• I knew this was coming. I was surprised there wasn't news of Korean outrage the moment she expressed support for the Chinese Olympic team. I thought something changed and maybe people finally came to their senses.

    Well... I thought too soon, and of course, here it is.

    Asian countries (and people) are so unnecessarily bitter and petty towards each other, and, to say the least, that stuff is just stupid.

    I almost made a "in before the knetz drag her joke" when the thread about her post was made the other day, but I didn't want to jinx her. ;(

  • Actually I changed my mind, the latest comments on their Melon page are nasty and it's not looking good. I hope this can die down.

    Honestly if I were SM I'd put the group as a whole on a hiatus. Cancel any public meetings, CFs, or possible comeback. It'll be much better for them to lay low until Koreans slowly forget. What they did with Irene was perfect and they should apply the same here too.

    I also think that SM should be suing these people if anything but we all know SM doesn't have a good track record when it comes to their foreign idols.

  • Actually I changed my mind, the latest comments on their Melon page are nasty and it's not looking good. I hope this can die down.

    Honestly if I were SM I'd put the group as a whole on a hiatus. Cancel any public meetings, CFs, or possible comeback. It'll be much better for them to lay low until Koreans slowly forget. What they did with Irene was perfect and they should apply the same here too.

    I also think that SM should be suing these people if anything but we all know SM doesn't have a good track record when it comes to their foreign idols.

    Wow, isn't that a bit extreme? Is the hate that bad?



  • Any positive comment on DCT/NL's Melon page gets more dislikes than likes :-( It's bad for them

    Well, I'll hold off on getting too scared until brands start pulling.

    As long as brands and SM are willing to support them, they may be able to come out of this relatively unscathed.



  • I might be wrong for saying this, but I cant believe this a scandal, its so damn pathetic and yet I also cant believe no one around her or even her with all the history chinese idols have when it comes to how koreans perceive them, didn't think twice before publishing that post. I know it was innocent and in good faith, but if you know beforehand how is the country where you are working at, I might aswell not post anything. Congratulate them in private.

    Is it sad? Yes

    Is it unfair? Yes

    But is it the reality of the country she currently lives in and works for? Also yessssss

    And its not gonna change anytime soon.

  • It gets worse with time. Congratulating winners from China wasn’t that controversial last year (evident by the fact it wasn’t considered controversial when it happened before). She wouldn’t have known it would get this far because it wasn’t this severe over that and she is the first to take the hate because of it. Other Chinese idols might add it to the list of things they can’t do or say now. Next year we might get a new thing Chinese idols can’t do because of the Xenophobes that can’t differentiate an innocent person from their government or the bad ones with the same nationality. Same thing happens in China, Korean isn’t even allowed in TV shows by the government (ns correct me if I am wrong). Xenophobic C-nets also hate on Korean idols for being Korean. What the Xenophobic K-nets are asking their country to do in some of these articles (“kick all the Chinese” “how dare they congratulate their country people in Olympics; the government should do something about this”) if government do that over simple things like saying congrats then it is just like turning Korea to China, government wise.



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