The BOYZ's Sunwoo Accused of Sexual Harassment, Date Violence, and School Violence

  • The alleged victim claimed, “Sunwoo-ya, it was you in your controversies. Why did you make the ridiculous explanation that it was your friends that did it? Anyone who went to the same middle school would know. In a school that’s basically full of trash, he went around making sex jokes and jokes involving others’ families. It seems that you still haven’t gotten a grip on yourself and whenever controversies arise, I always think you sure haven’t changed. That’s why I hate to see you even more.

    The alleged victim continued, “When you were in your first year of middle school, you dated XX and committed date violence and the girl had to go around school with bruises all over her body. Your friends told a girl in our class that on her birthday they would do XX on her XX and called her a XXX. You just laughed beside them. I remember everything. You didn’t attend classes and went to smoke outside of school, and you guys gathered to drink whenever you guys felt like it and talked so dirtily that I can’t even say it. Is it not considered school violence just because you didn’t use physical violence? Even as 5 years have passed now, when I run into your friends by coincidence I get so scared and when they show up on my socials as recommended friends my hands tremble.

    "When you transferred schools to play soccer, I could live a little better. But then the girl who was going around with you, suddenly came and told me that you had entered LOEN Entertainment. You also passed an audition at YG Entertainment but you thought it would take too long to debut so you went into LOEN. Would you know how I felt then? Is it ok for someone like you to receive lots of love, hear you are a filial son and live happily? I don’t know if you have such a right to. The male alumni shielded you saying that it’s cool if a handsome guy smokes and drinks but the girls aren’t like that. Many were discussing if they should make this public before you debuted. Everyone said the same thing, that they were afraid of getting sued by you if they did that. Me too. But now, it’s too hard for me to see you receive love. If you really want to be loved, admit all you did and go forth from there. Just because you search up posts on your controversies one by one and delete them, it doesn’t make the way you smoked in our school corners, the way you did date violence, the way you sexually harassed us, sexually assaulted us, go away. This post will get removed too soon right? Scary."

    — OP

    Sunwoo's agency is looking in to it

  • TLDR

    • Made jokes and jokes involving others’ families.
    • Committed date violence and the girl had to go around school with bruises all over her body
    • Didn’t attend classes and went to smoke outside of school, and you guys gathered to drink & made inappropriate jokes
    • Searches up posts on your controversies one by one and delete them
    • Sexually harassed and assaulted girls
  • What the FUCK

    Hope this is false but if it isn't then he's a whole other level of garbage <X

    I tagged 'not surprised' because this is the second time he's been accused of sexual harassment. He and a Chanhee were already accused of saying they wanted to keep women as domesticated pets and made inappropriate comments about women's breast a few years prior.

    I must admit, their company did a good job of deleting those articles after confirming they were true ?(

  • It's a little sad, but I wouldn't be entirely surprised if this were true after the situation. I genuinely hope this isn't true because the date violence especially is big imo but if this turns out to be true I don't want to see people still supporting him whatsoever

    𝒮𝐻𝐼𝒩𝑒𝑒 - 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 - 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓇 - 𝑀𝑜𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶 𝒳 - 𝒯𝒳𝒯


  • indeed convenient. Another article similar to this one came out the same day about stray kids hyunjin so this stuff is getting out of hand nothing but these types of posts every 5 seconds

  • The person writing is saying, that he made sex jokes, laughed at people, didn't attend classes and smoked.

    And then they throw in word sexual harassement.
    At the end it says: Is it not considered school violence just because you didn’t use physical violence?

    (before that the person is mentioning bruises)

    So how does that make sense? If he really did those things, this is bullying?? Smoking and drinking underage, not being good student, laughing and making stupid jokes???

    Some sex jokes could qualify as sexual harassment BUT you did have me notice they mentioned sexual ASSAULT which you'd think they'd touch up on that more wouldn't you? That sounds far bigger than literally everything else there. That's pretty sketchy that they said nothing on it till the very end

    And for the second they might have been trying to say that the girl was beaten out of school but he wasn't physically violent in school? That one is just a guess though

    𝒮𝐻𝐼𝒩𝑒𝑒 - 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 - 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓇 - 𝑀𝑜𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶 𝒳 - 𝒯𝒳𝒯


  • So we're all going to ignore the date violence in which he and his friends laughed at the girl?

    Also middle school age in Korea is 12-16, although the accuser doesn't say which year this isn't the states where it's 11-14 years old. Also this is more than just bullying but also sexual assault and sexual harassment. Try to stay neutral or at least open minded.

  • This actually isn't the first time these accusations have come up against Sunwoo. I'm a The Boyz stan but have never fully been able to support Sunwoo because of this. Let's see if additional victims corroborate this story since according to OP he has a lot of people who witnessed how shit he supposedly is.

  • I tagged 'not surprised' because this is the second time he's been accused of sexual harassment. He and a Chanhee were already accused of saying they wanted to keep women as domesticated pets and made inappropriate comments about women's breast a few years prior.

    I must admit, their company did a good job of deleting those articles after confirming they were true ?(

    omg i remember that they apologized so idek why they tried to hide it?

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