Honestly speaking... then what about stylist who use/cut parts of clothes from multiple brands and make stage outfits from them?
how would you react when you would learn that your fav idol wore a top which was made from parts of clothes from 2 different brands which are rivals/competitors?
another thing is that I was overall surprised knowing that Freezia even has some deal with company, this is one of those wrong things in Korea, because here in Poland when someone is youtuber/influencer they ain't working under someone, but they basically start their own company after first success on youtube. At first of course they are self-employed, later on if popularity rises they hire some people. In Korean case it's different, so we should focus if it's her own fault, or is it agency mistake
You bring up a good point.
Also, the items idols where in MVs are usually brand pieces right? And most times, companies don't want to spend that kind of money on stage outfits, so they recreate those items for performance. Though, perhaps in those cases, they get the brands permission? Hmm, I don't know.