don't think so
IoI, w1 and X1 fans were telling themselves the same thing, years later and nothing happened. At most they got a collab between two of the members so maybe chaewon and eunbin x Yena or something like that
The difference is all the past movement are mainly on sns and just alot of talking ,like X1 what i remember was just alot of fans protesting infront of cj building and a few trucks .
But this one u got the money (around 3 million USD , and that doesn't include internasional fans) and an actual representative from entertainment industry insider and some legal team that already have a 'real' formal meeting with the label.
At least in my eyes they have bigger chance than the past movement.
And for the people said that money is nothing , y'all forget it's Korea music market not USA where artist can make a million a show.
In 2018 JYP said it cost 1.5 million USD to debut new group and thats include training cost of 5 member and 3 years of training, music video, everything to clothes, dancer,song production,marketing,etc.
And thats JYP number which is big3 , where they used expensive producer and studio,etc and they're talking about debut where they need to promote heavily on 4 shows a week for 6 weeks.
With that number they can have at least 3 mini album comeback off we exlude training cost .
And they don't need to pay any money at all for those 3 comebacks, and got the profit.
I don't think this is like an Investment where a cut of the profit Will be given back to the project coz its more like a crowdfund .
even if it is theres a big chance that money Will be used for more project .
So this things almost has no risk businnes wise.
They said 'action speak louder' so finger crossed .