Something Kpop fans gotta stop saying

  • “They all look the same”

    Like on top of the fact that it’s borderline racist, be it intentional or not

    It’s also 95% of the time untrue. Like of course you’re going to think a group of East Asians who prob got the same hair color and even length that just got revealed 30 seconds aren’t gonna look like the most distinct group out there

    Thing is, pretty sure there were people who said the exact same thing about your faves, yet you have no issue pointing out who’s who

    So yeah….

  • I mean Knetz say that all the time too

    Are they racist to themselves?

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  • I mean Knetz say that all the time too

    Are they racist to themselves?

    YES :rolleyes:

    And even if it wasn’t, people can say certain things about their own groups that people outside of said groups don’t get to say

    Asians get told they look the same all the time, so it’s not cute no matter what

    However that’s only part of the overall point. Otherwise, it’s a dumb thing to say in general cuz people who say that 9/10 just say that about any group they just saw

  • If you’re familiar with a race, it’s easy to tell people apart but if you’re not, it’s actually common to confuse people together, no matter the race. Non-white people have a hard time differentiating white folks all the time lol so it’s hypocritical to be outraged when the reverse happens. God knows all those bland white men blend together if you don’t make an effort to recognise who’s who. Anyone remember this pic lol


    White women that all go for a similar makeup style look similar to each other too but at least their clothes / fashion sense might make them a bit more distinguishable lol

    Edited once, last by Whi ().

  • i think its the intention behind it, and the way you say it.

    like saying yeah i can't tell them apart yet shows that you're not familiar yet (in most cases), i don't think its racist saying you recognize them immediately. its even harder because some people are bad with faces and names and need a distinguished memory with them to connect the two.

  • Are you referencing the controversy over Hybe's 134649th boy group that got unveiled recently? Where every dude had exactly the same haircut and clothes?

    I'm sorry but i'm literally Korean and i can't tell them apart.

    I blame the agencies for furthering the stereotypes by literally creating idols that look like clones through styling, surgery, and trainee selection.

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