an observation of AKP behaviour

  • So after that fiasco yesterday I’ve had a lot of thoughts that I needed to place somewhere so I’ll just do it here.

    If it’s in the wrong section, feel free to move it mods.

    To give a little information on what happened to those who missed the ‘drama’:

    A few threads were made to discuss the transphobic and homophobic remarks toward Jimin of BTS on twitter. Some of these threads were made in poor taste, others were a bit better formulated.

    What I did observe in both these threads, one had this as premise actually is how often AKP users, I’m using a generalizing statement here but I’m aware it’s not all, use these types of issues to either blame x fandom for always being problematic or simplifying the issue to x fandom playing victim.

    I’ve called a few users on their behaviour in those threads for doing exactly that but I want to add that I’ve also seen a lot of people play hypocrites. Calling out users for the same reason I did, while I’ve seen them do the same for their own group in the past. Some of you really need to learn some damn self awareness.

    The last thing I want to add is the derailing within these kind of threads. There’s no serious discussion to be had on AKP because of either people trivalizing the issue or derailing these threads to the point the issue is just entirely lost. Meanwhile people who take offense to this issues, or who have a need to have this discussion are either being overlooked or talked over, don’t even get me started on the complete disregard of users who experience these issues in their daily lives.

    This has been said many times, and I doubt something will change. But I’d rather mention it anyway, on the small change one of you might reflect on yesterday.

    Disclaimer: this is not about ONE fandom because I have seen users across ALL fandoms on AKP doing this.



    Edit:I also dont know how to watch threads, I’ve learned it now

  • I wasn't online for the past few days, but I didn't have trouble understanding what you meant because the same thing happens in different degrees in almost every thread that's even remotely controversial (mind that they didn't have to be)

    Unnecessary and meaningless is an exaggerated understatement when it comes to the comments some users on here make- I don't know why or how many think that blaming entire fandoms would ease out issues- it never has, and it never will. Call out people for the mistakes, not their communities ffs, it makes no sense

  • I don't understand why fandoms have to be mentioned especially when bringing in twt drama. I'm 100% sure all fandoms have pathetic people in them with history of doing similar shit.

    Being a part of the fandom doesn't mean that you inherit specific personality traits :suure:

    All bringing in fandom names does is cause fanwars instead of focusing on the issue.

    Not to mention the hypocrites who cry about people generalizing their fandoms and then do the same for others.

    People need to look above fandoms especially in more serious discussions.

  • I think the root for the problem is the extremely obsessive, over the top parasocial attachement many fans feel toward their kpop faves. Their whole lives revolve around their faves and their fandom's identity. That's why they take everything related to their faves and fandoms so seriously, to the point they will downsize and weaponise real life issues as long as they can victimise themselves and vilify rival fandoms. I have seen my fair share of users going to war for their fellow fans even when the latters are obviously in the wrong, just because they belong to the same fandom. It's ridiculous how many people put fandom affiliation over any and everything else. You are automatically an enemy if you belong to a rival fandom and you are a friend if you stan the same artist.

    We're all humans before being kpop fans, weaponising and diminishing sensitive real life issues just to get back at a fandom we don't like is definitely not worth it.

    About derailing, i think i am in friendly terms with some people who are notorious for constantly derailing threads and i don't want to point fingers at any one in particular but i really wish they would stop or tone it down a bit. The state of derailing in the forum is getting out of hand and in some cases in come off as really insensitive when done in threads addressing or dealing with sensitive issues. I am sure there are tons of threads in the forum where everyone can farm akorns to their heart's content.

  • The last thing I want to add is the derailing within these kind of threads. There’s no serious discussion to be had on AKP because of either people trivalizing the issue or derailing these threads to the point the issue is just entirely lost. Meanwhile people who take offense to this issues, or who have a need to have this discussion are either being overlooked or talked over, don’t even get me started on the complete regard of users who experience these issues in their daily lives.

    This paragraph is very true. Whataboutism, dismissing everyone who disagrees as a stan with various dismissive terms like oppalogist, being dismissive in general (Can't take a joke?), etc - all are rampant on threads that try to broach serious subjects.

  • I think the root for the problem is the extremely obsessive, over the top parasocial attachement many fans feel toward their kpop faves. Their whole lives revolve around their faves and their fandom's identity. That's why they take everything related to their faves and fandoms so seriously, to the point they will downsize and weaponise real life issues as long as they can victimise themselves and vilify rival fandoms. I have seen my fair share of users going to war for their fellow fans even when the latters are obviously in the wrong, just because they belong to the same fandom. It's ridiculous how many people put fandom affiliation over any and everything else. You are automatically an enemy if you belong to a rival fandom and you are a friend if you stan the same artist.

    We're all humans before being kpop fans, weaponising and diminishing sensitive real life issues just to get back at a fandom we don't like is definitely not worth it.

    About derailing, i think i am in friendly terms with some people who are notorious for constantly derailing threads and i don't want to point fingers at any one in particular but i really wish they would stop or tone it down a bit. The state of derailing in the forum is getting out of hand and in some cases in come off as really insensitive when done in threads addressing or dealing with sensitive issues. I am sure there are tons of threads in the forum where everyone can farm akorns to their heart's content.

    About the derailing part, I’ve done it myself as well and I’m friendly with a few users that do it too. Generally I’m not bothered by it, but like you said in threads where the topics are sensitive and serious it does come a little across as insensitive and it helps the actual discussion die.

  • those kind of threads just go around in circle with people accusing each others of things they themselves have done and they're just full of AHAH gotchu moments, they're easily the worst bits of these forums. people are way too attached to their fandoms, they just get tunnel vision and lose focus of the real issues.

  • About derailing, i think i am in friendly terms with some people who are notorious for constantly derailing threads and i don't want to point fingers at any one in particular but i really wish they would stop or tone it down a bit. The state of derailing in the forum is getting out of hand and in some cases in come off as really insensitive when done in threads addressing or dealing with sensitive issues. I am sure there are tons of threads in the forum where everyone can farm akorns to their heart's content.

    I definitely agree with this too and I am not absolving myself of any guilt in doing this as well. I get that they want to lighten the mood at times, but not all topics are meant to be easy ones to talk about.

  • It's impressive how quickly a thread about derailing and making light of issues ended up with a post that was exactly that. I think that serves OP's example quite well

    Anyway whataboutism is all too common here. Not all blinks, armies, multis, etc. are toxic and out to get your faves. If you generalize to that severe an extent I don't know what to tell you because perhaps if you looked around you'd see that a lot of members of these fandoms are actually quite nice

    𝒮𝐻𝐼𝒩𝑒𝑒 - 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 - 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓇 - 𝑀𝑜𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶 𝒳 - 𝒯𝒳𝒯


  • Transphobia? For laughing at the fact that an obvious cis man was called a biological woman? LMFAOOOOO. Shut the fuck up.

    You're on their block list, please abstain from further conversation - it will be one-sided.

    As to the labels... Labels like that are personal and best left to the individual to let us know how they want to be labelled.

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