Posts by GoGoYoungeun

    Well, you said that all of K-Pop is like that and just underlined your ignorance. Jpoppies are so funny, always fast to remind you that K-Pop stems from J-Pop but yeah sure J-Pop is sooo oh ho different. I don’t know if you realized it, I am an avid J-Pop/Rock fan. A lot of japanese pop bands follow the same formula (e.g. Jonny Entertainment??). And it’s not like every Korean act tries to promote overseas or tries to appeal to the Western audience. You are only highlighting that you have no idea about K-Pop while thinking that I have no idea about J-Pop which I can gladly reject since I own a lot of japanese albums, have been to Japan and listen to it longer than K-Pop. Your point is a lazy generalization just to feel a temporary superiority. This whole fast food generalization depends on facts that have nothing to with music and it is also another way to underestimate the quality and variety of their music.

    Well, you talk about franchise. And then suddenly started to talk about anime? Also no: Pokemon is one of the few anime franchises internationally that has a strong following due to their games or trading cards. Animes like Naruto or One Piece have games but those are sub-brands (there is a special name for it that I can’t seem to remember) and are not as for Pokemon the reasons why people follow these anime. So, no it’s not silly. Give me a day and I can even add the Marketing term for it.

    Jpoppies have been getting on my nerves for over a decade lol. Can’t have any conversation without one with this superiority complex, giving lectures about the supposed origins of kpop when nobody asked (that they seem to know better than actual Korean nationals who say otherwise as they’ve lived during the idol boom), and generalizations about the entire music industry. You can say the same happens with jpop but for the most part, kpoppies don’t know much about it to begin with unless they’re veteran fans so it can’t be really compared. Not every idol group cares for a western audience if they can get the attention of their own people which is where the longevity is lol. Being recognized in Korea is always the goal even if they’re a group with plans to cater to western audiences right out of the gate. Jpoppies love allowing Japan to take credit for the old and modern Korean pop scene but don’t want them taking the negatives that came with it (female exploitation, debuting underage idols, dating bans, rabid obsessed fans, facade image, and etc) so they’d rather project what they despise in a part of Japan’s music scene onto Korea’s to paint them in some sort of way lmao It’s becoming a redundant form of coping really.

    I don't think it is that wrong of policy. K-pop idol is unrivaled because K-pop is very idol focused.

    If you watch J-pop idol scene 99% of them clearly are cheaper than K-pop counterpart and they aren't a dozen studios to produce online contents for them.

    Also, the Korean uses its strong idol industry to support its various other industries. An idol in the drama to enhance its oversea marketing. The thriving K-beauty product and K-plastic surgery etc.

    Yeah and that’s the problem. It’s idol focused but doesn’t have to operate that way had a different approach been used. They’re depending too much on idols to promote Hallyu instead of focusing on other musical acts. This is why kpop to everyone only equals idols and nothing more. To think that Koreans are only listening to idol music have nothing else to offer in the music field is moronic in itself but this thinking is a result of their own over promoting and investing into it. Had they focused on spreading awareness to their indie artists, bands, trot singers, hip hop/rap artists, and etc things would be quite different and the genre wouldn’t have such a negative connotation to non Korean music fans. The accountability is just going to fall back on them in every scenario but those who don’t want to look past idol music choose not to in hopes of supporting and pushing a widespread generalized narrative.

    Lmao i love those weeaboos who are triggered by every bts achievement and seriously write shit like “arashi is bigger internationally” like what are those people smoking :pepe-sad:

    Or making claims like it’s all Zainichi Koreans attending their Japanese concerts, only Korean Americans buying their tickets, the Korean government is sponsoring them, Korean government is lobbying foreign media/platforms to report about them and hand them awards, bots cheating on music charts, and etc LOL. The arashi claim is also ridiculous as hell :pepewhat:

    Also, their perception on K-pop likely bases on few K-pop idol groups from big agencies, possibly from a decade ago.

    Oh My Girl, aespa, (G)I-DLE are clearly different, aren't they?

    From my experience, a lot of the times they don’t even bother to name the most popular ones or old ones but just go on a rant about Korean idols and lack of creativity, diversity, plastic surgery, auto tune, and other generalized nonsense. Yes, Japanese music has more variety to choose from, but that’s not to say that its Korean counterpart can’t offer variety. Korean music isn’t just all idols but it’s partly the fault of Koreans for mass exporting idol music instead of bringing light to their solo artists hence why the stereotype and generalizations persist.

    Yeah, it’s especially funny to see some J-Pop fans angry after K-Pop’s massive success in Japan recently

    It’s not even just jpoppies but actual Japanese people who despise the hallyu wave and are anti Korean too lol. Kpop is still niche there but nobody can deny that the amount of people who are interested in it has grown exponentially. It’s on its way to becoming a dominant foreign genre so this is why you have jpoppies showing their distain towards it or practically anything Korean, especially if it’s something that is worldwide popular (squid game, all of us are dead, bts/bp, etc). Just go on AramaJapan to see the same users active on that site over a decade ago lose their minds over Korean acts charting, receiving awards, or attending music shows. :pepe-use-head:

    Nah, heavily disagree with you. The fast food analogy makes no sense since fast food itself doesn’t follow the same formula. It’s just a lazy generalization. Your analogy would also make sense for J-Pop.

    Well, you talk about the Pokemon franchise. While quoting it, you would need to know that Pokemon is more than their anime and mostly known for their games and trading cards, so your point?

    Believe it or not, a lot of jpoppies tend to generalize the entirety of kpop based off idols despite always complaining of how kpoppies generalize jpop based off akb48 and cute eccentric idols. Pot calling kettle black lol

    Yes definitely, it also seen with other mediums like Animes or games where they changed their sentiments due to poor sales. Also, they are not really promoting overseas even when the song is dedicated for oversea fans (example: Arashi - Whenever you call). I am a longtime J-Pop/Rock fan and it was so hard to even get to see any mvs or anything. It still hard to get any information due to their strict limits. Japan is quite backwards when it comes to streaming and modern promotion

    It is true that Japan is behind in terms of digitalization compared to Korea. I mean Korea has a strong IT and adapts to things faster if you even use Samsung as an example. Go to each country and you’ll see that Japan isn’t so advanced and into the future as how people keep claiming. Still using fax, barely any cashless payment anywhere, no widespread use of 5g compared to Korea, no wifi on public transportation, no HD tvs on public transportation, less efficient subway system, saving ancient technology (lol), no general platform for their own artists to promote effectively overseas unlike Korea that has multiple, and etc.

    but these clips of her going viral aren't even full fancams. They're just snippets of her performances. I have seen multiple of those clips having high views of other members too, not just Leeseo. The whole group seems to be very liked by koreans.

    But I haven't seen this particular Leeseo love from koreans so far like OP claims. In fact, Liz, Rei and Wonyoung generally have higher fancam views than Leeseo

    Can’t include Wonyoung because she already had a fanbase and usually gets the highest views out of everyone because she’s the face of the group.

    Liz went viral among knetz a few days ago for her voice during encore while crying and despite Rei having a size able Korean fanbase, Japanese kpop fans also contribute to a lot of her views if you look at the comment section. She has the most Japanese support I mean for obvious reasons. The fancam views for each member hasn’t even been consistent so far. Not even Yujin stans seem to bother to stream her fancams because there’s no way the newer members are more popular than her at least in Korea. Fancams can’t be the only measure of popularity.

    JO1 debuted with Ren who was background dancer and dance teacher, Shion as ex. FNC Entertainment trainee, Ruki who was in a boygroup before and Mame who was also a dance teacher before and Shosei and Keigo got dance training in the dance academy of the Japanese company LDH before. Only Sho said he was zero skilled in singing and dancing out of the members as he joined PDJ. And fans telling non-fans who are new to JO1 : "Do you belive it, everyone was a normal student or office worker before" ...

    Yeah I peeped that LOL

    That reminds me: I remember as they said that people have to have ZERO realations with the entertainment industry, wich caused many people to belive that all the boys on PDJ were office worker, street worker, city worker, students,... but at the end half of all people on PDJ had backgrounds as actor, background dancer, company trainee, boygroup member, model,...

    They actually thought that? I’m screaming :pepe-clown-gear:

    ikr they teased them too early. they might lose the hype till then.

    at least it's not like trainee a who have been posting for 9 months but still no news or even a date

    They should have began teasing them October 1st which would still give them plenty of time to showcase each member maintaining the hype for them to still debut in February if January was too soon assuming the content was spread out for the same duration of time. We would have gotten Sullyoon and Bae’s cover on dec 10 (71 days) if you start from oct 1st according to content release compared to Aug 5th. They would be debuting the beginning of February still on schedule. We wouldn’t have a drought now if they did it like that. I hope ppl don’t forget about the group by then. Jype’s planning skillz are trash LOL :pepe-clown-gear:

    Trainee A…yeah lol. Took ADD meds and was trying to get these days and numbers RIGHT. Waa too damn focused lol

    Yet the majority of Koreans don’t have a problem with it, and are actually praising her for being young yet still performing well.

    So it’s your standards vs another country’s standards

    It’s kpoppie’s standards vs Korea’s like practically every damn day lmao Can’t come to an agreement on anything and one thinks they’re more superior than the other due to residing in a more FrEe and LIbeRal environment. Companies debuting young idols like Leeseo hasn’t really been the general standard in Korea for idols unlike in a place called Japan :siptear: