Why are jfans hate boner for bahiyyih so big...

  • From an outsider pov, I have a few moots supporting Kepler and bahiyyih and some like me that don't but occasionally helps reporting when it gets too far. Because yes while gp999 is over, that crap is still going on.

    And I've noticed that jfans represent a good chunk of the antis.

    You might say that it's for Yurina but now time has passed, Yurina has debuted in japan and they are still going daily on a ranking site to downvote her, comment to degrade her skills and physical and upvote those.

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    It's not the only instance but it's saddening.

    BTW I'm not saying it's just jfans and I won't invent statistics, it's just from a perspective.

    Note : I know that according to some I am as a moa "proving" the "thanks to her bro blabla" justification but first it can't justify, ever, what she went through and tbh yes we are several moas who help reporting but who else does it outside of her fans and some Kepler stans?!

    So yeah, it's a rant, a sort of question and maybe a plea to not be complete morons although I know most of the forum users (but the anon section) are decent

  • Anpanromane

    Changed the title of the thread from “Why are jfans hate boner for bahiyyih so high...” to “Why are jfans hate boner for bahiyyih so big...”.
  • I’m not taking anything seriously from Bahi stans, since Kep1er debut they have spread misinformation, always complaining about line distribution, screen time... all the time to the fact that the members get dragged everyday.

    Tbh I don’t know how it was in izone but nothing has improved with Kep1er.

    OT8 stans, Bahi stans who have a victim complex or OT9 who will bring a video out of the context and make seem x member is bullying x member it’s just annoying.

  • I'm not familiar with Kep1er nor the Mnet show they came from (thoroughly dislike Mnet X/ ).

    But I do see a lot of threads about Bahiyyih.

    What happened? What did she do? Why is she being singled out?

    Because she made it into the group because of the attention she received from being Huening Kai's sister. On the sow she got so little screentime that if it wasn't for the hype she was receiving outside of it most viewers wouldn't even know her name. She also never had any vital positions within her teams throughout the competition. The other Kep1er members were centers, main vocals and main rappers. They took on the leader position and many even choreographed. Bahiyyih never did any of that and the feedback and results she recieved on the show were overall very mediocre. The only thing she won was an extra mission based on YouTube likes.

    But she's not untalented and is doing well in Kep1er. Still being angry about it is a little weird.

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