Posts by Flovell

    Lesserafim is still quite popular in the west. Imo, promoting lsrf domestically now is a smart move. They were being mocked by knetizen when there was a post saying nj ive and lsrf are top 3 4th gen GGs. Knetizens generally dislike lsrf (because of garam scandal, sakura issue etc). It is also quite evidenced on the korean charting, lsrf is the weaker one among the top 5. It is sensible for Soumu/hybe to push for more domestic presence. No point if u sell well abroad but flop at domestic. Too soon to be twice 2.0, it is just their 2nd year+

    Bc they are still quite popular there which is weird for soumu to not promoting them better in the state or sending them to big festivals like nj to promote the group or going to some talk show or something. They are 'quite' popular not popular enough yet. Not like they can't do both domestic and international. promotion. It feels like bang pd or hybe ceo seeing newjeans can achieve that western target so they decided to not pushing lsf much like they intended. Or bang pd just want less competition for his dream academy group so lsf will be base in Asia only. He can't really control mhj to do so.

    Bluebeard's "official" video came out only after it became clear that it was rocketing up the charts.

    Nah, lsrfm already doing this since debut. They always doing double promotion with the other mv coming later for their second cycle promotion. They supposed to do this too for blue flame during fearless era while promoting their Web toon at the same time. It just get delayed because of that bullying scandal so they need to reconstruct the whole webtoon and mv again. They also do this with impurities. They actually promoting this song on on tiktok a lot and bc Epbw just better than unforgiven so it naturally climbing the chart.

    I hope none of them make it, then.

    I'm tired of stupid kpop fans using racism card over nothing. This is hybe partnership with geffen, an American music label lol and they obviously will manage this group. Make it make sense. Not you guys pretend they love their Asian artists that much to spend much money to debut half of group full of Asian for a global scale project.

    Diversity lol. It is funny to speak about diversity when entertainment industry inmost countries if not all is not.

    More than jhj or attrakt, I will blame the givers and the girls' parents. The heck you dare to fight in the court without any concrete evidences or even good claims? This is what their supporters that blaming the ceo/attrakt for this fail to see. The girls' side must be thinking that other idols able to win their case and gaining huge sympathy from gp so they thought court will always siding with the idols as well as the public even with a very weak claims.

    The ceo did nothing wrong in term of protecting himself as he never exposed anything about 5050. He never said anything against the girls except after the IWTK episodes coming out. He only attacking the givers all this time.

    What make me kinda angry with them is, loona obviously make a huge wave in term of idols contract. It giving lots courage for other idols to expose their company. But this group and people behind them taking it for granted just bc they want to move to another big company. Look what happen now!

    I feel bad for 5050, whyknock will again jinxed them just like when he confidently said they will win this case months ago. He is another Drew where their prediction and narrative will almost going opposite from what they want. And not like the girls can go anywhere, they have contract to fullfil and huge amount of money to pay to the ceo back. I don’t think their family are that rich too. And it is not easy to move to another country lol. He act like changing citizenship is so cheap and easy.

    You aren’t really making sense. I never said it was ok Chaeyoung wore the shirt and I never said she shouldn’t apologize. I said it was both wrong she wore the shirt and that she should apologize. How exactly is that letting her off the hook? I defended her when it came to the point of people saying she purposefully wore the shirt and when people called her a Nazi.

    I would also defend Taehyung in the sense that I wouldn’t call him racist or a white supremacist. That I think would be a ridiculous thing to say just from this.

    Again your argument isn’t making as much sense and you seem to think it does.

    Of course you wouldn't understand because you are bias too. You should become a mod too. You guys fit in the same group. :pepe-toast:

    I argued with many people about Chaeyoung especially those that said she did it on purpose. I also showed that religious symbol is common in Korea and it would not be impossible for a Korean person to mix them up. What exactly are you proving here? I didn't make the video, I saw it on twitter. I am also not attacking Taehyung. I never said you should cancel him or call him names or even that you should think he said it. I simply posted the video and disagreed with the decision to close the previous threads.

    This is the perfect example of 'If it is my idols, it is okay. They are doing it accidentally not bc they know it. I will protect and defend them. They are innocent, they just didnt know'.

    Then why bother fighting with others? As I said, did you provide us how many times she wearing those shirt for us in multiple threads or you just simply defends her? That's it. Did you shove to our face too just like you posted the videos? It is fair to argue why mods closing the threads, but it is fair too that it is obvious that you are bias too. Simple.

    The Chaeyoung controversy was massively overplayed. I however do think she should apologize for it which she did. However, I disagree with people claiming she purposefully did it or is some kind of secret Nazi. Just like I would disagree with people saying Taehyung is a white supremacist or should be canceled. I also would disagree with mods closing threads on people talking about Chaeyoung unless it got out of control.

    I just asking you a very simpke question, are you this determine too 'attacking' her when her conterversy explode? I mean you are not only talking about mods closing the thread but also go as far as provide a supposed slow motion 'proof' video while others said he didn't say it. That is such an effort to find it, paste it here, etc... Did you do this to chaeyoung too? Did you provide us here her how many times shes wearing that kind of shirt too, you know just for evidence just like you did now? And also bc you have good morals and not bias.

    If you are not as loud as now to prove your point againts her during her controversy before just like you did now, well what make you different :pepe-toast:

    And end up like Chuu, whose entire income in the last 3 years were all spent to pay BlackBerry's debts and now she is not what she used to be.

    Idols have a shelf life. With most of their income used to pay Jeon's many debts, they end up tossed to the street like GFriend.

    I do not subscribe to the 'longer run' theory floated by some Koreans. If BTS chose to evade the military services they would have made $10 billion in the next 4 years and the country singers would not have been able to form a strong alliance which will crush them in 2026.

    And what is the difference now? They end up losing and might need to pay for the termination fees or stay in the dungeon till their contract end with no possible chance to become an idols anymore. Tgey also heavily dislike in their own country. So what now? All these things are what Chuu able to dodge. At least Chuu will get her hardworking money back from bbc. 5050? They will dissapear just like that with nothing in their pocket.

    Tl, dr:

    FF is a property of Attrakt and it was wrong to go against your owners

    If Attrackt didnt do anything wrong as the court said, so whose in fault now? Not you acting like we the non idols people didn't face things like this by signing a working contract. We will lose or even worst getting sued if we are trying to pull something like 5050 with no concrete evidence. Not like they can't get out from that contracf if they really want it. Just paid the fees and they can go wherever they want, instead they killing their careers for nothing.

    This is why school and knowledge is important for idols, so they can at least do some precedent study and calculate their chance to win before attempt any legal move especially only 4 month after debut.

    Addition: The court usually siding with idols more than the company, soo... and I remember reading your past comments confidently saying the girls will win. You really bad at predicting things :pepe-joy:

    Well it happened to some Loona members they couldn’t get their contract nullified and then they filled for a law suit and they succeeded other than that Fifity Fifity won’t ever go back to that company that damn ceo did everything in his power to ruin the group’s image

    5050 need to come back with better claims and evidence which unfortunately seems like they don't have it.

    Their situation is really different with Loona where there were unfair terms in their contract. 5050 so far didn't have this problem based on their claims. Most idols going through contract termination have solid proof like this in their contract to stregthen their claims which 5050 didn't have for now.

    The two Loona members gotten their contract fix which making them need to submit extra evidence and took them longer to win their case while the court using Chuu as the references for other members making their contract termination going smooth and fast.

    (Comment from reddit)

    more details can be found on the naver article

    here are the main points: (i just used papago for this so may not be 100% accurate)

    - one of the main claims for the injunction is the 0 krw music revenue for the account statement for April. turns out the The Givers' staff that was the accounting employee for fiftyfifty made the mistake and Attrakt corrected the ommission of income in the financial statements as soon as they got content certification on June.

    - another claim was about the neglect of health protection but the court said that the evidence provided by fifty fifty didn't sufficiently explain that there was really negligence. when attrakt got to know about their health problems, they immediately sent them to the hospital and adjusted the group's schedule accordingly.

    - their last claim was that attrakt wouldn't be able to support their activities since the contract with the givers has now ended. the court said it is difficult to say that attrakt is violating the contract just because the givers is no longer in charge of the related tasks.

    the court also pointed out that none of these claims/issues were raised to attrakt first before filing an injunction. it was also pointed out that attrakt suspended their activities because of aran's surgery, and then suddenly the group filed for injunction.