What Terms Should Be In BLACKPINK's Renewal Contract?

  • Hello! First of all, this is not my idea for a thread. 3-percenter said they thought it was a good idea for a thread, except that they do not make threads. I thought it was a good question to discuss and did not want it to go to waste, so figured I should make a thread on it for them. Question is simple. We all know by this point that due to BLACKPINK's popularity, it would be shocking if they didn't renew. So, with that in mind, what terms should be in their contract when they resign? Why? I'm curious to hear what you think.

    Once again, all credit goes to 3-percenter for this incredible thread idea. Thank you! Have a great day/night!

  • I can't speak for the other girls, but there's no way Lisa renews under any other conditions than EXTREMELY favourable. Tbh they could just leave the company and form their own, but without Teddy I'm not sure how they would fare musically (assuming he wouldn't leave YG with them).

    Should they choose to stay in YG and assuming they still want to do music - at least 1 mini album and tour a year, maybe some big festivals like Coachella + a bigger chunk of revenue from sales, cfs, etc.

  • I can't speak for the other girls, but there's no way Lisa renews under any other conditions than EXTREMELY favourable. Tbh they could just leave the company and form their own, but without Teddy I'm not sure how they would fare musically (assuming he wouldn't leave YG with them).

    Should they choose to stay in YG and assuming they still want to do music - at least 1 mini album and tour a year, maybe some big festivals like Coachella + a bigger chunk of revenues from sales, cfs, etc.

    You do have a point. They could, they're certainly popular enough to do that. I wonder what their new sound would be like if they did that, or if they would stick with their tried and true girl crush? That sounds reasonable, I hope that's what ends up happening, but I don't know if YG will ever change their ways. Ony time will tell. Have a great day/night!

  • Here's what I was thinking (I'm back from work):

    Since we don't really know the inner workings or dynamics of the relationship between what the Pinks want and what the company wants, everything has to be predicated by "if the Pinks want it...."

    That said, we know that,

    • Blackpink has said they want 2 comebacks a year on Running Man
    • Blackpink has said they want to do more variety shows on Knowing Brothers
    • Jennie said her favorite song is 'Whistle' (recently on Game Caterers), and she gets emotional over 'Stay'.
    • Rosé does covers of all kinds of music, Lisa chooses surprising songs for Lilifilms, Jennie, Rosé and Lisa have covered different kinds of songs going back to the 60's that they like ('You're Just Too Good to be True' by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons; 'L.O.V.E' by Nat King Cole during their fan meeting, Jisoo has covered 'Yujino No Hana')
    • They've said during VLives and interviews that they want more fan contact
    • A lot of other hints and comments

    I think the minimum they should have in their new contract is

    • Two guaranteed OT4 comebacks a year, with a minimum of 4 original tracks plus a remix on each OR a single album with a minimum of 10 tracks, some of which can be released as singles
    • A seasonal comeback with a AIIYL type song sometime during the year
    • One or more optional comebacks that are produced by the Pinks themselves, with freedom to do covers, collabs, and music that makes them happy, including predebut styles and music that may not be commercially successful, but that Blinks like and that shows their passions. These can be digital only, or included with the seasons greetings and summer diaries
    • More variety appearances in S. Korea, even when no comebacks are scheduled, including the option to do their own variety show that can include interviews with their international friends in music and fashion, games, and produced segments that can align with their involvement in environmental issues or current events
    • International fan events when Covid allows it
    • And personally, I'd like to see them allowed to interact with idols from other groups more openly, Lisa not having to hide her face, etc.

    Remember, this is their 2nd contract. They have the negotiating power to do a lot more outside of their current limits....if they want to.

  • They’ll of course negotiate better percentages and I’d suspect more creative control. The power is with them. I’d assume they put in guarantees around cbs (at least one group cb per year) but I suspect they’d structure them in a way for more a balance they’ll want to walk between more cbs than they currently have and overexhausting themselves trying to do much. (Not a slight against them - the industry is full of overworked idols who don’t get enough of a break and it takes a mental and physical toll on their health. Since they’re in the power position here, they will want to use to get the right freedoms!) I do think the amount they may want may not be the same amount Blinks want..



  • Best Answer ✔︎

  • Definitely three comeback a year with mini for the first two and full album of original songs in the third one for the next 2 year.

    And complete the square project....

    More content on youtube so that high number of subscriber have somthing to watch,

  • You're 100% right that we don't know what happens behind closed doors and we can only go off what we do know. I remember them asking for two comebacks a year and being so sad hearing them say it. I actually forgot or didn't know about a lot of other things you mentioned, like asking for more fan contact for example. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.

    I agree with every single one of your terms and think it would be awesome if they got them. Yeah, Lisa having to hide her face just to avoid crazy fans going way out of control in shipping her is way too far. You don't understand how much I love As If It's Your last, so getting more of that type of music from them would make me so happy! I'd like them to have more creative freedom as well, like you said too. More comebacks is what everyone wants. Honestly, I want all of your terms to be true. Have a great day/night!

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