Does your opinion on a kpop song change after first listen?
hmmm i like to listen to new songs just audio first, then i listen to it again to see if my opinion on it is really the same.
but mostly if i really dislike a song at first i won't like it later.
Yeah. Sometimes songs take some time to grow on me.
Yes, almost all the time
also changes after hearing on nice headset or speakers
kpop often has nice hidden layers
yes sometimes I only like some parts of a song, but when the song keeps playing in my head I listen to it a few times more and decide that I do like the song. But the opposite can also happen
If it’s an album I listen to it with the album and if I don’t love it then I abandoned it until I get bored relisten to the album again. If it doesn’t hit a second time that’s it. If it’s a single I listen to it once if I don’t like it abandoned it and on a rare occasion if I happened to see the song performed live and like it then I revisit. I cannot listen to a song I don’t like over and over again. Not because I think it’s illogical but just because my brain doesn’t let me function like that. Sometimes I wish I could but for my peace I don’t try.
Yes but sometimes if I don’t like a song after first listen I don’t listen to it again
Sometimes. For example I hated Savage when it first came out, I thought it was a noisy song and awful but after more listens, I started to like it. There are songs that can take several listens before it wins me over. Not every K pop song is going to be an instant hit with me.
there aren't that many songs that I fall in love with immediately. I will usually like a song and then fall in love with it gradually.
Sometimes, I will grow to like a song that I initially disliked, but if I really really dislike it, usually keep disliking it.
Sometimes! I try not to listen the first time with the MV, since the MV can influence me to feel differently or distract me from noticing the music.
I also try to keep in mind how I'm feeling when I listen to it. If I'm in a high energy mood, for example, then a chill song may not land right the first time.
I will rarely go back and listen to a song that was "passed" but there are songs that because of the sheer volume that it's played or I like the group and will give the song another chance that have grown on me...
an example would be something like Miracles in December which on first listen I passed but I can probably say that I like it now...
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