Tablo loses 10 years worth of lyrics from iPhone update

  • P.S: do updates delete photos/videos? I have iCloud but sometimes I fear the studio gets deleted anyway.





  • Ever since my old laptop died, anything that's important I never trust to just one medium. Either phone and laptop, laptop and notebook, or phone and notebook. I hope he didn't lose anything really important...

  • lmao, I remember I delayed my back-up for one month and exactly during that month my laptop stopped working so I lost my thesis. Sometimes the planets align in things go crazy. But 10 years without a backup as an artist? Yup, most probably they weren't that important.

  • Shame, yet he has only himself to blame.

    Using cloud services are great, but its not a backup either. Always keep backups of important data even if you use cloud services, preferably in at least two places.

  • Shame, yet he has only himself to blame.

    Using cloud services are great, but its not a backup either. Always keep backups of important data even if you use cloud services, preferably in at least two places.

    Exactly and as an it administrator this is the same message we give to any clients that come crying to me about fixing their devices and data recovery. You call me when you absolutely have to not before. So to avoid that expensive call BACK UP YOUR SHIT IDIOTS!! Use more than one medium phone computer, USB ab external HDD and when it comes to cloud services, use more than one from different companies, this ensures that if one service goes down you can still get it from the other. Also we recommend using hardware with much more reliability, this means hardware that has a higher chance of not failing this includes software. And apple products are low on that list but eh people love that overpriced garbage but i digress

  • To everyone who says it wasn't important because he didn't back them up.

    its like opting to not get earthquake insurance in california because in my area the last earthquake that did damage already has a centerpiece in the local museum. Its a hassle to do that kinda maintenance for something that one would think never really happens. People just never think much about it until it hits.

    It was important to him; he just failed to recognize what losing them means and how safe saving things on his phone was.

    That being said I use a home NAS with port forwarding because f the cloud lol

  • But can someone answer me, what does updates have to do with deleting files? Do they do that occasionally or this one was a bug?

    sometimes a phone can delete stuff to make space or that the new update had overwritten the files during install or even the new update has deleted the files after install.

    I don't know the details but sometimes the phone will flag files that weren't used often and delete them to make space thinking that the user won't miss the files. I used to have a phone that I had to go through and manually move data around so that the system would think it was recently used and therefore won't delete it.

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