I think both of these can be true. I cannot speak for LSFM situation; however, Illit can be adirect attempt to sabotage NJZ. At the same time, it is entitled behavior to believe NJZ should just be the only gg or no should have a similar concept within the company.
The problem is HYBE. If they spaced these debuts out a 3-4 years apart, then I do not see a problem with ILLIT. However, they decided to debut Illit after NJZ and had similarities. Coincidences this big is rare in big business.
I absolutely despise HYBE for this reason: pumping out groups like they're a factory product with no sincerity and love for the craft. All the girlies have insane potential but stinky HYBE sees them as a factory product.
There where also accusations against LSFM because it was planed to debut NJZ first but than Sakura and Chaewon, who are already known idols, where signed and plans changed.
But if you look at the numbers, sales and all the fans who are happy with how outstanding their artists are. than hybe is absolutly right with pumping out groups like they are a factory. And all those fanwars between the groups have not stoped a single hybe group from being highly successfull.
Also i would not call LSFM, NJZ or Illit products without love for the craft.
There is no reason for Hybe to not do what they do untill Bang Si Hyuk will wake up some morning and think that he doesnt want to make Irari angry anymore.