Can Kpop really and truly ruin a person's life?

  • I remember when I became a stan of Kpop I was 25 in 2016 I discovered TWICE, BP and RV. But back then I used to see these "Kpop has ruined my life" threads on social media mainly Reddit.

    Maybe it's cause my way of supporting is through YouTube and Spotify and I don't get in a whole lot of fan wars. But I don't see how pop music can ruin one's life.

  • Yes, it has completely ruined my life. I have no friends or family, just my oppas and unnies. I live in a torn box outside of a McDonalds, using the WIFI to stream my faves comebacks. I only wear crop tops and fishnet socks because that's what my faves like to wear. I found out Soul liked potatoes and I ate every potato meal that could ever be made. Minju likes nail art so I started growing my nails and painting them with the ketchup left by customers of Mickey D's.

  • I think in extreme scenarios it can do

    since just like any normal thing it can become an addiction to people and when it becomes an addiction it's bad for the person and everyone around them...

    gaming is normal gaming addiction is bad

    food is great - food addiction is bad

    same for kpop - everything in moderation and once someone starts getting excessive (or maybe even becoming a saesang) that's when it can ruin a person's life

  • so if you're just listening to the music and watching the mvs would that be considered moderation?

  • so if you're just listening to the music and watching the mvs would that be considered moderation?

    obviously I'm not an expert on what would constitute addiction but I think that's fine...

    I think it gets to be an addiction when one is doing it contrary to other goals/tasks/neglect???

    like 5 hours of gaming on the weekend when one doesn't have any other responsibilities or duties - fine

    5 hours of gaming when one is suppose to be doing homework or taking care of the kids - not really lol

    or maybe one is at work and alt-tabbing between "work" and streaming a song - that might be excessive to me...

  • i just always found it weird how it was only kpop i ever saw the type of posts like "ABC ruined my life" I dont see that with anything else or im not looking hard enough

  • i just always found it weird how it was only kpop i ever saw the type of posts like "ABC ruined my life" I dont see that with anything else or im not looking hard enough

    i don't think they are common though right? I don't have social media so I'm not aware of its frequency but I've always said

    the silent majority is often drowned out by the vocal minority - the majority of people whether it be kpop fans or sports fans or gamers etc etc enjoy their hobbies peacefully and happily and no problems at all

    it's always the ones that do have a problem that are the loudest that will rant and rave and cause an issue for the rest of the "normal" fans

    it's probably the same for the "kpop has ruined my life people" - the majority of people enjoying kpop do so responsibly, don't attack others, don't spread hate or stalk their favs - just normal except normal doesn't gain traction on social media, normal doesn't make the news...but you bet your bottom dollar that saesang who stalks his or her favs will, the loud obnoxious fan will, the fan that says kpop ruined my life will and spread that "hatred" and make kpop as a whole look bad - non-kpop fans will be like OMG look at what kpop has done to this person and how terrible it is etc etc

  • As with anything that garners a fanbase, there are going to be those who are overly obsessive with the topic and will take actions even if self destructive for a furthering of that obcession.

    also I think the titles "how kpop ruined my life" isn't quite accurate

    1.) kpop companies did not sue you into the ground (or I hope not lol - but most likely not)

    2.) Kpop as a cultural phenomenon did not pose an infohazard or cognitohazard to the person who sustained the damages.

    3.) as I said before, the person likely placed excessive priority on kpop and kpop related activities, often letting more important aspects of their life to flounder.

    Most will benefit from a name change to "how I ruined my own life in the name of kpop"

  • If people get too obsessed with it then yes it can. Some fans need to get a grip with reality and surround themselves around real people, not a bunch of idols who don't even know they exist.

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