I was really hopping for strong female character without targeting male gaze

  • I'm not going to discuss if demon slayer is appropriate for 9-12yo or what 9-12yo should watch

    but I really wanted a strong female character for both gender and not only male audience

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  • Then stop watching anime aimed at teenage boys.

    also not this same dude hyping up Food Wars in the replies :cryingr:

  • honestly having 2 nephew and one niece

    i notice that Kids more naive on these things

    for them if it's "adult form" it means this person is an adult

    meanwhile since we are adult we have more hindsight to think "even if she's an adult form she's still 14 and it doesn't show a good representation of women"

    we have more tendency to see the things who are wrong in the anime, meanwhile kids will just follow the story without thinking much, and i don't think it's a great thing to expect all the kinds to lose their naivete to have this hindsight

    like how before when i was a kids for example Tsunade was just a badass women who can beat up anybody and that's it

    meanwhile now that i'm more old, i can see the problem with the sexualization of the character and the problem with showing to girls a type of body than they can never reach

    and also i don't see how representing Nezuko this way means that she's not a strong character

    she can fight with anybody , and often came to the rescue to her brother and their friend, i don't see how showing a girl for once coming to the rescue to a bunch of boys isn't sending strong female character message. Considering that she's breaking from the stereotype in manga that it's usually the men who come to the rescue of the female character

    yeah sexualizing a character is not the best thing, but even if they are sexualize doesn't mean that they can't be a strong female character who can also spread strong message for the girls.

    Not everything is black or white

  • lmao the kids are not bothered but you are

    who said I'm bothered by it ? I just said I hoped for a female character targeted to both gender :pepestare: as if this will bother me

    Then stop watching anime aimed at teenage boys.

    as someone who watched anime since I was 5-6yo I think I started to watch it based on age maybe until 9 or 10 but then I just watched based on the plot (it was on TV so I watch whatever is on) I never check anime genres or what audience is it targeted for and I don't really care about that (not when I was young before access to anime on the internet is easy and neither now)

  • also weird how the comments are saying it ain't aimed at kids. literally every top shonen manga or anime gets advertised at kids over there, billboards, merch, commercials, it's everywhere lol. Like you'll get roasted in school if you don't know about the anime. Just find those comments a lil funny

    it's Shonen , it's targeted toward teens 12-18 I think adults are more concerned than kids (but my post wasn't about age but about strong female character but I think people are reacting to the tweet :sweatr1: )

  • who said I'm bothered by it ? I just said I hoped for a female character targeted to both gender :pepestare: as if this will bother me

    then i dont see the problem here?

    if you mean the clothing, kids watch kpop which is way more revealing

    if you mean the boobs, my first ex used to have bigger back when I was in 9th grade and no I didnt date her for those

    u r m o m g a y


  • when she had her transformation i remember thinking how weird af it was seeing as she was still a kid but thats anime for you... worst part was going on discussion threads about that episode and seeing posts lowkey sexualising her :pepewash:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • then i dont see the problem here?

    if you mean the clothing, kids watch kpop which is way more revealing

    if your justification is that "theres worse things" then thats not really doing anything for your point :sweatr1:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Kids that young are watching Kimetsu no Yaiba? :pepewhat:

    Some parts were hard to watch even for me, and they allow kids to watch this?

    you would be surprised but a lot of kids do watch it, its practically targeted at kids with the way its promoted.


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Ehhh been watching anime since I was 10 and I turned out fine. People use big words “affecting” children but I don’t really think so.

    Anyway shonen is always filled with teenage girls with big boobs. It’s how it’s always been. I’m not saying it’s right but also I don’t really think it’s gonna have a lasting impact on people.

    Japanese anime has many problematic elements and the sexualization of minors is a major part of it no doubt about it. If it makes you that uncomfortable you definitely need to stop watching.

    For me real life minor actors and shows being sexualized feels to have more lasting impact on the psyche.

    The way I see anime, their age doesn’t even register for me. They’re just pictures on the screen that do cool stuff. And honestly the adults the children the teens many of them look the same in anime. The author just draws them all the same and slaps an age on it to suit them.

    The criticism is valid but the part about affecting children I don’t agree with.

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