Well, it's an attendance awards
txt didn’t even attend and still won
Well, it's an attendance awards
txt didn’t even attend and still won
By that logic Bahiyyih shouldn't debut either because she's getting all the attention form the simple fact that she's kai's sister heck she barley had any screen time on the show yet people are supporting her like crazy the gap between her and the other contestants is huge she's more popular than Yujin yet i don't see you complaining and what about the girls from cherry bullet they also made their debut four years ago and the only reason people are paying attention to them it's for their sob sorry so don't single out person for because of personal feelings you have for Yujin
difference is bahiyyih is an actual trainee and did not debut yet and is just trying her chance to debut and show her talent and growth, chebul is not even 3 years old yet? yujin literally had her chance, could debut with her group and put out albums go on music shows had concerts/could perform on events, went to award shows here and there, imo she had everything what you could have as an idol she’s just stealing a spot from an actual trainee who wasn’t lucky enough to debut yet, or even who debuted but barely survive and struggle (covid) where gp999 is their last chance, some who couldn’t survive bc they were from a nugu company and were barely promoted (like hyerim for example)
totally agree, i’m sorry she already had the chance to be in a group that and that for seven years (although they had like 3 years of a hiatus with all the gaps between cb‘s) BUT she still had the opportunity and privilege to debut in a group and from a not so small company. she could easily debut solo or whatever. there are soooo many trainees where gp999 is their last chance to debut or bring more popularity to their own group (like cherry bullet, fanatics, bvndit) who are suffering bc of covid and are not from a big company
not in this extent. some would tweet or comment that under the related post but NEVER were all kind of fandoms literally spamming music bank with mc suggestions
it has nothing to do with Soobin or arin having hype as a mc
but because Mubank posted a notice telling to people to propose who they would want to see as the next MC that's why a lot of fandom are commenting '-'
just like every fandom were commenting their favs, when the beer brand ask for fans to give them names of idols they would want to see as their next embassador
and that’s not true, music bank didn’t post anything about some new mc suggestions. they never done that and will never do that bc before choosing on mc they look at the popularity, brand reputation etc. the only thing that happened in that interview regarding mc’s was the question how exactly they choose 2 artists to become one, what the requirements are and that’s it.
Good to give us advance notice, now i know to cut the cord with these idiotic labels and save valuable stanning power for groups and labels that actually care about their fans. Not gonna give a single premium stream or view, or any view for that matter, for any of the crusty post Produce groups or dumb projects that they dream up for the poor Izone members. I'm also gearing up to troll every YT comment section that has anything to do with Uranus666 or whatever the new shitty survival show Msnake has planned.
Izone and Izone only for me.
one of their best songs, i wish they would release something similar to this
first you can’t vote for music bank get yo fancy right second don’t act like he wrote the whole song when he’s just one of a few co-writers
700M people speaks German as 2nd foreign language.
good for them? i’m german and speak the language it’s still weird using the sentence when probably nobody understand it without using a translator, could have just wrote it in englisch
Ich kann es nicht länger ertragen, diese Ignoranz der kpop Industrie
why the random german comment
bighit is stupid they are not sending them to any big variety shows the gp watches.. never gonna understand that company
spew lies or pass your opinion off as facts. Tons of armys streamed because of RM
how do i spread lies when i legit saw nobody but moas/moarmys stream love song? there was a whole fight on twitter which armys started that they would not stream love song bc they rather focus on butter :rolleyes1: the only armys that i saw streamed txt newest cb were moarmys so
i barely saw armys stream txt new song O_o majority of them were even saying that they will NOT stream bc they rather focus on butter bc we are competition or whatever.. girl you not saying the TXT in my username? i’m stanning txt since debut i AM actually moa you’re just a troll starting bs miss me with that