Wow... I wasn't expecting this line/screentime distribution in kep1er

  • Bahi is more like Gaeun.

    She seems to be less fit of the group dynamic and mnet wants to get rid of her but couldnt this round.

    Is the group still managed by Mnet? I thought that another company manages everything around the group once it debuts, like what happened with IZ*One.

    As for group dynamic, do you mean chemistry in the group, or image of the group as a whole?

    I mean, regarding Chowon the same reason has often been used to excuse or explain the dirty dealings of the show producers, that 'she didn't fit the group image anyway' - even when Lightsum is very much a same type of group as IZ*One and Chowon fits perfectly fine in it.

    I don't know, I think that when it comes to group image or dynamic, that's something that the team behind the group can streamline easily and that the idols themselves can resolve when they're professional enough.

    For example, the group GOT contains idols from 4 generations with an age gap up to 15+ years, yet they feel like one solid unit even when the style isn't the usual style of most of the members in it.

  • Chowon was actually well-liked by a lot of people though and had a good storyline during P48. She was also known to be surprisingly good at everything. To this day I still have no idea why Mnet decided to rig her out. Most people would have been happy with her making it. I think Bahi is more like Miyu if she had a bigger fanbase: Disliked by Mnet, with 0 screentime, but with a very loud and dedicated fanbase.

    Did she have enough votes though? Miyu didn't have enough votes, iirc.

    It's even more of an achievement to gain enough votes to make it if Mnet has been actively sabotaging you.

    It's kinda ironic, Mnet hadn't been actively sabotaging Chowon, they showcased her quite favorably in the edits and she was able to show how massively multitalented she was - yet she still got blocked by the show producers even when she had enough votes.

    Now here's apparently someone that Mnet themselves are actively sabotaging and seemed to actively dislike, yet now they're unable to block this Bahi from making it into the group.

  • I do agree with you that most idols are versatile, they can fit most concepts and streamlining a group is not that hard. In the end, it depends on what mnet thought - the marketability, the potential of constestant. It was quite obvious they sabotaged people like Gaeun and Miyu and a few more japanese girls. Nako, Hitomi and Sakura are their pick by default and it has been showcased since beginning (except Nako, she had no presence initially but her popularity shot up after Love Whisper)

    For Bahi, it is obvious she is also being sabotaged but Mnet could rig out anyone anymore cause it will be obvious, given Bahi's popularity as shown from youtube views. They wouldnt be able to withstand any audit

  • I didn't follow GP999 (for obvious reasons).

    If I read this correctly, Bahi is kinda like Chowon in PD48, only this time Mnet weren't able to cheat the final rankings to steal positions for their favorites that didn't make it in the voting?

    Bahi is the opposite of Chowon, Chowon was known and liked and got popular for her reversal charm and talents, she could do everything in the group and she has done everything in the show, from leader to center to main vocal to main rapper, plus she was a good performer while Bahi was criticized for her lack of talent , not necessary lack, she can hold a note but she didn't had much training and is obvious and her lack of stage presence.

    Personally i do understand why she didn't got more center, she's also the weakest dancer but i do hope she get more lines since i do like her vocal tone and she could add some nice harmonies to kep1er songs and more screentime, she's tall and pretty.

  • Bahi is the opposite of Chowon, Chowon was known and liked and got popular for her reversal charm and talents, she could do everything in the group and she has done everything in the show, from leader to center to main vocal to main rapper, plus she was a good performer while Bahi was criticized for her lack of talent , not necessary lack, she can hold a note but she didn't had much training and is obvious and her lack of stage presence.

    Personally i do understand why she didn't got more center, she's also the weakest dancer but i do hope she get more lines since i do like her vocal tone and she could add some nice harmonies to kep1er songs and more screentime, she's tall and pretty.

    Ah, I see. Thank you for the info, I haven't watched the GP999 show so I couldn't compare.

    But if Mnet was actively evil editing and working against her, then it's an achievement still that she made it into the group.

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