Display Morei dont get why you all keep trying to teach me my own sex drive. i'm the one who has been me for my whole lifetime, not you. therefore i will tell you what i mean by what i say
its not that "i think that's what it means" that IS what it means. TO ME
personally i dont really care what it means to other people. it doesnt affect my life. they can do whatever they want
i dont CARE what other people want to do. i promise you i dont
"Gay men can find women sexy, straight girls can find women sexy, lesbians can find men sexy... Etc." AND? I've never experienced any of that and I never will so its 100% irrelevant to me. you might as well be telling me that cake grows on trees at night on another planet. what am i supposed to do with this information? it has nothing to do with me and my daily existence.
when i speak i'm not defining sexuality for the whole world, i'm just sharing with you what mine is and its really insulting that you all are judgmental and demeaning. you dont like how i feel or see things? ok. i get that. but you cant say its "wrong" and i'm "mistaken." this is how i am. you can accept it or...well thats actually your only choice.
i used to convince myself that i dont want to sleep with every hot man i see but eventually i realized that I DO. I absolutely do, and as soon as i accepted it, life got better for me. i think i was guilt tripped by christian parents into thinking that wanting sex with sexy men is wrong or whorish or something. and thats why i told myself i dont want to. but the truth is, i do. every time i see a hot guy i want him pull my hair and spit in my mouth. i'm not gonna lie and say i dont because it would make other people happier for some odd reason. its my life, it needs to reflect my wishes not yours.
i aint gonna live forever, ok? so when i see a good opportunity i'm gonna pounce. there are not a lot of enjoyable things in life and sex with hot guys tops the list. yes i wanna bang every hottie. yes i want to eat all the ice cream. yes i want to spend all the money. yes i want to own all the shoes. yes i want to scratch all the lotto tickets. i do and i'm not sorry. i'm greedy. i want a lot of good experiences. i want to die without regrets. holding onto some vagina aint gonna win me any awards. its just gonna dry up unused. what a waste.
you can do you. i'll never be the one to stop you or try to convince you that its "wrong"
stop telling me what other people do, think, and want. i dont care what other people want. it makes no difference to me. go do whatever you want
every time i interact with people around here they are extremely unreasonable and combative for no reason at all over some shit that is extremely trivial and also has nothing to do with them. what is wrong with you?
something is wrong with you
so i will be leaving now and not returning
good luck with your community and your war on other people's sexualities