Bahi is more like Gaeun.
She seems to be less fit of the group dynamic and mnet wants to get rid of her but couldnt this round.
Is the group still managed by Mnet? I thought that another company manages everything around the group once it debuts, like what happened with IZ*One.
As for group dynamic, do you mean chemistry in the group, or image of the group as a whole?
I mean, regarding Chowon the same reason has often been used to excuse or explain the dirty dealings of the show producers, that 'she didn't fit the group image anyway' - even when Lightsum is very much a same type of group as IZ*One and Chowon fits perfectly fine in it.
I don't know, I think that when it comes to group image or dynamic, that's something that the team behind the group can streamline easily and that the idols themselves can resolve when they're professional enough.
For example, the group GOT contains idols from 4 generations with an age gap up to 15+ years, yet they feel like one solid unit even when the style isn't the usual style of most of the members in it.