(UPDATE) a lovely example of casual sexism: Taylor Swift and Damon Albarn

  • UPDATE: He apologized after getting dragged hardcore. Still doesn't make what he said right bc none of it was actually taken out of context unless he's accusing the people who wrote the article/the interviewer of lying.

    Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 6.45.02 PM.png

    something tells me he wouldn't have clarified if he hadn't been called out....

    anyways here's more fun:

    you just KNOW it's bad when you have jack antonoff pissed off at you

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    Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 6.49.36 PM.png

    op below :wink: :wink:

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

    Edited 4 times, last by FeLiNa ().

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    These Men must be tired of all the reaching they do all the time.

    Taylor stays making those royalties <3

    ~ ω

  • FeLiNa

    Selected a post as the best answer.
  • What pissed me off is that the interviewer didn't push back on the factually incorrect "co-write" bullshit, when Damon misunderstood "of course she writes her own stuff [but] she co-writes some".

  • I don't understand what masculinity has to do with it though. Dude praised Billie Eilish in the same interview.

    you do realize you can "praise" a woman and still exhibit toxic masculinity, right?

    he not only pit two successful women against each other, but spread lies and misinformation about one of them.

    here, i'll rephrase the title to make it more understandable.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • FeLiNa

    Changed the title of the thread from “a lovely example of toxic masculinity: Taylor Swift and Damon Albarn” to “a lovely example of casual sexism: Taylor Swift and Damon Albarn”.
  • These spineless, scared ass men lmao

    and it's the way i know i'll get the "tHaT IsN't sExiSM" comments. jfc. it's misogyny. straight up.

    people bring her up, unprovoked, just to bash her and her success. there would be no doubts of any of her achievements if she was male.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • i am or at least was a big fan of taylor Swift and especially her lyrics

    The critic is an idiot

    But what does female male have anything to do with this?

    u r m o m g a y


  • my god, how can you say Taylor Swift, freaking TAYLOR SWIFT who is KNOWN to WRITE HER OWN SONGS doesn't write her own songs.

    I am not even a swiftie but I am mad.

  • you do realize you can "praise" a woman and still exhibit toxic masculinity, right?

    he not only pit two successful women against each other, but spread lies and misinformation about one of them.

    here, i'll rephrase the title to make it more understandable.

    Anyone can spread lies and misinformation about anything. I don't see how it's a gender thing. And comparing two artists based on one's subjective preferrences is not "pitting someone against someone else". It's just discussion. You talk about movies, you gonna talk about filmmakers you like and, one thing leading to another, those you think are overrated. Same in music or anything really. It's just discussing, exchanging opinions. People are free to disagree, it's no big deal. Again, I don't see how it's casual sexism any more than toxic masculinity. Maybe he is all that, but I doubt a short tweet from LA Times is enough to come to that conclusion.

    [edit] I forgot to add: of course, sometimes people have stupid takes on things and are just wrong.

    Anyway, I don't even who this guys is so I'm gonna leave it at that. Thank you for your attention, I didn't mean to bother.

  • i am or at least was a big fan of taylor Swift and especially her lyrics

    The critic is an idiot

    But what does female male have anything to do with this?

    the way i, and many others look at it, is this:

    people bring her up, unprovoked, just to bash her and her success. there would be no doubts of any of her achievements if she was male.

    and it holds true. this guy praising Billie doesn't make him less misogynistic.

    here's a brief history into past comments he's made:

    first of all, this

    Perhaps the conflict from which Albarn is so... | Damon Albarn Unofficial

    and then someone went on a sexist rant about him (lmao)

    Liam Gallagher goes on sexist rant about Damon Albarn
    Liam Gallagher goes on sexist rant about Damon Albarn

    and then this

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • Anyone can spread lies and misinformation about anything. I don't see how it's a gender thing. And comparing two artists based on one's subjective preferrences is not "pitting someone against someone else". It's just discussion. You talk about movies, you gonna talk about filmmakers you like and, one thing leading to another, those you think are overrated. Same in music or anything really. It's just discussing, exchanging opinions. People are free to disagree, it's no big deal. Again, I don't see how it's casual sexism any more than toxic masculinity. Maybe he is all that, but I doubt a short tweet from LA Times is enough to come to that conclusion.

    [edit] I forgot to add: of course, sometimes people have stupid takes on things and are just wrong.

    Anyway, I don't even who this guys is so I'm gonna leave it at that. Thank you for your attention, I didn't mean to bother.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • I don't know who tf he is or what he said about billie either

    It's just weird as hell to me that legit everything is blamed on 'male bad' out of context

    You think men don't bash the shit out of male artists or what?

    u r m o m g a y


  • I don't know who tf he is or what he said about billie either

    It's just weird as hell to me that legit everything is blamed on 'male bad' out of context

    You think men don't bash the shit out of male artists or what?

    men bash male artists but it just isn't seen as often. and it would be ignorant to say that the industry isn't biased against women because it is.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • He sounds like he has been living under a rock with the "she doesn't write her own songs".

    He doesn't know shit about her, which is fine, but he chose to open his mouth in an interview about it. To the point of correcting the interviewer.

    Which is a total...

    Well, I'm not gonna say it.

    Anyone can spread lies and misinformation about anything. I don't see how it's a gender thing. And comparing two artists based on one's subjective preferrences is not "pitting someone against someone else". It's just discussion. You talk about movies, you gonna talk about filmmakers you like and, one thing leading to another, those you think are overrated. Same in music or anything really. It's just discussing, exchanging opinions. People are free to disagree, it's no big deal. Again, I don't see how it's casual sexism any more than toxic masculinity. Maybe he is all that, but I doubt a short tweet from LA Times is enough to come to that conclusion.

    [edit] I forgot to add: of course, sometimes people have stupid takes on things and are just wrong.

    Anyway, I don't even who this guys is so I'm gonna leave it at that. Thank you for your attention, I didn't mean to bother.

    It's a gender thing because nobody will accuse Ed Sheeran of not writing his own songs. When he has been far more reliant on co-writes than Taylor Swift has been.

    Like just for example.

    Gosh I wonder why.

    And yes, pitting women against each other is, like.. A very classic move. That's Damon playing the standards. Billie is not like the other girls, etc.

    The comparison is bullshit straight up because Billie is not remotely like Taylor to warrant the comparison. But by virtue of being the same gender, the comparison happens. I see this shit all the time.

  • men bash male artists but it just isn't seen as often. and it would be ignorant to say that the industry isn't biased against women because it is.

    Weak argument about why this is a man vs woman issue not a dumb critic vs taylor swift issue

    Regardless, feel free to see multiple agendas in this, I just expressed my thoughts

    u r m o m g a y


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