How Leeseo from Ive lose a lot of hype around her?

  • During Ive debut, her popularity directly going on the very top only behind Wy and Yujin. Her part went viral in Eleven and she become the talk of the town by kpop community because of that. But slowly she faded to the background again while other members keep shining well. There were a lot of discussion that she have potential to have huge popularity and become It girl like Wonyoung.

    Now, I kinda feel like she even the least popular in Ive.

  • She isn't a super cute kid anymore and is now like the average idol that you find in any girl group.

    imo it is 90% visuals (cute or pretty) in kpop now. The other 10% is music, dance, vocals etc.

    Companies take a risk when they debut younger idols, since as they mature they become less cute. Its then a roll of the dice, if they become super pretty, or the opposite, or anywhere in between. If you were to compare any idol to the average person, they are of course pretty, but in the idol world, you are competing against other idols and not the average person on the street.

    Edited once, last by K-PL ().

  • I've always felt like Ive was just wonyoung + yujin and that was it. I feel like nobody really likes any of the other girls as much. Leeseo was really big during debut days, but wonyoung and yujin just overshadow a lot of the other girls because to be honest I just feel like those two are the only interesting ones to non fans and fans alike. Maybe I'm wrong but there doesn't seem to be anything very interesting about the rest of the members.


  • I feel like Leeseo being the maknae did deal her an extra free card in her starting hand but I think Leeseo's reputation and streetcred didn't really formulate into a specific unique character about her soon enough like it did Wony and Yujin (wony and yujin esp had theirs from IZ*ONE to rely on for the IVE debut and CB's)

    I feel like Leeseo is actually slowly forming one actually I saw hints of it on Leeseo opening the Studio Choom on Baddie. Just a instinct. imho. just me.

  • i believe the knetz were turned off by her cringey reactions (her cry voice when accepting rewards) and her allegedly emphasis on her being young (not knowing Pikachu/pokemon)

    She is still a good performer so she can and will gain back her fanbase overtime

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