I hear people chattering about Aespa not getting certain award nominations. Well, didn't I tell you that NGG title was important if you want ALL the achievements? Obviously Aespa will be recognized for their success, but if they wanted to go to the 'next level', having the country as a whole recognize you opens more doors. They literally had back to back hit comebacks just like SNSD did with Gee and Genie but unlike their predecessors, they have yet to receive the national blessing. The unfortunate thing for them is that the NGG title is still up for the taking by others, including yet to debut girl groups. As a RV fan, I've seen it happen

So y'all finna gonna listen to me when I say it was important for Aespa to get NGG title?
"y'all finna gonna..."
What does ^that mean?
"y'all finna gonna..."
What does ^that mean?
shorthand for “will you all finally going to”
shorthand for “will you all finally going to”
.. That's not what.. finna.. nevermind.
Are people really still obsessing over the NGG title?
No. NGG doesn’t seem to just be about success, but also a specific type of group, usually more cutesy and less edgy (so probably none of the current girl crush groups.) This isn’t a knock on cute or girl crush groups, merely a note that there is a pretty specific template and style that seems to earn that moniker. aespa doesn’t fit into the GG/Twice mold. RV might have fit into that slot style and music wise and chart wise, particularly with their red songs, if Twice did not exist. However, Twice dominates from a sales, chart and digital perspective, as well as fitting that template and style.
I didn’t think groups generally got rookie and best group noms in the same year (except for Wanna One), so I’m not sure why people are surprised here? Is it that many are new to Kpop?
.. That's not what.. finna.. nevermind.
So it's not finally? Good to know.
K-Pop School of AAVE
he's tryna play the part like Moses
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