Favorite Hair Color/Style Your Ultimate Bias Ever Had?
I see no lies, that looks nice on him!
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The red hair look stunning on him!
DAMN IT he looks good in anything
tho i rly love the blue
The blue matches his outfit. It was meant to be.
Based on these pictures, I have to agree with you.
the only other color i liked on him was connection era which was the prior comeback to novella and he had brown hair with blonde streaks
Mostly his natural color is brown, there was a time he had orangeish hair and he rocked that too but i like the blonde the most!
the only other color i liked on him was connection era which was the prior comeback to novella and he had brown hair with blonde streaks
Mostly his natural color is brown, there was a time he had orangeish hair and he rocked that too but i like the blonde the most!
That looks so cute on him too!
omg Rose is so stunning in that image ngl
Though I have a theory about braids or buns: In ancient times when long hair on both men and women, often for battle or for hard labor it would be bobbed up or braided to keep from snagging or getting in the way.
so now when its used on hairstyles, it could be a symbol of power, strength, dependability, or hard work. By contrast long flowing hair often meant that the opposite: it wasn't for hard work or battle so it is a more private or soft side or even elegance.
So the half n half hairstyle -- well that says that the idol has got it all, and is showing all for their performance. That in conjunction with dress language, body language, dance choreo, singing, and facial expression can be a part of the science of the look that comes out for each idol's aesthetic for a certain event or MV
That looks so cute on him too!
he's adorabu!
he's adorabu!
He really is. His visuals are stunning!
He really is. His visuals are stunning!
literally all of my faves:
Black hair/dark brown hair >>>>>>>>>>>>
This made me feel a bit better. Some things never change.
The good thing about enlistment is that his scalp gets a break.
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