Posts by Disevidence

    Hwaa was already dropping off the charts before that happened. G-idle's previous songs didn't have good longevity either.

    Actually, relatively speaking, they generally had average longevity. We're so used to the outliers it appears these days that anyone that doesn't camp on the charts for months are considered "not good", when in reality it's the opposite, those are the standouts and exceptions vs an average or median.

    Dumdi Dumdi, Latata had pretty good longevity, and on the flipside Oh My God dropped like a rock, but on average there's not really much to write home about their longevity being an outlier.

    But I thought this type of attention was bad for a group?

    Hwaa fell off charts when woojin scandal happened, and some ppl say the Lia situation might have helped Itzy decline digitally

    Woojin? Lol.

    Hwaa was well into it's decline by then when Soojin's scandal occured. It didn't peak high UL wise, in a rather empty environment, and was well into decline by the time Soojin's scandal broke (which was almost 7 weeks after HWAA was released)- which means a vast proportion of the listeners still would have been fans, who did abandon Soojin and Idle for a time. Idle lost alot of their fanbase in that period of time, and only still rebuilding some of it now.

    Guysome is down but the ratio was about 5-6 by then.

    LSF is different. It's still on it's upwards trajectory, so casual listeners are still listening to the song, so the publicity is not damaging, as it's not the engaged people listening to the song only, but a decent subsection of general population. It's daily ratio is 9-10 on Guysome, which means it's getting a good cross-section of general pop listening to the song. At that point it's still in the playlists, general public play in clubs, bars etc where people get exposed to songs, and is still therefore reaching a cross section of people who would be utterly un-engaged with the scandal, or even curious due to the scandal.

    Kinda wish people would stop comparing apples and oranges.

    As for Lia, maybe yes and no, and that'll probably be LSF's real challenge if they keep Garam - the next song, and the promo's for that song if Garam is still around.

    I don’t get why so many obsessed with pak

    Because it's nice shorthand to say "Number 1 in the Country". It means not only high listeners but an element of stability to their charting. Instiz chart is useful in a way as it measures, as an aggregate, a song's true measure of charting in Korea (relatively speaking). #1 Bugs is not the same as #1 Melon, and only people who only can get number 1 bugs say otherwise.

    Due to fragmentation of Korea's streaming services, if it wasn't this, it would be something else. It's a useful shorthand to find the songs that "made it" so to speak.

    Garam rumours started the day of her announcement. It preceded debut of them a fair way. Why that is confusing to so many people beggar's belief (a more cynical person would say bad faith actors)

    Therefore, when the Law Firm sent the documents and request for retraction, it had been weeks of the Garam speculation flying about already, and was still pre-debut.

    An extremely cynical take is Hybe are handling this pretty well, considering they have a "confirmed" perpetrator of school violence in their group.

    • Initial rumours - they just responding saying "no u".
    • Actual Victim sends via representation request and information pre-debut
    • They sit on it entirely, have a successful debut and get their promo all out there, songs in people's playlists and minds.
    • Yunseo and their Law Firm is forced by the clever but sneaky way Hybe just sat on the initial request to go Public.
    • Hybe then pull out the "woah minors we can't talk about that" card despite no response for almost a month to legal documents (intern lose that mail too Hybe?)
    • Hybe then release a bunch of completely unsubstantiated "whataboutisms" related to the case,. but enough to succesfully muddy the waters and provide plausible deniability. This has worked a treat given all the Garam shooters suddenly re-appearing and populating threads the last few days

    So yeah, dealt a bad hand by actually you know, having a confirmed perpetrator in their midst, they've done a great job of providing enough fandom cover so that she'll rejoin in 3-4 months right in time for their next comeback.

    What really happens is up to the Korean Public, but I bet in a few months time the anger wont' be enough to stop them having a decently viable comeback, albeit with probably less promos.

    So yeah, while everyone's been dunking on Hybe, I think a cynical take is they've handled this pretty well. Shelved the accusations enough to basically reach critical mass on debut.

    To inject a personal opinion for a moment, I'm less interested in the Garam scandal affects it and more along the lines of what is a pretty "meh" song climbing the charts. I thought they misfired with the song but just goes to show that Hitman does know what he's doing still.

    Of course, a massive wave of promo and 2 popular izone members goes very far, but still, impressive debut (outside of all the other factors).

    I don't think the Garam scandal will affect the song overly much on the digital charts- it's already on people's playlists, they've listened to it etc.

    What's more likely to occur is a bigger uphill climb next song, as their promo opportunities are limited by the scandal/cloud still above their heads, and therefore less opportunity for a listener base to get it in front of a general audience.

    That's essentially what happened with Idle - they had hardly any promo's the first few weeks and preceeding I Never Die/Tomboy, but once it hit Daebak and given the lag of time to book and prep their appearance, they started popping up everywhere.

    LSF will have to get over that hurdle next song which could deeply impact their digital charting.

    So what did she do? What school violence? We don't know what she did to the victim. That's why I said there's no evidence. I'm waiting for the actual context to come out.

    What a twist on the word evidence. The fact of the school committee occuring is a verifiable document not in dispute. Facts not in dispute (legally) are accepted by both sides as evidence. This isn't some weird classification you made, this is specific legal procedure.


    exactly. ppl are blowing this out of proportion without even understanding/knowing what truly happened. we can't believe everything we see on the internet.

    You just completely agreed to someone and I quote - "exactly" who said that Hybe's unsubstantiated version of the story is "the facts".

    I'm getting a clear idea of what the criteria is now, for yourself. And it's not a good look -

    Official school document = Not Evidence.

    Unsubstantiated statements and allegations released by Hybe = "Facts".

    no facts or evidence.

    There's a literal document confirming the school violence committee took place and Kim Garam being the perpetrator named in the document. Hybe have inferred it's real (but dispute the facts surrounding the case), the Ministry confirms it's real.

    Actually, Source Music directly confirm it's real too, as they quote the Kim Garam's mother.

    How is that "no evidence"? Christ almighty.

    People doubted Tomboy every step of the way to be honest.

    This thread alone is littered with some of these ill-fated predictions.

    "Oh Pop Rock it won't chart well"

    "Oh it'll peak sharply and then fall"

    "It won't get RAK"

    "It won't get PAK"

    "Once Still Life goes past it it'll drop rapidly in the charts"

    Just goes to show how wrong prognostications can be.

    Onto digital news - LD and Tomboy look like they're going to continue their shootout at around 420k ULs. Last week has been incredibly even for both of them, and I honestly expect to see a bump to all top 3 thanks to recent University Performances.

    As discussed earlier, looking at the rate of Gaon accumulation for albums, even with Taeyeon's massive head start I think Hero will overtake and be top Gaon by the end of the year. His ahjumma's are very, very consistent so far.

    I think we can expect Top 3 to be Hero, INVU, and then a combination of IU/BTS or maybe Idle if the very interesting climb of "never stop me" continue unabated. The songs risen from low teens to 30k ul's over the last few days and shows no sign of slowing, the reason for which is unclear. If it also enters the top 100 and My Bag and Tomboy hold their positions I never die will climb up the album charts again.

    LSF will be fine, and Garam won't leave.

    Garam will go on hiatus to "reflect", pop back up in 6 months, any fans will still buy stuff saying "I support the other 5 girls" if they have issues with Garam.

    Hybe's latest statement gives the die-hards enough plausible deniability to dismiss the claims and continue trucking on.

    What about Choown though?

    So what happened is this -

    Chowon performed too well in P48, and had to be rigged out.

    This caused the makeup and scandal of Izone to be what it was.

    Sakura and Chaewon, scarred from the scandal, chose to sign with the biggest label they could. Minju, also frightened, decided to exit the Kpop space.

    Thus, HYBE, having 2 Ex-Izone sign on to them due to the P48 scandal, had to finish a group - so they stumbled across Garam. Having saw that Mnet made millions of dollars of the back off the rigged Iz*one group, they thought it didn't matter what occured, and went full steam ahead.

    It all starts with Chowon!

    There's no option in the poll that they just continue to steam ahead while putting out non-statements every-time it flares up in the media.

    Hybe are basically more or less calling the bluff of the Korean Public, it appears. Their songs will still chart well, their albums will still sell well, because fans will delude themselves into supporting then going "well i'm supporting the other 5 girls" and members of the GP will forget about the scandal quick smart.

    Long story short - Garam will stay, LSF/Hybe fans will tie themselves in cognitive dissonant knots to continue supporting the group/label, and the members of the public will forget about it.

    Kpop stans in general will never have the moral fortitude to detach themselves from a group based on the companies actions.

    HYBE needs to cut its connection to Source Music.


    There was a massive thing with Bang and a photo of Chaewon and Sakura, and then the news that he would be officially involved in their group etc, and now the turn around is implied to be - "Cut Source adrift, not Hybe's problem" ?

    Hybe have pretty clearly been steering this ship from day 1, anyone trying to act like this is all just Source is kidding themselves.

    (Not commenting on the allegations to or for, I don't know enough for any judgement on those).