Really, to what extent do looks play into your stanning?

  • Do you find yourself stanning a group purely for their visuals? Are visuals the first thing that attracts you but after that it doesn't matter? Do you find yourself unable to stan a group if you don't find them attractive, despite liking their music? Are there any groups that you don't enjoy visually but you stan them anyway?

    For me, I wasn't super impressed with any idols looks when I first got into kpop tbh. I used to think Monsta X was downright funny looking. I now think all the members are attractive in their own way to varying degrees and find more idols attractive in general. I guess their looks have grown on me. Still, I find that I usually have to become familiar with an idol before I really start liking their looks with a few exceptions. The only group that I felt compelled to check out based on a member's visuals was probably Got7 due to Jinyoung. Fortunately, I also really like their music.

  • I can't lie and say visuals don't play a part in me stanning a group but it really isn't the number one factor for me. In my honest opinion, fans who just stan a group because of a bunch of good looking faces and fail to see their other attributes seem shallow to me. There really is more to a group's success on how handsome/pretty they are. Sure, it can help them get there but if they don't have the voice or a likeable personality then I'm not interested.

  • I can't lie and say visuals don't play a part in me stanning a group but it really isn't the number one factor for me. In my honest opinion, fans who just stan a group because of a bunch of good looking faces and fail to see their other attributes seem shallow to me. There really is more to a group's success on how handsome/pretty they are. Sure, it can help them get there but if they don't have the voice or a likeable personality then I'm not interested.

    There's a variety of factors for sure. It's best when a group has the total package

  • Looks play a role for me, but not in the superficial, lustful way people often assume. I think it's interesting how K-pop idols, their clothing stylists, their makeup artists, and their hairstylists work together to create aesthetics and depict attitudes, concepts, and character archtypes.

    I see it as part of the art. Not everyone has stunningly handsome or gorgeous visuals without the right styling, but everyone can do something to enhance their physical appearance and I'm not talking about plastic surgery.

  • One thing about me is that I love visuals, man I just love to stare at beautiful faces. It helps my eyes, clears my vision... etc. So yes to stan a group I have to love their songs AND find them extremely beautiful, or else what is the point of buying albums that have photobooks?

    Lol, I never got the point of photobooks anyway. Like I can stare at jinyoung *in motion* on my computer

  • I absolutely enjoy a pretty face, but just a pretty face ain’t going to cut it for me. There have been a fair few times I’ve looked and appreciated just visuals but unless there is something else going on there, I don’t have impetus to check anything else out.

    Actually, when I was first getting into BTS, I barely even noticed how handsome their faces are. I was attracted by the costuming, yes, and the design and production elements, along with the sharpness of their dance moves and how hard-hitting their performances were. Then they became more attractive to me because of their charisma and the sensuality of their moves as much as I fell in love with their music and lyrics. Now, NOW, I am fully gone and am totally happy to gush about how gorgeous they all are and it completely plays into how much I enjoy their performances… but if it had just been seven good-looking people with none of the rest, I would have just thought ‘Ah yes, they are very good-looking.’ but not been hooked.

  • I think I'm a bit weird. Before stanning I thought a couple of my faves were average at best. But after they caught my attention for other reasons and I started to have affection for them, I just think they are all extremely beautiful.

    I don't think that's weird at all or if it is, then we can just be weird together, cuz that's basically what happens to me too. (Though there are still a few from my faves that I don't find attractive :oops: )

  • Looks play a role for me, but not in the superficial, lustful way people often assume. I think it's interesting how K-pop idols, their clothing stylists, their makeup artists, and their hairstylists work together to create aesthetics and depict attitudes, concepts, and character archtypes.

    I see it as part of the art. Not everyone has stunningly handsome or gorgeous visuals without the right styling, but everyone can do something to enhance their physical appearance and I'm not talking about plastic surgery.

    True, natural good visuals aren't necessary for creating striking looks.

  • to me visuals play a part especially since that's usually the first thing that I see in a person...whether it be an idol or otherwise since technically you can't find out about a person's personality if you don't associate with them and thus visuals are what catches the eye first and foremost

    (anyone who can tell a person's personality just by looking at them without speaking to them is a bloody physic - which according to Ibby I am one!!!)

    so beyond that it would then depend on a person's personality and usually for the biases within a group they are usually the ones with an " interesting" personality (at least to me)

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