Why are horror movies where people are killed/tortured allowed, but if someone sings controversial lyrics everything is wrong?

  • Isn't anything valid in ART?

    Movies, music, painting, sculptures, etc.

    Isn't one of the reasons of art to show the shadow of the human being?

    As human beings with a cognitive system we should be able to separate "fantasy(art)" with "reality".

    If all the lyrics have to be socially and morally "good" then all the movies have to be as well.

    As a fan of Freddy Krueger/Jason (horror movies) and rock/metal music with lyrics related to revenge/horror, I think we should be able to separate the art from reality.

    Imagine if we cancel all the people who use Satan/lucifer in their lyrics or clothes cuz they are trying to satanize society. Time to relax!

    I'm pretty sure that we all have our demons and those demons can be expressed through art .

    All those who are perfect, with high morals and "angels" are the ones with more repression . If they dive in their subconscious mind they will get shocked and cancel themselves.

    Anyway... Controversial topic, but I wanted to give my opinion. Now everything is labeled as bad,but we don't see our own evilness. We love judging others without watching our own mess.

    Where's supposed to be expressed all that "bad" stuff ? = ART

  • if a guy sings to me and u that he makes a woman in a minute or r4pes her, do you call it art? for me it is simply smuggling his sick fantasies under a fake "ART" badge and making life difficult for people. no, that's not normal. movie can hit you with the situations, pain and transitions of the characters. you feel their emotions. in the case of music, the most important role is instrumental and direct connection to the listener, preferably something that you can understand and identify with. the artist expresses emotions and feelings also by painting, which is unclear to a potential person, because in art you see what you want to see. art is not everything, art has never been everything. art has rules that people have been trying to hide for many years and pretend that they never existed. art focuses on individuality and the search for something that is invisible to the naked eye. I don't understand what your point is. and is horror an art? I mean-

  • Because the majority of the time if someone is talking about how much they want to rape someone they actually do and even if they do not they are still romanticising this kind of crime. Why would anyone think it’s cool to write such disgusting things?

    𝒮𝐻𝐼𝒩𝑒𝑒 - 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 - 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓇 - 𝑀𝑜𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶 𝒳 - 𝒯𝒳𝒯


  • Characters and events in horror movies are made up and fictional.

    Sometimes I write songs about made up events. Maybe a Kid who fell inside a well and started to feel his own loneliness.

    I'm not the kid , i have never fallen into a well, but wrote about him .

    If eventually I get better in singing I might sing about it, even if it's not an experience of mine.

  • Because the majority of the time if someone is talking about how much they want to rape someone they actually do and even if they do not they are still romanticising this kind of crime. Why would anyone think it’s cool to write such disgusting things?

    Not a fan of songs related to rape cuz they're not my taste and make me feel uncomfortable.

    But I'm a fan of songs about serial killers from movies and ... In real life, I have never killed someone, well... Maybe a cockroach.

    Anyway... Hard topic and I also can understand your point , but not everyone who writes about a certain topic is involved into that in real life, some others might be involved ofc.

    Also!!! The way of writing is really important !!! When something enters into the atmosphere of "fantasy/movie-like" is a pass, but if a song has too many personal DETAILS like "I wanna do this to my neighbor who is called this" that's Another thing and that's an indicator that things are more personal and away from a "fantasy/literary" world, that can be dangerous.

  • Movies are fictional. What happens there, stays in there. Books, movies, series, it's all fake, unreal and just that.

    Idols aren't fictional. People idolize them, people want to be like them, people follow up in their steps. Many people get inspired by their idols, they become their role models. When an idol sings a song romanticizing sexual abuse, many people might get the wrong impression and think it's completely fine, that it makes you cool and edgy, that it's something which isn't considered bad since hey, it's your favorite idol singing those, right?

  • Freedom of speech and creation allows you to make whatever sick thing you want to make though ( as long as it's legal, obviously ).

    But then the audience is allowed to respond to this. If lyrics are shocking, why would anyone be surprised if the audience is shocked ? If they want to boycott it, aren't they allowed to express themselves too ?

  • I think controversial content is not a big deal as long as the product is quite niche and underground, which these kinds of content usually are for obvious reasons. It only becomes an issue when it's included in a mainstream product and/or comes to the awareness of the general public. Take for an example the movie Cuties which became a hot topic in the USA because it got added to Netflix (with a piss poor cover pic) even though it was merely a arthouse French film they would never heard of and never cared about in usual circumstances.

  • well even movies would get criticized if they for example romanticised rape.... or if the movie was from the point of view of the rapist and if said movie was intentionaly implying/directly saying it's okay to do something like that

    there're still certain boundaries as there should be

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    Edited 2 times, last by _Dalnim ().

  • well even movies would get criticized if they for example romanticised rape.... or if the movie was from the point of view of the rapist implying it's okay to do something like that

    there're still certain boundaries as there should be

    Telling a story from a bad guy's point of view doesn't imply it's ok to do what they do in the movie. Watch Maniac, Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer, Natural Born Killers, The Devil's Rejects, etc.

  • Movies are fictional. What happens there, stays in there. Books, movies, series, it's all fake, unreal and just that.

    Idols aren't fictional. People idolize them, people want to be like them, people follow up in their steps. Many people get inspired by their idols, they become their role models. When an idol sings a song romanticizing sexual abuse, many people might get the wrong impression and think it's completely fine, that it makes you cool and edgy, that it's something which isn't considered bad since hey, it's your favorite idol singing those, right?

    it's all entertainment. nobody is supposed to take entertainment seriously. some idol singing about being in love or some rapper rapping about the doing drugs and having a lot of "hos" is just meant for diversion. whether it's true or not, it's none of anyone else's business

  • if you're romanticizing ideas that are known to be offensive to people and can directly link to a historical event that may have importance to a group of people, its not appropriate to create pieces based on that without being the affected party or knowing how it feels to be apart of that. what might be a joke to you can be someone else's trauma.

    as for horror scenes, those are purely fiction. they're not meant to represent/portray events that have happened accurately because it is known to the audience as fake, and the people watching have every right to click off at any moment they feel uncomfortable. and even if they're based on true events, its not stretched out and made to seem like its okay to do in real life. as you know, these scenes are portrayed as gruesome and inhumane.

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