Posts by Flovell

    So why do the group with name NewJeans have a rabbit as a logo? Makes even less sence.....

    Because why not? You said their fanbase name is random but it's related to their logo and they make it suits their concept. And it's smart to commercialised it as their brand. There are correlation there. Like why Mcdonald mascot is a clown when they are a fast food restaurant? Idk why everything need to be literal. They can have hidden meaning behind.

    Me with ioi and izone...

    How many year passed after ioi again that all members keep saying they will do a reunion but it's still nothing till this day.

    Please take those idols words related to this with a grain of salt. Even if they want to do it, I'm not sure if their new company will be happy to share their profits with others. They might have cb later once in 3-5 years or even more.

    Isnt she had rumour with actor this year? :pepe-notes:

    But i agree, she is the member that i expected to still continue her music. I just hope she will release many songs in the future. Gone is masterpiece. It was in my repeated playlist

    I guess it's nothing big and just baseless rumours with no concrete evidence or even pic. It died down and no one really believe it. While we have Jisoo with Dispatch and Jenlisa being followed around and their private pics in even in private places being exposed to public.

    100% agree. HYBE is a superior candidate

    Like that scarcasm but not hybe too. With her status, she better off with huge international company or going back to her home country if she didn't renew. Or she can ask her billionaire bf to set up a new entertainment company to manage her careers. Why stay in Korea with their mess up and strict entertainment industry culture when she can expand her careers outside.

    But I am just trying to answer the question, JYPE's track record with foreign idols is pretty good. HYBE is great but may need to take few more years before properly judging them.

    Music is trash, girl crush not great, I agree but that's beside the topic.


    Pretty good for a new foreign idols to start their careers not for an established idols like Lisa. Beside, idk I don’t know if they can handle her popularity or have enough connections like Yg for example internationally out of korea and japan. It can lead to another mismanagement.

    All foreign members of JYPE were the key members of their respective groups

    Come to think of it, they do have decent history with Thai idols, so maybe JYPE for Lisa?


    Please no, they will give her a very boring ass songs or straightly terrible songs. Jyp didn't know how to produce a good girl crush and strong concept songs especially for these past few years.

    I want them to stay away from her.

    I mean, I guess but those people need help. Imagine having a heart attack over someone else's contract... 😐

    You saying this like those people can control it and most of them don't even know they have it before their first heart attack. A very shocking news can trigger that.

    If something happens to any of their fans there bc of that announcement, imagine how bad the backlash they will received. People will called them insensitive and stupid group. Idk if they all will renew or not, but if they're not, well they are very smart to not announce it in their concert in a stadium full with people. Not everyone have that common sense.

    What do you mean? I think if a member were to leave it would be a nice goodbye and show of support for future solo activities to have the other members embrace them on stage and thank them for their hard work over the years, have the fans cheer for them etc. No?

    No, how if someone having heart attack or fainted there? There will be fans crying hysterically here and there too, and it would cause a chaos. Fans can be over dramatic and crazy over their idols. And out of that thousands audiences, not all are well mentally. Nobody gonna knows what will happen if those people cannot accepting this disbandment news well.

    So, things like this better to be announced through other ways to be safe. We don't want any accidents to happen.

    I dont following twice members individual cfs and brand deals so I get curious about them.

    Did every of them now have lots of brand deals and cfs? We all know the how jyp restricting them from having any solo schedules before so I imagine how eager lots of brands to snatching all of them.

    But I get curious on how having lots of members in one group will effecting the least popular members. We all know how hard to balance the popularity of groups with lots of members. In less popular group, it is obvious that only the most known will get all the love call but because Twice is really popular, I'm curious if the popularity gap are less showing through their solo gigs or it didn't happen at all.. So far, the one that I constantly see having lots of cfs and deals are Sana, Nayeon and Mina. They constantly appear in my social media. How about the other members?

    This is basically who is the least evil company towards their foreign idols.

    For me:

    Idk who is the best between jyp and hybe tbh. But I like how hybe give kazuha and hanni the same opportunity for cfs and brand deals with the other Korean members. If I remember correctly, they even the first to have solo activities in their group (except sakura & chaewon). For jyp, they are known to be the best in treating their foreign idols among the big 3 before this. I don’t really remember they have any big issues too with their foreign idols.

    Next is yg. Lisa is their first foreigners in yg. Are they treating her the best? Of course not but at least she was giving lots of solo schedules and even become a judges in popular survival show in China that increase her popularity there. The bare minimum I know and she still facing huge discrimination, but who no one can win over sm for this topic.

    The worst out of the worst is obviously sm. No words needed.

    All of them are not like they used to be in their prime years anymore. All of these are for a few reasons, like fierce competition from small to medium companies, a wider international market for kpop, social media influence, poor marketing strategy, changing of leadership in the company and also poor management and decision making. All of these lead to the decline that we all feel.

    If we put album sales and revenues aside, the Big 3 is simply not as powerful as they used to be. They are still on the top but not really that wow or impressive anymore.

    SM: The pioneer for big kpop company. They used to dominate the market all from bg to gg. All their older groups are extremely popular, not only among kpop fans but also, gp. Yet starting from 3rd gen precisely after RV, they started to go downhill. Exo was super successful and has lots of potential but, sm dropped them since 2018 when the competition with Bts were very tight and close. Rv is always being treated like their stepdaughter. It is a mess. Dream has a chance but has started to be put aside. Wayv? Gone. Aespa and Riize are probably gonna get their senior treatment right after they are big enough for sm standard.

    YG: Nothing much to say because they don't have a solid background of history, like sm. But they having the biggest and iconic bg in 2nd gen and gg in 3rd gen make you think they know what they are doing. Funnily enough, they are not. From having bigbang to being the last in the bg competition among the big 4. Not sure what will happen to bm and if they able to repeat the success of bp with them.

    Jyp: Just like Yg, there is nothing much to say but they are known as a gg company for their iconic gg with hit after hit. Twice save their reputation as the company started to decline during early 3rd gen. Itzy did great during their rookie era and suddenly boom, they have such inconsistency in their TT. Nmixx didn't have a chance since the beginning. Their gg growth are the slowest now among the big 4. Skz are doing good internationally but not much domestically. For now, Jyp are also the weaker in domestic market among top companies.

    In short, they are not at their peak anymore, but it's nothing bad yet. If this decline continues and becomes more severe as a generation changes, then it will be a different story.

    Anybody querying why Lisa wouldn't want to renew have obviously not followed her career.

    That company sabotaged her solo, to this date still hasn't revealed her album sales, prevented her from visiting Thailand for two years due to "covid", had the Bvlgari CEO calling out YG, her Chinese endorsement with Vivo calling YG unprofessional, Thai magazine editors complaining how difficult YG is, her ex manager stealing $1 million of her money, the list goes on and on.

    There is a reason the foreign members in groups run once renewals come around and the stories that come out after they do.

    Not really following bp but damn..... poor my fellow SEA sister. I hope she will be happy with whatever decision she takes.

    Nope but I kinda agree with Eunchae. She's the type that will never get super popular even in her own group no matter how hard the company push her. She didn’t have that star power that make her stand out. She is currently the most active in her group but her popularity not really change a lot. People like and talk about her lots these days just bc of her interaction with their idols and also the fact that lsf are not really the top group like Nj, Ive, Aespa and Itzy before. So kpop stans didn't really see her and her group as a threat to hate on her.

    In what world is NJ focusing on domestic market?

    In hybe world before nj get popular internationally. Didn't the higher up of hybe said to mhj that her concept is plain and doesn't have appeal bc apparently that until last year girl crush or teen crush are the only formula to have international success? Obviously that's the reason why they debuting lsf the exact opposite of nj. Because apparently they are not confident at all that nj will even found success domestically let alone internationally.

    To be fair GGs only top charts in SK, elsewhere not as much. Japan charts are filled with local artists

    They are slightly stronger than BGs when it comes to charting but nowhere as dominant as in Korea. In Japan there are 9 BGs and 9 GGs on the top 200 on Spotify artists chart. The same holds true to almost every market where kpop is relevant

    I am sorry but what exactly the difference here? Obviously they are not as dominant as in their home country, that's a logic. Yet bg still far behind them. For example, in spotify daily chart korea 200, at least nct able to touch top 40 while other top 100 are just combination of bts (group+solo), gg, lwy and other soloist. There are total 7 bg currently charting there. That's exactly what happen in spotify daily chart Japan 200 too. In top 100, only bts members present in the top 100 just like in korea with the combination of other gg songs. While only 4 bg currenty charting their songs there. And among that 200 songs, almost 15 of them are from gg alone.

    But again why look at spotify not bb japan top 100? Only Bts and Svt are currently bg charting there. And we are not talking about longevity yet. In the state too for bb top 100, the hardest chart for kpop groups to enter because huge fanbase only is not enough, only Bts able to enter the chart while we have Bp, Twice, Nj, 5050, and also Wonder girls able to enter it. In Korea, this might equivalent to melon which again, at least some bg able to touch that top 100.

    So, yes gg is not dominant like in Korea but bg are way far behind them. Bg outside of Bts are only strong within their fandom and not gp just like in Korea.