When an IVY league school like Stanford can't clear your name with "Korean gp" with transcripts, the diploma and professors vouching for you, Korean opinions don't really matter. Especially now that Tablo is thriving.

    Yeah, I don't think I have ever seen it (any non-political topic) in a country being that stubborn that they refuse to admit when they are wrong and double down that much

    Lmao BSH personally lend her money so that she can buy her shares and she wanted her shares to be worth 170B won more

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    I hate mhj but there’s something poetic about a group that was ignored and unpromoted by the company to become the most successful debut out of pure charm (and people thought NJ’s sudden unofficial debut was a strategy).

    What? They got a lot of articles that MHJ's group will debut soon and I saw Bunnies say that one member proposed to not drop any trailers etc. They also got after debut a lot of "BTS little sister" articles, which was Hybe promoting them and brand deals

    Bit out of the loop now but there’s something karmic about Hybe starting a media war only for it to trend in this direction :pepe-joy:

    Even if they win the court battle, the amount of scrutiny under anything related to the multi-label system or plagiarism is going to be amplified going forward

    I suspect they will soon release more about how bad MHJ treated her employees to turn people against her. She had bad rumours even in SM and Hybe is already being critized for treating employees bad so in the end they have to either show she is as bad as them or worse