Goin to take 3rd vaccine shot (booster) tomorrow, how is it for you?
I had a swollen lymph node.
I had my third in Dec and got Covid again in Jan.
With the third, I was down for a few days, mostly shivers and fever, alternating. But not that bad.
Covid instead was shit for me, down for two weeks.
As a huge DISCLAIMER, I am immune compromised since I am taking medicine for my Chron's so that is why it took that much. I'm pretty much a petri dish for viruses.
My mom is almost 70, had her third, no after effects at all. No Covid tho.
She was just feeling tired for a few days.
Nothing dramaticly happend for me
I got my first one with Astra before people said it would be "apparently" harmfull to younger women. First day was OK, the next 3 days I had almost no apetite and ate/drunk barly anything
Second one was with Moderna. I felt OK on the first day but was super tired on the second day
My third was Biontech. I had no symthomes this time, just the regular bit of arm-pain where I got the vaccine injected
story of my vaccination as well haha it felt like I did a handstand marathon
I had no reaction to any of the three except for some tenderness where the vaccine was given. (Except for a late period with the second, but nothing more.)
My brother, on the other hand, got very bad headaches and fever with the second dose and booster.
But I personally think…better that than severe COVID.
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