I wanna hear your opinion on this issue

  • It's kinda a hot topic in my country right now

    The police here has an offcial facebook account where they talk about cases (anonymously ofc) so they published this and some other details and at the end of the post they wrote "we advice women to not go out after it gets dark for their safety" ...the thing is sunset here is at 15:50 these days ... :facepalm:

    Do you find their advice appropriete? I know it was meant well but how the heck am I supposed to not go out after it gets dark when it's dark most of the day?? Women gotta return from work, from schools, go fetch their kids or just do some sports after work because gyms are closed here again due to lock down

    Tbh it'd be better for them to say something like "we'll add more police cars to the streets and will try to come up with ideas how to protect women and punish the criminals like this guy" I know that would be an utopia huh but c'mon

    Oh and I live in the EU for the records (a nugu country called Slovakia lol ) ...it's not considered to be a dangerous country

    What do you think of the issue? Is it being blown up over a wise advice or was what the police wrote inappropriate?

  • They should definitely do someting to prevent such things to happen (as in, making the place more secure, safe, educate people, punish the people that make assaults, etc.), but definitely not say 'we advice women not to go out in dark'... Sounds as if if you go out, it's your fault.

    (not to mention it's winter, like you said, it's dark in the middle of the day already)

  • They should definitely do someting to prevent such things to happen (as in, making the place more secure, safe, educate people, punish the people that make assaults, etc.), but definitely not say 'we advice women not to go out in dark'... Sounds as if if you go out, it's your fault.

    (not to mention it's winter, like you said, it's dark in the middle of the day already)

    ikr? I'd still somehow understand if it happened like at 1 am but it was after 5pm :facepalm: it's not even night

    maybe they should have written "let's write an open letter to the EU to keep the summer time so it's not dark so early during winter" ^^

    but for real, I'd love summer time during winter :pepe-sad:

  • ikr? I'd still somehow understand if it happened like at 1 am but it was after 5pm :facepalm: it's not even night

    maybe they should have written "let's write an open letter to the EU to keep the summer time so it's not dark so early during winter" ^^

    but for real, I'd love summer time during winter :pepe-sad:

    Yeah, and even then, I think this advice: not to go out is really not it. Like I feel like if they said: be careful, have your phone with you, be careful where you go etc, or say something like that, would be ok, but not to go out?

    Ah same, I would also prefer summer time through all year...

  • It's a complicated issue. They obviously can't put a police officer behind every citizen. I think they should have invited people to be extra careful rather than telling them to stay home past sunset. Like Henri Ducard would say: always mind your surroundings.

  • I think it's a bit different because kids shouldn't interact with random strangers because it is dangerous and it is not something they need to do...they can go around their day either way...on the other women can't stop going out when it's dark because it's simply not possible

    I understand your point tho...I realise they meant well but their wording was really bad...if they at least said "we advice women to avoid dark places and to not go alone if it's possible" would be fine imo ....but to sum it up as "don't go out when it's dark" wasn't really the smartest way to go around it

  • It's a complicated issue. They obviously can't put a police officer behind every citizen. I think they should have invited people to be extra careful rather than telling them to stay home past sunset. Like Henri Ducard would say: always mind your surroundings.


  • They've got to be kidding.

    Not going out after dark? And how am I supposed to get to work/back home? I work from 8 am (when it's still dark) to 6 pm (long after sunset). And because I can't afford a car each way is a 45 minute walk. Should I just quit and starve?

    It just isn't feasible.

  • Yeah, and even then, I think this advice: not to go out is really not it. Like I feel like if they said: be careful, have your phone with you, be careful where you go etc, or say something like that, would be ok, but not to go out?

    Ah same, I would also prefer summer time through all year...

    yup I agree...there're obviously not bad intentions behind the post but it's an offcial police account so maybe they should hire someone who can word things better than that :teeheek:

    I don't think the countries of EU can ever agree which time ^^ it's gonna stay like this forever lmao

  • Maybe certain messages are lost in translation, but the more politically correct thing to say would be:
    "For your safety, it is best to avoid going out late if possible."

    People don't like being told what to do, so phrasing that comes off as a suggestion rather than a requirement is more effective.

    I disagree, I don't think it's a big issue what they said, I wouldn't riot or something because of it hehe, but would just roll with my eyes if someone says to me not to go out to be safe.

    Why would they suggest not going out in otherwise safe country withouth much criminal (I'm assuming, op has to say how it is). I think they should say something in lines: this and this happened, we want you all to be safe, so be careful, we suggest you to always have phone with you, don't go out alone if you're going to the place where there is no people, have someone with you etc.

  • even tho I'm your neighbour (I live in Poland)

    the only thing that I know about Slovakian strange places is Lunik IX

    but if this happened in Bratislava or Kosice then I'm kind of very surprised

    because I overall thought that you guys there have very safe country

    oh my goood Lunik IX noo xD I live at the west part of the country so there aren't issues like Lunik IX here ....it's not wise to go to Lunik IX even during daylight tbh :sweatr:

    yeah I think it's overally safe but not nearly as safe as Japan or SK for example

    even in my home town (Trencin) there was a stabbing incident a few month ago when a girl was jumped fr by a psycho with knife who stabbed her multiple times...I felt pretty unsafe after hearing it tbh so scary

    so it really depends...I think Poland is similar in the regards of safety? :whatr: what do you think? do you consider it to be a somehow safe country?

  • yup I agree...there're obviously not bad intentions behind the post but it's an offcial police account so maybe they should hire someone who can word things better than that :teeheek:

    I don't think the countries of EU can ever agree which time ^^ it's gonna stay like this forever lmao

    Yeah, at this point it's going to stay probably haha.

    (I don't want it to go all back to 'normal' - winter time even in the summer, so in this case it's better if it stays haha)

  • Yeah, at this point it's going to stay probably haha.

    (I don't want it to go all back to 'normal' - winter time even in the summer, so in this case it's better if it stays haha)

    exactly ^^

    to think the sun would be coming up at like 3:45 in June uff terrible and I love long summer evenings when sun is still up at 8pm so nice :borahae:

  • I'm also from EU country and I would consider it very safe. Most of the criminal acts actually happen here between people that know each other and they have personal agendas to hurt someone. Which is terrible... But in those cases 'not going out at dark' doesn't help...

    Honestly, I always walked alone in the dark, even in capital or at countryside. And I always felt safe.

    But something also happened once, that made me be more cautious, I took a cab during night and the driver wanted to take me to some dark alley instead to my dorm. I started screaming at him and went out. I was terrified and didn't even remember to look at license plates, I just cried. I told my friends to be careful and if it's possible to not take a cab alone...

  • that's a beautiful castle! I love this kind of places, wow!

    well the thing is I live in Silesian Metropolis, which has about 2.3 mln people

    it's like a chain of cities which were much less connected in the 70's-80's but now they grow up and expanded in a way that many times it just feel like they're merged, just like you would be in different district or neighbourhood.


    so the biggest problem is when you would be wearing your fav football (soccer) team outfit/scarf/hat, and you would encounter people who are fans of different team :D

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